DittoDan's Blood Work Results 6-18-2015



  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    Question about coming off the meds. How did you convince your doctor that it was your diet that brought things down so that he would take you off them? I am certain that as my numbers improve my doc will probably credit the meds and not the diet, and therefore insist I keep on taking them! I don't think I can quit them cold turkey - might be dangerous. I have already had one doc say 'why would you want to stop taking them if they are working?' SIGH. If the meds were working I would have had better numbers BEFORE I changed my diet!

    Anyway, congrats on your numbers, and it is Vitamin D3 that is best to take to increase serum levels. I take 10000 IU a day, and up it to 15000 IU when I am fighting a cold in the winter (haven't needed to do that since going LCHF, tho).
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    You are amazing. Your determination is inspiring.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Question about coming off the meds. How did you convince your doctor that it was your diet that brought things down so that he would take you off them?

    First , every med I took myself off of, was after hours and hours of reading for years. I understand how they work and know what they do to your body. Google is my friend.

    Secondly, I ALWAYS tell my doc's what I am doing and they all agreed with me. They love the fact that I know what I am talking about. Most patients trust everything their docs say. I am a skeptic and I have my own built in second opinion because I have done the research.

    If you blindly trust your doctor, I want you to watch this video, and tell me what you think:

    First Do No Harm, A video that shows how the Ketogenic diet cures epilepsy. Meryl Streep

    Diabetic doctors know that lo-carb diet will cause their glucose level to lower. Its a medical fact that if you don't eat the carbs, you HAVE to eliminate your diabetics meds or you will go low on your sugars levels, you could die, especially if you're on insulin.

    Doctor's also know that if you lose weight, your blood pressure will go down.

    Doctor's may not know how bad Statins are (just google it). They may help carb eaters, but once you stop eating the carbs, Statins are a waste of money.

    Diabetic doctor's use an approach that if the patient improves (even if the patient doesn't follow the doc's advice), they'll back off. Everything I have done with my diabetic med's are sensible and work, don't eat carbs, watch your sugar levels = don't need meds. Diabetic meds do not cure the cause, they cure the effect of eating too many carbs. So if you go to the root cause of elevated blood glucose levels (eating carbs) your body doesn't need the diabetic meds ~ don't eat the carbs.
    I am certain that as my numbers improve my doc will probably credit the meds and not the diet, and therefore insist I keep on taking them! I don't think I can quit them cold turkey - might be dangerous. I have already had one doc say 'why would you want to stop taking them if they are working?' SIGH. If the meds were working I would have had better numbers BEFORE I changed my diet!

    Well I can't tell you what to do. But it depends on the med you're taking. What are the exact meds you are taking? Are you a diabetic?
    Anyway, congrats on your numbers, and it is Vitamin D3 that is best to take to increase serum levels. I take 10000 IU a day, and up it to 15000 IU when I am fighting a cold in the winter (haven't needed to do that since going LCHF, tho).

    I just ordered some, I don't think they are that high. That sounds pretty high. I am a "minimalist" when it comes to medicines. In other words, I don't take mega-doses. I also only take meds I show a deficiency in. I am going off the Metformin this week and I will check my blood glucose levels. If they bump up 25 or more points, I'll keep using it. But, if it makes no difference, it's history....

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto

  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    The toxic levels of D3 are over 40,000 IU a day, but lower levels such as what I take could become a problem for folks under 200 pounds. However, I still have a ways to go before I am under 200! Anyway, I am feeling no ill effects at this level (I also drink no fortified milk so I am not getting any D from there) Apparently I have never had my serum D levels tested, I just read that MOST people are D deficient. I suppose to be safe, I will see if I can have it checked and lower my dosage. My pills are 5000 IU (liquigels - so they cannot be cut) and I take 2 a day, so I basically would be dropping by half if I cut one out.

    Anyway, looking over my past blood work, I realize my cholesterol that I have been told is TOO HIGH, never went over 239! Too me, that is not too high. If I remember correctly, that was acceptable before the PTB decided 200 was the new upper limit!

    As for my meds, I am on metformin 1000mg, 2x a day and Lisinopril 5mg 1x a day. I have lost a little over 25 pounds since April and I saw my doc in May, where we made no changes to my meds. I see him again in August, by which time I hope to have lost over 10 pounds more. My morning BG readings are hovering around 120-125 most days, but during the day I know they drop below 100 (at least on my meter) so I hope to see an A1C of less than 5.6 (it was 5.7 in May).

    Sorry this is so long. :blush:
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited June 2015
    Anyway, looking over my past blood work, I realize my cholesterol that I have been told is TOO HIGH, never went over 239! Too me, that is not too high. If I remember correctly, that was acceptable before the PTB decided 200 was the new upper limit!

