Low calories, LC and filling foods



  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Hi Knit!

    I think I'll try to take a nap today and see if that helps. :)

    I second that....

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Using pork skins to scoop up egg salad is very filling! When I have it for lunch I hardly want anything for dinner.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited July 2015
    toadqueen wrote: »
    Another LCHF idea is a teaspoon of nut butter. Unsalted natural peanut butter has 32 calories, 1 g of carbs, 1 g of protein and 3 g of fat. It is usually enough to take the edge off for me. Macadamia nut butter is outrageous both in taste and cost but worth the indulgence now and then.

    Dont mean to be negative, but bwoy, 1 tsp nut butter would definitely not take the edge off hunger for me! 1 tbsp wouldnt even touch the sides! Once i start eating nut butters i crave more & more. I used to snack on PB or Almond Butter, but didnt find it conducive to losing weight. YMMV though.

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited July 2015
    Using pork skins to scoop up egg salad is very filling! When I have it for lunch I hardly want anything for dinner.

    Pork skins are REALLY high calorie too. Snacking on those sends my calories through the roof (and then comes the weight gain). Love them to bits but on a low-calorie allowance there is very little room for such calorie dense snacks (unless you have a super small portion - and then it probably wouldnt fill you)

    Can you tell that i am hungry and tried all these options and failed?! Cheese is another bad one to snack on imo if you're on low calories. Neither pork skins, cheese nor nut butter are low-calorie or filling in small portions to me, and they can cause over-eating.

    I tend to have an egg coffee for a snack if im hungry (literally a large black coffee blended with 1 raw egg). The fluid volume helps to fill you, along with the fats & proteins in the egg. I also tend to go for a large black coffee with 1 tbsp HWC if my tummy rumbles between meals - again, its the volume of fluid, and then the creamy taste satisfies you a little, along with the bit of fat. I will also snack on a couple of celery sticks with Franks Hot Sauce sometimes, if i feel like something solid to crunch on. The fiber takes the edge of the hunger a little. Other than that a little chunk of meat left-overs (roast pork/lamb/beef/steak) is what i will grab if i have some to hand. Or a hard-boiled egg. Although its usually coffee with cream and/or egg lately. Its quick, easy, tasty & i tell myself im having a full BPC, which is a meal (even though it isnt), just to try to trick myself into feeling less denied lol.

    BUT i would say, it is starting to dawn on me that when you are on very low calories there are always times you are going to feel hungry, and sometimes, if you want to lose weight, you have to decide to put up with the hunger until your next meal time, or consciously decide to go over cals and not lose weight. Frankly i NEVER have a spare 200-300 calories for a truly filling snack, and im not prepared anymore to keep putting myself through low calories all day to ruin it all by going over calories for the sake of one snack. It would be great to be able to have 3 full meals and 1 or 2 satisfying snacks a day and to feel full all the time, but i cant have my cake and eat it - if i consume enough food to satiate me, i dont lose weight. Simple. If i want to lose fat it looks like im going to have to be a little uncomfortable at times. I suppose that's life - nothing worth doing is easy and there is always a pay-off for anything desirable.

    Im in a bit of a hangry mood atm, as you can probably tell, but i just wanted to share that to lose weight some of us have to really come out of our comfort zone, and overcome the need to have a comfortably full belly all the time. Im, tired of trying to discover this magical food that will fill me up, not send me over my carbs, and not add many calories. Fact is, low-carb high-fat food tends to be high in calories, so a small snack can really add up.

    I would say that low-carb/keto does satiate you more than if you ate the equivalent daily calories of higher carb foods, but let's face it, if your calories are really low, hunger will come calling at some point (mine is every other day - i do great on 1 day of 1000 cals, but next day im starving and have been snacking and raising to 1200, then next day i feel strong enough again to drop back to 1000). Its frustrating though because on my low calorie days i lose weight, great!... then the next day when i snack and raise my cals slightly to 1200, i gain it all back! So this is why im starting to think that some of us dont have the option of snacks or full satiation whilst losing weight.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    If I eat properly at meals, I don't snack. And I was a chronic snacker before.

