Weight Gain on Meds

Quiing Posts: 261 Member
Hi guys.

It's been three weeks since I was diagnosed and started my medication for T2 (metformin 2000mg/day and glipizide 5mg/day) and I have GAINED 10 POUNDS.

I was not on any doctor prescribed medication prior to this diagnosis, and I have changed my eating habits drastically to improve my blood sugar since the diagnosis. Has anyone had this problem before?

(My doctor is currently on vacation so I wanted to poll with you guys to help build my case so I can tell her about it all when she gets back)


  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    Yes I'm dealing with the same thing,I've gained 20lbs since starting my insulin and it's so frustrating. I was able to maintain my weight with exercise but I hurt my knee and foot a few months back and able to workout and the weights crept up on me. My dr wants me to start on victoza which is supposed to help lower blood sugar and weight loss but it comes with some bad side effects. I'm going to talk with a dietician and see if I can get some weight off with their help first.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    Weight gain? Sure, I take a ton of meds that's why I have 140 lbs to lose. :( The orals work on getting the sugar to the cells but the insulin still stores fat. I'm giving LCHF a try, so far so good, but today I don't feel good and my bg#s are up.