First Ever Bulletproof Coffee!



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    Ive been adding 1 large egg along with a pinch of cinnamon & pinch of pure vanilla bean powder to my BPC lately and im liking it much, much more. Finally i can go until dinner with just 1 BPC with 1 egg in the morning. Today it wasnt even difficult - i genuinely wasnt hungry until 5.30pm - and that is a serious breakthrough!

    Doesn't the egg start to cook? I'm got a really gross visual of a coffee with bits of scrambled eggs floating around in it.

    I did that with a protein powder in a oo hot of coffee - it curdled. Yuck.

    Have you ever made custard? The coffee isn't boiling, which would cook the egg. I do my mixing in water bottles, and I shake the egg before I had my hot beverage. And I might have a little big of white crap (the connecter to the shell) that doesn't blend, but I just pour it through a strainer into my mug.
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    Ive been adding 1 large egg along with a pinch of cinnamon & pinch of pure vanilla bean powder to my BPC lately and im liking it much, much more. Finally i can go until dinner with just 1 BPC with 1 egg in the morning. Today it wasnt even difficult - i genuinely wasnt hungry until 5.30pm - and that is a serious breakthrough!

    Doesn't the egg start to cook? I'm got a really gross visual of a coffee with bits of scrambled eggs floating around in it.

    I did that with a protein powder in a oo hot of coffee - it curdled. Yuck.

    I do a cold version, and I just wait for the coffee to cool before I add it to my cream and egg. But I also make mine the night before and stick it in the fridge. Unfortunately, it doesn't keep me full until dinner like Coconutty, but I find it yummy and about the only way I can stomach eggs. I hate eggs. LOL

    If you're not adding the egg hot, are you sure you're killing the bacteria? That's the main reason for adding it to hot beverages...
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    Ive been adding 1 large egg along with a pinch of cinnamon & pinch of pure vanilla bean powder to my BPC lately and im liking it much, much more. Finally i can go until dinner with just 1 BPC with 1 egg in the morning. Today it wasnt even difficult - i genuinely wasnt hungry until 5.30pm - and that is a serious breakthrough!

    Doesn't the egg start to cook? I'm got a really gross visual of a coffee with bits of scrambled eggs floating around in it.

    I did that with a protein powder in a oo hot of coffee - it curdled. Yuck.

    I do a cold version, and I just wait for the coffee to cool before I add it to my cream and egg. But I also make mine the night before and stick it in the fridge. Unfortunately, it doesn't keep me full until dinner like Coconutty, but I find it yummy and about the only way I can stomach eggs. I hate eggs. LOL

    Ive found the days im busy i can go through to dinner on just the 1 egg in my BPC, but days like today where im just sitting around the house, it only takes me through to lunch. I had to have a 2 egg coffee (no cream/butter/MCT - didnt have enough calories left) for lunch. Plus 2 celery sticks with Franks Hot Sauce. I think its the boredom more than anything, but looks like my busy days will be more successful for v low calories.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Huh. :) I'm learning a lot here. Thanks!

    I've also learned I need to proofread better. LOL
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    Ive been adding 1 large egg along with a pinch of cinnamon & pinch of pure vanilla bean powder to my BPC lately and im liking it much, much more. Finally i can go until dinner with just 1 BPC with 1 egg in the morning. Today it wasnt even difficult - i genuinely wasnt hungry until 5.30pm - and that is a serious breakthrough!

    Doesn't the egg start to cook? I'm got a really gross visual of a coffee with bits of scrambled eggs floating around in it.

    I did that with a protein powder in a oo hot of coffee - it curdled. Yuck.

    I do a cold version, and I just wait for the coffee to cool before I add it to my cream and egg. But I also make mine the night before and stick it in the fridge. Unfortunately, it doesn't keep me full until dinner like Coconutty, but I find it yummy and about the only way I can stomach eggs. I hate eggs. LOL

    Ive found the days im busy i can go through to dinner on just the 1 egg in my BPC, but days like today where im just sitting around the house, it only takes me through to lunch. I had to have a 2 egg coffee (no cream/butter/MCT - didnt have enough calories left) for lunch. Plus 2 celery sticks with Franks Hot Sauce. I think its the boredom more than anything, but looks like my busy days will be more successful for v low calories.

    Boredom definitely makes me feel hungry - it's silly.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Try putting a 1-2 tsp of cacao in your bpc... It is a nice rich flavor, feels decadent without inducing any cravings for me...
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Raw Cacao in BPC is a nice idea. I love good quality ground cinnamon & pure ground vanilla bean powder in mine, but a change would be nice.

    I wonder how many carbs 1 or 2 tsp cacao would be? Off to check :)
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Ugh, 1 tbsp Cacao has 4g carbs.

    How many tsp in 1 tbsp? Is it 3?.... Yes, it is - i just checked google. Ok, well, I suppose 1.33g carbs isnt too bad, for just 1 tsp, if you're really fancying something chocolatey.

    I think id save it for the odd treat though, incase it caused chocolate cravings. Do you find it starts you craving choccies at all? I used to be a real choc-choc addict, and since going keto i've not bothered about it at all, so i wouldnt like to wake the chocolate monster!
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    I use cacao butter instead of the powder in my fatty coffee. It gives a faint chocolate hint without the carbs.
