Bedtime Hunger - Quick snack suggestions?

AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
Hey there,

I'm getting really hungry around bed time (such that I can't get to sleep). My default snack is sunflower butter, but the calories (and maybe the polyunsaturated fat intake?) are making it hard for me to lose weight. (By the way, I'm not perfectly Paleo, just aspiring). What are lower calorie, not super expensive, filling snacks? I've got avocados, and hard boiled eggs so far. I can't eat more dinner because I'm usually saving it for lunch the next day.

Just curious what other Paleo folks who are trying to lose weight are doing!

Thanks much!


  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    edited June 2015
    I make fat bombs, a combination of coconut oil, shredded coconut, and carob powder. Not a whole lot of carbs to interfere with weight loss metabolism, and the coconut oil actually revs your metabolism into higher gear, or so I've heard. I've found I get hungry around bedtime if I haven't had enough fat for the day.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Olives are my snack of choice lately.

    What are you eating for dinner? Maybe up your fat intake at dinner-- adding a tablespoon of coconut oil maybe?

    I worked with a dietitian familiar with the Paleo AIP and keto diets. She recommended I eat a tablespoon of coconut oil at each meal, in addition to an extra fat serving (12 olives, a tablespoon of coconut butter, half an avocado, etc) at each meal and snack. I try to keep my carb intake low, at 50gm/ day or so, mostly from 6-8 cups of low-carb veggies a day. I'm tuning into problems of not being hungry and forgetting to eat!