Anyone interested in a rowing marathon?



  • Cikan_Vuz
    Cikan_Vuz Posts: 32 Member
    edited September 2015
    I have rowed many marathons; the trick is to keep it between 20 to 30 strokes per minute, have a towel near by and sip your water every 20 minutes or so. If you have someone to keep the meter running, you can do a quick restroom run too, but I never do. I row alone and at home and have rowed up to 100k a day this way.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    20 to 30 strokes per minute for a marathon?! Good lord... I wouldn't go over 22 s/m for that sort of distance :D
  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thanks BlackLabLover - tracking potassium intake seems to be quite tricky as most foods don't list this, however there appears to be a good outcome at the moment :) I analysed my stroke and I have obviously got complacent as I was overstretching my calves at the catch and going past vertical shins. I also took note of your comment about energy drinks and, although they are only low cal (20/litre) thought it was worth trying. I now consume less than half of my previous amount and this has been fine. So the good news is the feeling of cramps being imminent hasn't cropped up in the last few sessions which included 2x1 hour sessions, 2 half marathons and 2x25km sessions. Great news! Thanks (pleased with that as blackstrap molasses was never going to happen!! :no_mouth:)

    @Cikan_Vuz & @Inkratlet - Interesting; at the moment for my HM, 25km & 30km sessions I row at around the same pace throughout which is usually about 27 SPM (there are occasional bursts if I'm feeling good and want to liven things up, but nothing past 34 SPM). Personally I would see this as sustainable for the full distance, although I may have to change my opinion once I'm into the 30km+ distances!! Will let you know...

    Good luck all :)

  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    edited November 2015
    Well... I DID IT! :)

    Completed my first marathon last Saturday and it went without a hitch. I actually started the session just thinking I was going to do a half marathon but felt really good at that point and, knowing I had plenty of time, thought I'd continue on for the full distance. It was a great session throughout and there wasn't a point during it where I was struggling - obviously I was on a really good day! I was only slightly achy the next day but nothing major at all. Completed a HM two days later without problem.

    Looking back it seems I had inadvertently 'prepared' just about right as the previous two weeks were a bit unusual for me. Although I've been focusing on weight loss this year, for various (good!) reasons I had a much higher calorie intake during these couple of weeks. Also, during the second week I only managed to fit in one rowing session (30km). Without thinking about it, I believe it turned out to be a good prep!

    Some history and stats for anyone interested:

    Rowing started 9 months ago.
    Month 1: Initially I was managing 3 or 4 sessions a week of one hour - approx. 10km
    Months 2 to 4: Completed first half marathon (1:39:22) at end of month 2 and a typical week during this time consisted of 4 x 1 hour sessions (12km to 13km) and 1 HM.
    Months 5 to 8: Typically around 3 x 1 hour sessions (14km) and another 2 or 3 sessions which would be either HM, 25km or 30km
    Month 9: Typical week was 4 x HM and a 25km or 30km session (and one 3/4 marathon).

    Total metres rowed since Feb 2015: approx. 3,500,000

    Full marathon stats (completed last day of month 9):

    Hour - 13719m
    1/2 Marathon - 1:34:12
    25km: 1:51:46
    30km: 2:14:13
    3/4 Marathon: 2:21:47
    Full Marathon: 3:10:45

    Rower used: First Degree Fitness E316 Fluid Rower - Level 6
    Stroke rate: 27 spm
    Fluid consumed: 1 litre low cal energy drink

    Current supplements: Betaine, Casein mid morning, #Shatter SX-7 pre workout, Whey post workout

    So pleased to have completed my first one and hope to make them a regular thing now!

    Hope that's of interest and good luck everyone!!


  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    edited November 2015
    As I haven't got my own thread (!) I thought I may as well post another update here...

    Completed my second marathon today! :)

    Since the last one I have completed:
    3x hour sessions
    10x half marathon (the norm)
    3x 25km
    1x 3/4 marathon

    However, for one reason or another I haven't rowed for the last four days, so coming into it this morning I felt pretty fresh and thought it was worth trying the full distance again.

    It went fairly smoothly, although I have to say it was a little harder this time as I seemed to lose concentration (edit: that's probably the wrong word as my better rowing comes when not 'concentrating'... it's more like 'failed to find my rhythm') between 22km and 32km. Once I was over that though finishing was not a problem.

    Full stats for this marathon:

    Hour - 13368m
    1/2 Marathon - 1:34:41
    25km: 1:52:49
    30km: 2:15:46
    3/4 Marathon: 2:23:43
    Full Marathon: 3:09:32 PB

    Rower used: First Degree Fitness E316 Fluid Rower - Level 6
    Stroke rate: 27 spm
    Fluid consumed: 0.6 litre low cal energy drink

    Current supplements: Betaine, Casein mid morning, #Shatter SX-7 pre workout, Whey post workout

  • Bud_
    Bud_ Posts: 116 Member
    Well, what a busy few days...

    Three days - three marathons!!

    I won't bore you with any more after this but thought I may as well post my stats for these and just say that once the first one was over they get much less frightening - I didn't even mean to complete the one today as I was only aiming for a HM but just kept going!

    Third FM
    Hour - 13182m
    1/2 Marathon - 1:35:38
    25km: 1:55:19
    30km: 2:17:43
    3/4 Marathon: 2:25:24
    Full Marathon: 3:15:02

    Fourth FM
    Hour - 13004m
    1/2 Marathon - 1:37:52
    25km: 1:56:53
    30km: 2:19:39
    3/4 Marathon: 2:27:46
    Full Marathon: 3:16:12

    I now hope to make these a reasonably frequent part of my program (but not this frequent!).

    Good luck everyone B)
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    not bored at all.
    fantastic report of full marathon journey and beyond....
    i am envious and seriously impressed.