June/July 2015 Challenge ~~ Jun 29th - Jul 5th



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    edited July 2015
    Got our walking done this morning with Bean and that is all! Well, straightened the house up, did laundry, read. I have 7.75 miles and16,918. I'm good with that.

    Strange weather today...

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Hey Clara, How do you like my diet plan? Not pleasant is it, but I lost four pounds. :tired_face: Hope you're feeling better now!

    Shelley, Have a wonderful day giving your fish a beautiful new tank world. Fishy independence day. :sunglasses:

    Nonslacker Kathy, What a wonderful workout! Isn't it nice to have a passion that is also so healthy!

    Chris, What a life! Retirement sounds blissful!! mmmm...

    A co-worker took me bicycling at lunch today. Brought me her spare bike and everything. :smiley: "It's like riding a bike, you never forget" - maybe not, but after not biking in 20+ years and on a small bike (she's 4" shorter) - that sure made it a challenge. Watch out - wobbly old lady coming thru!

    ...Riding down beautiful coastal trails, cool ocean breezes, good company. Marvelous day.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    Paula and Clara...no more being sick. I think that's a rule somewhere...

    Kathy...two hours of tennis is monster! Good job!

    Shelley...fish update, please! Oh, I love the pink flower!

    DDD and SIL are on their way to Oregon for the Shakespeare fest...I think it's the Shakespeare fest. Anyway they will return Tuesday, so we have Bean for the weekend!! Fun!

    We got five miles done with Bean this morning then I did KCM's kettlebell DVD again...I like it...then our challenge, then another challenge and now I'm having lunch. I have some shopping to do, I might just get on the recumbent and watch GOT w/DH later...and that is pretty much my Friday!!

    I hope you are all having a great time!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Chris you are right. I looked and found the rulebook. Right next to the yearbook. Says you may not be sick on days ending in "y". But I hope Clara is good for a few years now. Ok, fish. I found the tiny, baby, yellow one. I may not of mentioned it. But it is doing well. The fire fish is no longer hiding under the rocks. And miss Gilligan looks almost totally healed. Swelling is down also. So she looks like she is on the mend. :smiley: Tomorrow the new tank comes indoors!

    Chris great job on the workout. Should get some muscles just in time for baby holding. :blush::wink:

    And Kathy, Chris is correct, that is a monster workout! :smiley:

    Paula totally awesome going! And I could never bike at the dog park. I would feel guilty the whole time having left them behind. Muahaha.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    edited July 2015
    Shelley - a kettlebell workout...

    There is an exercise thread that a guy is doing... the title of his post is '10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout". This is the addy he gives for the workout. https://www.t-nation.com/workouts/10000-swing-kettlebell-workout

    Sample Program

    Day 1

    10 Swings
    Press 1 rep
    15 Swings
    Press 2 reps
    25 Swings
    Press 3 reps
    50 Swings
    Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times.

    By the end of the workout, you'll have completed 500 swings and 30 presses.

    Day 2

    10 Swings
    Dip 2 reps
    15 Swings
    Dip 3 reps
    25 Swings
    Dip 5 reps
    50 Swings
    Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times.

    By the end of the workout, you'll have completed 500 swings and 50 dips. Remember, for dips you're using a 2-3-5 rep scheme, not 1-2-3 as you do in other lifts.

    Day 3: Off

    Day 4

    10 Swings
    Goblet Squat 1 rep
    15 Swings
    Goblet Squat 2 reps
    25 Swings
    Goblet Squat 3 reps
    50 Swings
    Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times.

    By the end of the workout, you'll have completed 500 swings and 30 goblet squats.

    Day 5

    10 Swings
    Chin-up 1 rep
    15 Swings
    Chin-up 2 reps
    25 Swings
    Chin-up 3 reps
    50 Swings
    Rest 30-60 seconds; repeat 4 more times.

    By the end of the workout, you'll have completed 500 swings and 30 chin-ups.
    Day 6: Off
    Day 7: Off or begin the cycle again.

    If you begin the cycle again because you want to use the program 5 days per week, remember to do only the swings during one workout per week.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    No Chris no! It could get boring. And you are doing them with Kelly. :smiley: And what is with the chinups? You could do them, but not repeat all the reps. I have quite a few DVD workouts to kettles. Some I like, some not so much.