    Sounds like you might want to focus on not drinking your calories, even with the fat in them, because it isn't sending that "full" signal to your brain. I would focus on your coffee black and sweet or with the egg, but not cream unless like 1 TBSP, because I think that once I shifted to having full meals with the bulk of my calories, I was a lot less hungry for snacking.

    I do more calories at breakfast (due to my coffee) and dinner, and I tend to keep lunch lighter, just due to time and convenience. It might be worth focusing more of your calories on your meals and less on snacks...because most of the time the snack won't be needed.

    Also, if you read the thread going here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10204955/help-please-what-am-i-doing-wrong#Item_31

    You'll see that there is an entire discussion around the fact that calories that low might stall out your metabolism. In general, I see people able to and needing to eat 20%+ more calories on a LCHFMP diet than a SAD diet.... So if 1,200 worked for you on SAD/CICO/Paleo, etc., you sincerely might try bumping up 200 calories for a few weeks to see what happens. If not, you can always go back down to what you know worked before. I have just seen it time and time again where folks have to UP the calories to lose on this WOE...

  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hey Knit babes, were you talking to me?

    If so, ive sincerely tried upping my calories, to 1300-1400, and occasionally maintenance, and the few days i did it i gained weight every day. It freaked me out tbh, as it was going on in lumps of 2-3lbs a day! and so i put my calories back down and the weight started very slowly going down again. Maybe i didnt give it long enough for things to even out, but i couldnt bare to undo all the hard work ive put in this past couple months by gaining everything back, and rapidly. I just cant risk it. Sensibly speaking, my TDEE is apparently 1500 cals, so 1300-1400 cals would only give me a deficit of 100-200 cals. You need a deficit of 500 cals a day to lose about 1 lb a week, apparently, so even if i didnt gain on those higher calories (which i do) i really couldnt expect to lose much with such a small deficit. Im far too impatient for that!

    The general consensus seems that 500 cals deficit per day below TDEE is about right for a slow & steady loss of about 1lb a week. Well, 500 cal deficit works out to 1000 cals a day for me - so i guess it makes sense that i have to go that low to see a decent weight-loss. I suppose theres no way to get around it unfortunately... short of growing a few inches taller (why do i have to be such a midget?!).

    Its still weird though that i GAIN weight at only 1300-1400 cals, as its still slightly below TDEE. It does make me wonder exactly how im managing that? It shouldnt be technically possible.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Yeah, you needed to give higher calories at least 3-4 weeks to work. Did you read the post about the woman who gained weight for 6 months before losing again because her metabolism and such were that BROKEN?
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I second knit.

    I also don't see how you could immediately gain with a single slightly higher calorie day, that sounds like water weight to me. Give it at least a month on at least 1300 calories per day to see. You shouldn't need to be hungry to lose with this woe, I regularly eat less than 1000 cals and am satisfied completely.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Holy moly - no i didnt read that post. Gaining weight for 6 months is out of the question. Hell, gaining for 6 days isnt something i could sit back and allow to happen. Psychologically, gaining weight is hugely destructive for me. I have zero confidence & ive pinned everything on losing weight. I know its a dangerous path, but i CANT fail. I wont allow myself to ruin everything ive achieved and to gain weight. With every pound i lose i achieve something more than just weight-loss - it makes me feel in control of my life, stronger, a winner. To gain weight is to fail, and if i fail at one more thing im scared that i will just give in and not try at anything again. I've been through a lot and this is my way of taking back control of my life & healing myself mentally as well as physically. So you see, i cant afford to go backwards and gain weight. I have too much riding on this. Its a mark of my success or failure in life. The healing abilities of seeing the scale going down - the sense of achievement and validation. I need that. I have a goal and this time i need to achieve it. This time i cant fail!

    Sorry, got carried away there, but basically no way would i dare to deliberately gain weight on the off-chance that my body may decide at some point in the future to lose it again. Its too much of an unknown for me. Theres just as much chance that you'll gain weight and stay that weight, or keep gaining, i would have thought. Far too risky imo.

