The biggest thing that keeps me motivated/confident

CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
First, my story:

I tried C25k last year, and quit after "failing" the W4 runs over, and over and over again. I just allowed myself to stop running and told myself "It's okay, you can try again next time." The next time, I'd think, "Well, I couldn't do it last time, so it's okay if I can't do it today"and would stop again. The cycle continued until I happened to get sick and tweaked my knee, after which I just quit and never looked back.

This year, I decided that I was going to tackle (and defeat) this running thing, once and for all. I've always greatly admired runners, and even with such a small sample size, I was still wildly impressed at the effects my feeble attempts at running last year had on my body. I started up again, refreshed and ready, and even as I approached that terrifyingly high hurdle of W4, I'm somehow in a better place mentally than I was last year, and have so much more faith in myself. I don't allow myself to become panicked and afraid - I just keep going, just keep breathing, and suddenly it's time to walk again.

I smashed through the W4 glass ceiling last Monday, and it was amazing. I have made it through every single run so far, and don't intend to stop now. Tomorrow I will run the 20-min stretch in W5D3, and I will not fear.

Now, for my secret - what keeps me motivated is a DEADLINE. The reason I don't fall back on "tomorrow" is that I simply don't have time for it. My husband and I are going on vacation a mere five days after I'm due to graduate the program, so while I have some wiggle room to push a run back, I don't have time to be making multiple attempts and throwing down less than my best. I started this thing, and I intend to finish it before my vacation, come hell or high water. I'll be bringing my gear along for runs while on vacay, but I'd love to be able to complete my "vacation runs" with my own music, on my own terms, and being finished with the podcasts that have been so helpful to me. Does that make sense?

Anyway, that's my secret, and my suggestion. If you're having trouble staying motivated or having enough faith in yourself to believe that you CAN do it, even when it gets hard, set a deadline for yourself! Maybe a 5K race, or a mini-vacation/ weekend away - anything to keep you on track and keep you accountable to yourself. If I can do it, so can you! :)


  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I have a similar attitude .. Sometimes it's a bad thing (GET BACK HERE SO I CAN CHECK YOU OFF MY LIST!) but not when It comes to being active!

    I'm also motivated by having a kid along with me... I'm so busy encouraging him that I don't have room to be discouraged for myself :) and seeing him succeed is just as rewarding.

    Sorry for getting cheesy there...
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm on my 2nd time doing C25K. I completed W6D2 yesterday. I did it last summer, and followed the advice of the people who said to go as slow as you have to in order to finish the workouts. One of my friends told me to "just keep your feet moving" so that's the mantra I had running on repeat through my head, especially during W5D3. This year I'm finding I'm able to go a little faster. I'm in better shape overall,and I remember the mechanics that took me weeks to figure out last year.