    The tank is in the house! :drinker: The guys had not even left when my son called me. He does cleaning on rentals when they check out. A family left a 55? Gallon aquarium and most of their belongings in a house. He wanted to know if it could be moved or if he should just flush the fish. WHAT? Kill the fish? Is he nuts? So we packed up our hoses, nets, 5 gallon bucket with lid, 25 & 32 gallon Rubbermaid drums and went to help them move it. Tank is nice. Stand, canister filtration even. Cichlids, very bright colors. Most 4-5 inches long. Moved a decoration out to keep the fish from hiding in it. There was a 6-7 inch plecostomus hiding under it. There is even an underground filtration system. Helped them set it up. Tank was about 10 inches low on water. So they came over and got some from us.

    We still have to pour some concrete stones today. 91° right now. Hmmm, think I will wait until this evening.

    Hope everyone is having a great Independence day.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    Shelley...I do agree with you about this workout...not for me! I can do KCM's and be happy! :p Although not today, since I did it yesterday. I have some kettlebell workout DVD that I haven't opened yet!! :o So did your brother get the tank w/fish and all? How cool! It sounds expensive. Why would they leave it? Too much trouble to take it I'm guessing.

    Got our miles done this morning, though. Our temps are in the 90s, too!! I go out there every once in a while to check...hot, hot, hot!! So far I have 6.02 miles and 13,154 steps.

    My weight is up 1.6 pounds from the 1st of June. I have a doc's appt the 30th...must get back down. :s

    Hope you are all having a blast! :D

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    They broke up. Divorce upcoming I am guessing. And my son cleans/maintains rentals on the side. They left almost everything. Even the kids toys. How sad. His significant other, live in girlfriend, is really excited over the fish. Not sure if I went up. Seems I did not track it well. :#:* I will do better this month!

    I have been outside quite a bit. Chasing shade! Now open up that other DVD and let's get serious. Because the doc will know! :laugh:

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Hey guys, I was doing great today - BBQ chicken at the 4th celebration and no desert. But then got home and started nibbling and went way over. I think the only reason my weight is stable is because I keep getting sick. Oh well...

    So sad to hear when people are having a hard time. Glad those fish got a good home.

    Best wishes to all.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Paula that is not the way to stay stable! No getting sick. Yes it is good the fish have a new good home. I to think it is sad that the family is now broken up.

    My Cooper is gone. The grandkids left the back gate open. He had to have run because of the continued fireworks late into the early hours of this morning. I am so sad over this. We now have a way to lock it when they come over. Some will be angry, but I do not care. I have friends who work for metro, the local pound. So they are keeping their eyes and ears open for him.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    I have him home again! My friend from metro had a call of a small dog running by the old coffee house. He called and said he was in the field but would not come to him. So we jumped in my vehicle and went out there. It was Cooper! :smiley: He is covered in foxtails. Under his armpits are the worst. So I have a few hours of grooming ahead of me to get them all out. They are already digging into his skin! :'(:'(

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    Oh, Shelley, I'm so sorry about Cooper. Has this ever happened before? :'(

    Paula...Please follow the Rule Book...no getting sick any more.

    I have 5.52 miles and 12,054 steps so far today...at the end of a good book...37 pages to go...must go now...


  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Shelly I hope u find Cooper soon!
    I'm doing better so I will try not to break the rules anymore!
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    I am up to try out the kettle bell challenge.

    Spent the holiday with family. Had a nice cookout and played some bocce. Walking and a 7mile bike ride with hubby today. Still can't seem to get past this eating thing. just doing it outta boredom and i know it. Maybe sys too over the grad party that is coming up this Sat
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    This used to happen all the time. It is why we built Coopers wall two years ago. He would be gone for up to a week. Always sore footed and in need of hours of grooming. I pull those nasty Fox tails out of his fur and skin. He had over a few hundred this time. And he is tired, thirsty and hungry. I feed and water him. Give him a pain killer then get to work pulling all them nasty things off him. Then brush him out good. He has Addison disorder. His adrenal glands do not work right. Chris DDD might explain it better than me. Well now the back gate will just be locked when the kids come over.

    Clara and Chris Thanks for the kind thoughts. Going to work would have really stunk without him. But now he is safe. :)

    Now Chris I hope the ending was great. ;) Nice steps in for today.

    Clara so glad you read the rule book finally. B)

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper!!!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,429 Member
    Shelley ... YAY! Puppy's home!! So glad!

    The ending was really good...not even what I expected! I like that. Thanks for the cheer!

    Lynnette...I hope you are talking about tomorrow's kettlebell challenge and not the one I posted for Shelley on the first page of this thread...tomorrow's is doable! :p

    Clara...rules are rules, now...no more messin' around.

    Paula...Love your pom pom cheer!

    TTYL, my friends,
