Office lunches and snacks



  • vjambois
    vjambois Posts: 39 Member
    I'm just getting started on this diet so I'm still hungry often. I make a protein smoothie in the morning and I make a batch of egg muffins with some mushrooms, spinach, bacon and a bit of cheese. I put 2 per baggie and freeze them, then just microwave them when I want them. These are my anytime snacks and have only a few carbs.

    Congrats on your new job!
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    I keep a can of mixed nuts and individual peanut butter packets at my desk. I also love Moon Cheese and Mr. Cheeseos, but I've been laying off the Cheeseos' because they are higher carbs, thanks to the quinoa. Also beef jerky.

    I bring sandwiches for lunch using low carb bread from the Great Low Carb Bread Co. Just 2 net carbs, so not too bad!

    I am a newbie and still trying to find my way around this new way of eating. These sound fantastic as I love cheese. Thanks for posting.
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    Teneko wrote: »
    I have a special rocket fuel latte for breakfast and don't feel like snacking because I'm sipping my fatty coffee all morning.
    For lunch, I tend to have stuff I prepared the night before (my work does have a microwave), or a combo of deli meats and cheeses.
    I discovered a couple prepackaged salumi and cheese "to go" packs that I can grab and go when I am feeling super lazy. That really helped me.
    This is the brand I picked up at Trader Joe's:
    I can't find a link to the one I picked up from Sprouts, but it was awesome because it had sopressata, provolone, and olives. Mmm...nice treat.
    Have to be careful with the prepared meats, though, because they often have additives and are usually very salty.


    Yummy I will have to look to see if we even have a Traders Joe in my area, this looks like something I would enjoy.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Just be careful with the nuts if you're a newbie. They are surprisingly high in carbs if you eat more than a couple. I don't find them an adequate snack at the amount you're supposed to eat, and can't justify the carbs.

    I generally take a BPC (just butter and coconut oil blended in) in a travel mug (Avex - stays hot for 5 hours, keeps me going til lunch).


    Salami and Ricotta, or
    Pate Pod (50g) and Cream cheese tub (40g) with some pickles, or
    3 boiled eggs and some whole egg mayo, or
    A bowl of bacon, or
    Hard cheese, pickles and come cooked meat
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Just be careful with the nuts if you're a newbie. They are surprisingly high in carbs if you eat more than a couple. I don't find them an adequate snack at the amount you're supposed to eat, and can't justify the carbs.

    Same here. I used to use ground almonds for everything when i was medium carb Primal/Paleo - id bake all the time and eat paleo substitutes for SAD favorites like Pizza, Bread, Cake, Cookies, Pie, Breaded Chicken/Fish, etc. I was totally sugar-free, using only artificial sweeteners/sugar alcohols and pretty much everything else i consumed was low-carb, but those daily doses of ground almonds really bumped up my carbs (and calories) significantly. Just dropping the nuts helped me get down to pretty much low-carb. I had to try a bit harder to get down to keto :)

  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    My current job has a salad bar so I am in luck. I get a salad with grilled chicken for less than $1. I just hope the chicken isn't too processed.

    I used to have a refrigerator that we all shared and I claimed the meat drawer. I brought in my lunch for the week on Mondays: bagged salad greens, boiled egg yolks, pre-measured meats (chicken, roast beef) and I kept tuna, olive oil, ghee and peanut butter in my office. I used to have a bottle of flaxseed oil in the fridge too when I was eating that.

    There was a Whole Foods near me so sometimes I would get something from the carving section like lamb or turkey as a treat.

    Congrats on the new job! I was just tentatively offered my dream job too. I hope they have a refrigerator!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Stuffed peppers freeze really well in individual containers - you may want to try that with your peppers!
    I also batch cook, but I freeze things so I don't get bored of eating the same things over and over. I like soups, stews, chilis, curries, meatballs, etc. just cook, portion, label and freeze. You can grab one in the morning and you have an awesome homemade lunch.
  • ambergem1969
    ambergem1969 Posts: 224 Member
    Great thread! I'm getting lots of good ideas too!

    I tend to plan dinners for the week and cook quantities that allow me to eat leftovers the next day. If I don't have enough veggie left overs I'll throw the meat on top of a salad.

    I tend to avoid snacking but have brought hard boiled eggs or dill pickles (helps with the afternoon lull) in case hunger strikes.

    I don't eat breakfast at home, but bring my blended smoothie to work with me and have it mid-morning after my coffee wears off.

    And I drink TONS of water. So much so that on the weekends I find I get thirsty because I'm not travelling to meetings with my water.
