First Bulletproof Coffee (Repeat post from LCD group)

UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
edited July 2015 in Social Groups
I posted these on the Low Carb Diet group originally, but I kinda think they might be relevant here too...

This morning, 7:30am:

'So I just had my first bulletproof coffee, and by God it was delicious!

I was extremely skeptical about adding both butter and coconut oil to my coffee without anything else - I usually drink it with almond milk. I bought the butter and coconut oil yesterday in full 'I WILL do this low carb thing' motivation, but this morning I was literally debating whether or not to run to the corner shop and buy yoghurt and granola. I just reeeeeeeally didn't fancy an oily, buttery coffee.

In the end I manned up and made it (with 1 tbsp coconut oil and 20g Kerrygold butter) and whizzed it in my smoothie maker blender. It literally took one pulse to transform it into caramel-coloured deliciousness. And it didn't separate after I poured it into a mug and took it back upstairs to bed :) It tastes great, it does leave a buttery residue on your lips but I actually liked that - saves me buying lip salve!

So if there's anyone else who's umm-ing and ahh-ing about whether or not to make it, I would definitely say go for it!

And I just have one quick question for the bulletproof veterans - I bought solid coconut oil, however as the temperature in the UK has been so high recently it was entirely liquid this morning. Should I still use 1 tbsp or more/less?'

Then, at 11:30am:

'UPDATE: Oh dear God. Use this stuff with caution the first time!

Warning - possible TMI following.

I felt great after my coffee breakfast this morning and I was raring to go for my morning Body Pump session. It's about a 3 mile cycle away so I jumped on my bike and headed off. Got there, got into the class, all fine - until about 10 mins before the end. I had the sudden discomfort you get when you're exercising and you need to 'go', you know what I mean? It wasn't urgent so I stuck it out and popped to the loo afterwards, everything was fine and normal...

I got back on the bike to head home, still felt fine, and stopped at a supermarket 10 mins down the road from my house to grab a few bits and pieces. Queuing for the checkout it hit me - ohhhhhh maaaaaaan I REALLY needed the loo! I'd already filled up my basket but ended up just leaving it behind one of those display things - sorry Sainsbury's. I grabbed my bike and pedalled for dear life. I've never cycled so fast - there's a hill just before my house which is quite steep and I normally walk up it. NOT TODAY.

I ran into the house, where I was on the toilet for half an hour making some hideous sounds/smells. Thank God all my housemates are out.

I weighed myself after. I've lost 3.6lbs. I last weighed myself THIS MORNING before drinking the coffee. Admittedly, I probably sweat out a lot of water during the exercise, but still. I feel like I've had a colonic.

I'm sure I've read somewhere that the coconut oil 'lubricates' everything and can cause stomach upset if you're not used to it, so for the love of God go easy at first and make sure you can get to a toilet, just to be on the safe side!'


  • rumptastic
    rumptastic Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, the high-fat, high-fiber combination is dangerous! I believe this is known as the "shotgun blast" :#
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Start with 1 tsp, not 1 TBSP, of coconut oil and adjust slowly.
  • Running_down_a_dream
    Running_down_a_dream Posts: 20 Member
    I think coconut is a MCT and that is probably what got you loo motivated. Ya gotta ease into MCT's