


  • JessiBelleW
    JessiBelleW Posts: 822 Member
    edited August 2015
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    It amazes me, here on MFP, the vitriol that greets any paleo or primal post in the main forums. They're incensed that you might eliminate one or more categories of food. I don't see vegans getting jumped on the same way. Or are they, and I just haven't noticed?

    Who decided to make cereal grains a whole food group anyway?
    It's basically just grass seed and yet it get's a whole group.
    I eat all kinds of seeds, and I still get plenty of carbohydrates from more nutrient dense plants.
    Yet apparently my diet isn't "balanced" because I don't eat poptarts.

    I don't even like poptarts! Toaster struddles on the other hand....... glad I'm not in America So I can walk past them with ease!
    Edit as poptarts changed to poplars by autocorrect
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    "Who decided to make cereal grains a whole food group anyway?"

    The US GOV did, with the help of bad/UNTESTED science back in the 1970s…a whole NATION was told to eat grains, support the agribiz industry..and the "eat meats and fewer carbs" diets went out the window.

    Many women >50 know how bad decades of low fat dieting was for us….so LCHF/Paleo is a sweet revenge..I am glad there IS an answer that works.

    I am still tempted by pastries…and since I live alone I am spared being tormented by others. But even a TV ad can cause cravings sometimes.

    There is a funny comment in the LC world that applies to Paleo too... it is from Fight Club movie" the first rule of Paleo is DON'T talk about Paleo"…because most people will start slinging so much flack and ignorance!!!

    The MAIN reason most people will balk at accepting Paleo is FATS..we are so conditioned against it it will take another 30 years before this WOE is accepted in general. too late for so many, but not us..we know better.