    I was hesitant to tell my mother when mine was over 200. I just told her it was high, and she told me not to worry unless it hits 300! Apparently most people in our family have high cholesterol, but nobody ever dies from cardiac issues. I maintain that everybody's cholesterol is high because we've all been eating crap we don't do well with and the cholesterol is trying to fix that, but that's just my theory...

    (Anyway, guess who's now on statins? MOM. And complaining about all the side effects of them, but won't believe the statins are causing them because she's taking a very low dose. Grrrrr.)
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    The toxic levels of D3 are over 40,000 IU a day, but lower levels such as what I take could become a problem for folks under 200 pounds. However, I still have a ways to go before I am under 200! Anyway, I am feeling no ill effects at this level (I also drink no fortified milk so I am not getting any D from there) Apparently I have never had my serum D levels tested, I just read that MOST people are D deficient. I suppose to be safe, I will see if I can have it checked and lower my dosage. My pills are 5000 IU (liquigels - so they cannot be cut) and I take 2 a day, so I basically would be dropping by half if I cut one out.

    Anyway, looking over my past blood work, I realize my cholesterol that I have been told is TOO HIGH, never went over 239! Too me, that is not too high. If I remember correctly, that was acceptable before the PTB decided 200 was the new upper limit!

    As for my meds, I am on metformin 1000mg, 2x a day and Lisinopril 5mg 1x a day. I have lost a little over 25 pounds since April and I saw my doc in May, where we made no changes to my meds. I see him again in August, by which time I hope to have lost over 10 pounds more. My morning BG readings are hovering around 120-125 most days, but during the day I know they drop below 100 (at least on my meter) so I hope to see an A1C of less than 5.6 (it was 5.7 in May).

    Sorry this is so long. :blush:

    Lisinopril: I used to take that stuff, but dropped it. Please note about Blood Pressure (BP). My best friend is a Physician Assistant. Talking to him AND Google, its a well known fact that a person should sit still for (5) minutes prior to the test. Every doctor I have had (many) ~ do not follow this basic procedure. They cuff you the minute you walk into the room. Did you notice that I didn't include my BP in the results? I did this purposefully because, as usual, the PA at BOTH my doc's office (family & endo) did not let me sit still for 5 minutes. I'm not going to scold them. I have a BP meter, and I used to check ALL the time. If I set still and was relaxed watching TV, my numbers would be in the normal range. If I walked to the kitchen and back, they would go to the "borderline" high or on the low side of the High range. So, at my last doc visits, as usual, they cuffed me the second I sat down. Then the PA says I am a "little high", I say, "yeah I know, if you were to take the reading after I set still for 5 minutes it would be in the normal range." They then agree...but they don't want to delay the doc visit, they want to make money shuffling through as many patients they can each day.

    Metformin. I take 800 2X @ day. Metformin helps your cells become less insulin resistant. Glipizide (another very popular diabetic med I was taking) causes your pancreas to excrete more insuline. Insulin is the hormone in your body that lowers your glucose level and causes your body to store excess glucose as fat. Since the purpose of my diet was to lose weight, I didn't want more insulin, I wanted less. So to take meds that increase insulin what counterproductive. So that was a "no brainer" to stop taking ~ along with the two other insulin's I was taking in large amounts daily.

    As you further lose weight, everything will improve. I hope that happens for you...keep us posted....

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric Surgery! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs

  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited June 2015
    Twibbly wrote: »
    Anyway, looking over my past blood work, I realize my cholesterol that I have been told is TOO HIGH, never went over 239! Too me, that is not too high. If I remember correctly, that was acceptable before the PTB decided 200 was the new upper limit!

    I was hesitant to tell my mother when mine was over 200. I just told her it was high, and she told me not to worry unless it hits 300! Apparently most people in our family have high cholesterol, but nobody ever dies from cardiac issues. I maintain that everybody's cholesterol is high because we've all been eating crap we don't do well with and the cholesterol is trying to fix that, but that's just my theory...

    (Anyway, guess who's now on statins? MOM. And complaining about all the side effects of them, but won't believe the statins are causing them because she's taking a very low dose. Grrrrr.)

    One BIG reason I stopped taking Statins, was that one of the side effects was memory loss. Being 58 years old, I was experiencing this to a large degree, so much so, that I actually looked up online "Alzheimer" tests. It was ridiculous. I was losing my mind. Since on Keto and off statins, my memory is improving to a noticeable level. But please note, that it isn't like I was when I was 20 years old. I still struggle ~ as do all over-50-years-old do.

    For a frightening list of the side effects of statins, look at this website:

    Mayo Clinic ~ Statin side effects: Weigh the benefits and risks

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Should You Use a Kitchen Scale to Weigh Your Food?
    Should a Person Have a Food Diary for the Keto Diet?