What changes have you noticed since Low Carb



  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    -My hunger levels have dropped to normal
    -Not Hangry anymore
    -I don't constantly have to take Advil now, my joints aren't inflamed
    -I can eat rich foods that I love
    -I can water fast with ease
    -I don't feel bloated anymore
    -My diabetic drug usage is all but gone
    -I have lost 92 lbs easier than any LOW FAT diet that I have tried
    -I have lost 14 pant sizes, two shirt sizes
    -I can skip breakfast and not worry about "the most important meal of the day" NOT!
    -I can eat all the salt I want (I LOVE salt)
    -I can pour butter on all my veggies as much as I want (fat police be damned)

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet Updated
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    * Healthy blood pressure for many readings (was consistently high)
    * Lost inches
    * ZERO cravings
    Downside: Still very low energy- researching and working on tweaking diet and supplements to improve this. Especially important since I start a new job in two days that will be very challenging.
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    My skin, hair, and nails look fantastic.
    I can go for longer periods of time between meals and not feel grumpy or jittery
    Normal energy...even after a night of fitful sleep due to a sick child
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    -Rapid weight, hopefully mostly fat, loss. It has slowed down, but I'm still losing.
    -Very diminished hunger, can be really flexible about mealtimes, easy to resist previously tempting foods
    -Losing inches, looking more toned
    -Enjoying some really tasty, satisfying foods
    -Reduced dependence on caffeine, without really trying
    -Fasting is really doable
    -Figured out electrolyte balance, and I think I'm eating pretty nutritiously overall
    -Able to sustain moderately difficult workouts
    -I think I'm setting a better example for my family

    -My menstrual cycle used to be very regular, now I might have skipped a whole period
    -I'm bruising more easily
    -I'm seeing more spider veins (capillaries) in my legs
    -Leg pain, not cramps. Not sure what's going on there. Could have nothing to do with LCHF, for all I know.
    -Energy levels are almost back to optimal, but not quite. Some days are pretty low energy, some are great.