Hi, I'm new here.

FatStephanie15 Posts: 54 Member
The names Stephanie. I've always, for as long as I can remember, had a tendency to binge, but I'm just realizing in the past couple months or so how truly bad it is and that I honestly May have an eating disorder. I've never thought that of myself, because I EAT! Boy, do I eat. I don't purge or fast. Just binge. Almost nightly. I go to bed every night miserable and nauseous and then the cycle starts all over. I'm just beginning to see where this habit formed and how it got where it is today and I am going to start looking into therapy options for the uninsured next week. Happy to have found a group of people who are or have been in the same place as I am. Realizing it's this big an issue has been extremely difficult and eye opening.


  • ellemarie231
    ellemarie231 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there! My name is Elle, and while I'm not too active on the boards I wanted to welcome you and share a little about myself.

    I have had an up-and-down relationship with food (primarily sugary foods) since about middle school--I'm now 26. I've been anorexic and bulimic more times than I can remember, and I still struggle to lose and maintain a "healty" weight.

    So while I have yet to "face all my demons", knowing where your urge to binge stems from is crucial. So good on you for seeking out therapy options :)

    My advice once you find your "triggers" is to revaluate your lifestyle/dietary consumption habits, and find a ways to reduce those triggers and/or remove yourself from the not so beneficial surroundings that cause those triggers.

    Best of luck!

  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    You have my support too. I think posting here was a brave thing to do to acknowledge that you may have a problem. I did not see therapy but read some self-help books that were recommended in the forum. I cannot remember the titles or authors but they are probably listed in the introduction. What helped me the most was to first keep my trigger foods out of the house. I live alone so this was easy. Then, I just told myself "no" when the urge hit and I either went to bed or sought out company to divert myself. I am still obsessed with food but I no longer have the urge to binge.

    I wish you all the best.
  • SamC_2015
    SamC_2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too. I'm Samantha (Sam), and I'm a "textbook case" of binge eating disorder. I meet all the criteria, and it's a daily struggle. I was overweight for nearly 10 years, but the serious binge eating began in 2008. I have adhered (as best I could) to a strict diet over the last few months (though I've certainly cheated and had "accidents") and lost a lot of weight. I'm now at my goal, but I'm having a really hard time maintaining it. Each binge eating episode upsets me terribly and makes me feel like I've set myself back a week.

    Trying to learn how to overcome this thing. I'm disgusted with myself for letting my life be ruled by food and cravings and fixations on eating. Really happy to find this group here.
  • FatStephanie15
    FatStephanie15 Posts: 54 Member
    Also, I have to say your MFP name makes me sad.

    It was a pitch perfect reference. Not ment to be sad or self depreciating, I swear. Fat Amy was already taken.