Stuck on the scale!

logicboy101 Posts: 2 Member
Folks this has been a long journey. Possibly, many of you have faced similar with the scale. But I just can't get over the hump. I'm 178-180 all the time. I'm cleaning up my diet, I'm doing my workouts but I'm stuck. My goal is 165 so It's close. What do some of you do to break the level. I'm new on this forum and putting in my calories may make the difference, but I'm really being honest on food and diet now for 2-3 weeks. I'm committed fully. Doing cardio and weights 5 times a week. Thoughts please... and many thanks!


  • MandaLeigh123
    MandaLeigh123 Posts: 351 Member
    edited June 2015
    How many calories do u eat per day?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    With that type of workout frequency program, you may benefit more by having body at no deficit for time to time.

    Though you are obviously eating at TDEE now, the difference is, is it suppressed or potential TDEE you are eating at?

    When was the last time you lost weight, how much, and when was last diet break while losing weight?

    So food logging is accurate per weighing what you eat?
    Since calories is per gram, not spoon or cupful.

    How about the logging of exercise, since taking a deficit from what you burn means you have to have the burn side decently accurate too?

    And how much deficit do you think you are taking, or attempting to, with that little left to lose?