    Ive come accross the 'eat more to lose more' philosophy, or whatever its called, but honestly im not a believer. To me it seems sensible that calories-in vs calories-out remains relevant regardless of which eating style you choose. I know there are many who believe strongly that you can eat more calories on a keto diet than other eating plans and get the same or better weight-loss results, but im struggling with this concept. So far it hasnt proved to be true for me. I think Keto is great in many ways, and i intend to stick to plan indefinately, regardless. I was having these calorie issues way before i went keto.

    I think what i should do is give the lower calories just a few more weeks to work. Like you said about higher calories Knit, you need to give something a chance for a month or so before gauging its success. Maybe i will feel satisfied with 1000 calories soon if i stick with it.. I mean, when i 1st went keto i was ravenous all the time, no matter how many calories i consumed, but as my body adapted it gradually became satisfied with 1300 cals. So maybe i can become satisfied with 1000 if i stick with it a bit longer. At least im losing at those calories. No pain, no gain, i guess. Im going to give this a better shot :)

    Thanks for listening :blush: *hugs* x

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I just ate a huge salad of baby greens at 9:30 this morning because I was so hungry. I doubt this will last until dinner so I thought it would be awesome if we shared "go to" foods for situations like this. I haven't been so hungry like this since starting the LC 2 weeks ago. The only thing different today is a little less sleep and started taking potassium. It's probably getting less sleep that's making me so hungry.

    I'll definitely be drinking a lot of water today but I'm hoping not to go over my calories if possible.

    So do you have any fav foods that are low cal and LC?


    You're hungry today because you have been 700-900 calories shy for most of the past week or so, and even the times you were over, it doesn't make up for the times you were under (even if you want to say that you only actually burned about half what MFP is giving you credit for).

    Your hunger is going to fluctuate over the course of the week and month. That's okay, as long as the week averages out at a net deficit. One of the benefits of this way of eating is that most people find their hunger signals become reliable again.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I often eat a stalk of celery with my tbs of peanut butter. I eat very low calorie most days because I feel full but I change it up every now and again. I found cycling calories to be very effective for long term weight loss.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    I second knit.

    I also don't see how you could immediately gain with a single slightly higher calorie day, that sounds like water weight to me. Give it at least a month on at least 1300 calories per day to see. You shouldn't need to be hungry to lose with this woe, I regularly eat less than 1000 cals and am satisfied completely.

    I dont understand how/why i gain weight so quickly either, but i do! It could be water weight, but i dont see how raising my calories just slightly, whilst keeping my macros the same, carbs very low, would cause you to gain water weight? As far as i knew, water weight tends to come from higher salt or higher carbs - My sodium & carbs stayed the same on my higher calorie days & i just raised my fats mostly. Its weird to me too, but fact still remains i lose weight when i lower my calories to 1000, and i gain weight when i raise them to 1300. Id love to know why my parameters are 300 cals lower than they should be, but i feel like accepting that's the way it is, because i find it harder to believe that there is a magical opening above 1300 calories where i would start to lose weight again.

    So, you regularly eat less than 1000 calories, Sweetteadrinker? Did you feel hungry at 1st? How many calories were you eating before that? What's your height/weight & activity level? Sorry for all the Qs but it's great to find someone who is successful on 1000 calories. Are you actively losing weight?

  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member

    So, you regularly eat less than 1000 calories, Sweetteadrinker? Did you feel hungry at 1st? How many calories were you eating before that? What's your height/weight & activity level? Sorry for all the Qs but it's great to find someone who is successful on 1000 calories. Are you actively losing weight?

    No hunger, that's why I eat so little. I eat when I'm hungry now, and still end up under 1000 lots of days. Before that (starting keto) more like 1400. I'm 5'2", 143.2 pounds, I'm either incredibly active(load 250 lbs bales of hay onto an ATV, move 50 lbs bags of grain for the goats, chase goats, milk goats, 15000 steps per day+ etc) or sedentary (injured or stuck in class all day). And I am actively losing weight, but it's slowed down because I'm close to maintenance, still about 1.5 lbs per week average. You can look at my diary, be aware that the past few weeks are not good examples of logging as I've been at the county fair exhibiting my goats.

