6/28/15 Day 9

catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
Hope you all had a great Day 8 ! So here we go with Day 9 ! So any special plans for your Sunday??? I have to go to work, oh what fun!! I have done my treadmill and saw my episode of GRIMM. I need to select another TV series to watch next. I have so many to choose from!!

So today I am going to try and get more water in and make better choices of food...staying away from processed food and sugar and flour products!! This is going to be tough!!

Hope you all have a great night's sleep coz that is very important!! And then have a great Day 9!


  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Hi all

    Sorry if i was a little abrupt last night. I was EXHAUSTED. I slept 6pm-7pm, 730-830pm then 9 til 730 this morning. Feeling a bit brighter today. Was planning on a long post last night too but just wasnt up to it.

    Am also a little worried I have shin splints or a stress fracture in my shin. Its been painful as heck since coming home from my run thursday, even painful to the touch along the edge of the bone then today I knocked it on the weights bench at the gym and nearly hit the roof. Gonna try a cpl days of ice and brufen and not train tomorrow and see how I am Tuesday. But as for the challenge I have trained 6 days running now and still managed to bench 55kg for 2 reps today. As my one rep max is 60 I am quite pleased with that

    Foodwise the in laws took us out yesterday and I was worried about it but I ordered the veg risotto and ate light morning and evening as well as working out and came in under cals. Today we went to the chinese buffet for lunch but again am eating light and working out and hoping to roughly end up if not under cals then under maintenance. Will weigh in tomorrow and decide where I am going next then

    Hope you are all ok
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    edited June 2015
    BTW to the person who asked about Battleropes its an awesome class my gym does where you use the ropes as resistance weights, you can do big slams, small slams, alternating arm slams, waves, rotations, jump squats with the rope, star jumps with the rope, theres loads of different moves. It feels like you arent doing much but by the end of the class you can barely lift your arms its a huge all body workout and makes you SWEAT like buggery
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday was a sleepy day for me too, Lise. New med for back makes me so dopey! I swear I stared at the wall all day with my mouth open and drool trickling out.

    Nancy, how did you do with your carbs? Remember, progress, not perfection!

    Today is cold and rainy here in Maine, ugh, BUT my sister is due to arrive this evening and will stay for two weeks! So Happy!

    cat pestering me... more later...

  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think it's my anti depressants that make me so tired and sleepy as I'm on two lots. Coupled with night shifts, ongoing fight with depression, anaemia and not being a morning person anyway and I'm.always tired to some degree. Even now I could cheerfully have a nap I just fight it for ages then have to reset like yesterday. Gets me down a bit but what can you do. Hope your backs a little better now.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Well, my day is coming to an end. About 15 more minutes...til my 6pm deadline to eat! Karen, I actually did well today..believe it or not. I re-charged my Fitbit Flex...which I have not used for months and months. I got over 10,000 steps in overall today! Not bad. I stuck within my calorie goal and even burned some by walking so much. I just need to google salad dressings! Will do that later!

    Lise, totally in awe of the workouts you do!! Great job!!!

    OK folks, going to call it a night soon!! Day 10 tomoro!!!

    xoxox N
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Nancy, well done! What a terrific day for you!

    I'm having a tough time moving today--stupid nerve pain running down legs and no vicodin left--but Jim just brought me two ice packs to lie on and a protein shake. My plan is to finally get out of bed and SHOWER, and get on with the day. Exercise in the lake would be easy if the temp wasn't 55 with pouring rain! No way I am going to the gym. Will make do with stretches.

    Lise, I am also in awe of your workouts!!!

    I have to confess--Friday I took a sneak peek at the scale instead of waiting for the end of the challenge, and I hadn't lost a pound! aaarrgghhhh! I know, I know... lots of reasons why it hasn't moved... but I really felt defeated like all my challenge work was for nothing. I know that's crazy, and I should NOT give the scale so much power! Staying off it for a while is probably smart.

    Anywho, that's my ramble.

  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    YEP...Stay off the scale Karen...put it away. i did because the numbers were moving in the wrong direction, so I am putting it away for a month...which is unheard of for me to do that! I was getting depressed with looking at it....will see how long I can stay away from it!! Don't get discouraged...our weight fluctuates with fluid, salt, etc, etc...you know the drill! lol

    Hope you get to feeling better today Karen...stretching sounds good. How about Yoga?? Would that help you stretch some more?? I wish I could send you some warm weather from here!! suppose to get up to 111.2 F today!!! BLAH!!!!!!

    My issue believe it or not is trying to get more sleep. I can't seem to sleep more than 6 hours max. Even on my days off with no alarm clock set! I know this sounds trivial in comparison to what you and others are going thru. I have read that you need to get a sound and good amount of sleep to help with weight loss and for other health issues. Yesterday I used my fitbit plus and for sleep it said I was in bed for 6 1/2 hours and I slept for 3 and 1/2 ! I know this is why I yawn at work!!! I stopped taking Benadryl as it was making me groggy at work for some reason.

    Catch up later....getting ready to get on the treadmill and watch GRIMM!!