Ketogenic Summer

MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
I am a teacher. Yesterday was the last day of school. I have decided to do a ketogenic experiment for the summer.

I have been off and on Primal (Paleo light) for almost 5 years. During that time I played around with keto a few times.

This time I am going to eat cleaner, more along Paleo lines. (no dairy)

I have been reading "grain brain". My main goal will be a consistent low fasting blood sugar. Weight loss would be appreciated as well. I hope that I can get a handle on my BED which has been flaring for 6 months.

I will be writing my experiences on my mfp blog. Feel free to friend me if you are interested in joining in or just following along.

This post is a public declaration of intent. The fact that others now know my plan may help me when things get tough.


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It's really not that bad, plus if you adapt to it now, next year will be awesome for you. No more getting hungry during class, no more worrying about when you'll be able to eat lunch (if you'll be able to eat lunch) during the school day. If you have meetings or other emergencies arise during your "free time" during the day, you can handle when without concern about how you'll also manage to eat.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Good luck! We'll be here for you! :smile:
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    BED--- I deal with this, too. I feel SO GOOD eating low carb-- it has helped me avoid binges because I know how unbelievably crappy I will feel if I binge. I have been doing Keto for almost three weeks now. I had my first total blow out in the last few days-- started Friday night and ended yesterday. Not the greatest, but before I went low carb, I was bingeing much more frequently and then restricting to avoid weight gain. I felt NUTS. I am feeling a lot more "even" overall. I really like feeling good-- and this is helping me steer clear of binges sometimes. It is not a cure or anything, but I am feeling hopeful. :) Best of luck!