    Please do note that I lose more rapidly when I am closer to my cal goal, around 1200 minimum, but there are days where I can't bring myself to take care of putting up goat milk and cooking dinner-the milk always wins.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited July 2015
    You're similar build to me, Sweettea - im 5ft to 5ft1", 128 lbs. That's really encouraging. How long have you been on very low cals? It seems to be working great for you. Off to check your diary, thanks. x
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Holy moly - no i didnt read that post. Gaining weight for 6 months is out of the question. Hell, gaining for 6 days isnt something i could sit back and allow to happen. Psychologically, gaining weight is hugely destructive for me. I have zero confidence & ive pinned everything on losing weight. I know its a dangerous path, but i CANT fail. I wont allow myself to ruin everything ive achieved and to gain weight. With every pound i lose i achieve something more than just weight-loss - it makes me feel in control of my life, stronger, a winner. To gain weight is to fail, and if i fail at one more thing im scared that i will just give in and not try at anything again. I've been through a lot and this is my way of taking back control of my life & healing myself mentally as well as physically. So you see, i cant afford to go backwards and gain weight. I have too much riding on this. Its a mark of my success or failure in life. The healing abilities of seeing the scale going down - the sense of achievement and validation. I need that. I have a goal and this time i need to achieve it. This time i cant fail!

    You really need to talk to a professional about these feelings and emotions. This sort of emotion is well past bordering on disordered eating. Losing and gaining weight shouldn't be this important to anyone.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Using pork skins to scoop up egg salad is very filling! When I have it for lunch I hardly want anything for dinner.

    I wish I could come up with something for dips that are not pork rinds or celery. I just cannot make myself like them lol.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    If you eat cheese, you can shred it and bake little piles of shreds in the oven until they are crisp. Very yummy.
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    Sugarbeat wrote: »

    I wish I could come up with something for dips that are not pork rinds or celery. I just cannot make myself like them lol.

    I roll up lettuce leaves into cigar shapes and use that to dip everything. Works very well and mentally reads for me like carrot sticks, not salad, so it feels snacky and solid.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Pickles are Good for dipping
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Holy moly - no i didnt read that post. Gaining weight for 6 months is out of the question. Hell, gaining for 6 days isnt something i could sit back and allow to happen. Psychologically, gaining weight is hugely destructive for me. I have zero confidence & ive pinned everything on losing weight. I know its a dangerous path, but i CANT fail. I wont allow myself to ruin everything ive achieved and to gain weight. With every pound i lose i achieve something more than just weight-loss - it makes me feel in control of my life, stronger, a winner. To gain weight is to fail, and if i fail at one more thing im scared that i will just give in and not try at anything again. I've been through a lot and this is my way of taking back control of my life & healing myself mentally as well as physically. So you see, i cant afford to go backwards and gain weight. I have too much riding on this. Its a mark of my success or failure in life. The healing abilities of seeing the scale going down - the sense of achievement and validation. I need that. I have a goal and this time i need to achieve it. This time i cant fail!

    You really need to talk to a professional about these feelings and emotions. This sort of emotion is well past bordering on disordered eating. Losing and gaining weight shouldn't be this important to anyone.

    I've spoken with professionals many times, as i was in therapy for years for abuse and this topic came up frequently (low self esteem, self-hatred when i gain weight etc) - Fact is i dont have any eating disorders. I've been assured that many times. I just have an innate need to be below a certain weight to feel good about myself. I dont think that is uncommon. Some people are happy to be overweight or unconditioned - i am not. Simple as. I dont think this displays an eating disorder, it just means im self-conscious and happier when im slimmer. And the guidelines of a maximum weight ive set myself are not unhealthy or unreasonable - i dont want to be anorexic, just slap bang in the middle of 'healthy' range BMI. What's wrong with that? You say gaining or losing weight shouldnt be that important to me... well, the way i see it is, if we all found it as important as i do there wouldnt be an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, heart disease & associated health issues with being overweight. I dont think its a negative thing or a mental issue to decide you need to be at a healthy weight. There are a billion reasons for me wanting to lose weight, all of them beneficial. What benefit is there of me remaining overweight, unhealthy & unhappy in myself? I think weight-loss is hugely important to a lot of people. It doesnt signify emotional disorders. Are you trying to say that losing weight is not important to you? I find that hard to believe!