How to create a BASIC Vision Boards for Weight Loss..STEP #5

VisionBoardCoach Posts: 43 Member
edited July 2015 in Social Groups
This is one of the hardest steps in the must ALLOW YOUR GOALS TO COME TO FRUITION!

When doubt creeps in, discard it.. immediately ask yourself what belief is behind your doubt. Identify it, and name it. That's right, give it a name! Charlie ~ Monster~ Beast~ Whatever Works! .. then imagine that you have a balloon in your hand, and put your named doubt in that balloon, then blow it up.. and release it.. give it to God & Universe..

Once this is done.. immediately replace the belief which created your doubt with a new belief! Write it on a sticky note, add it to your vision board... by replacing the old, limited and worn out belief with a new one, and affirming it every day, all day.. whenever it's needed, you can move past it so that as success moves into your reality, you'll be comfortable allowing it, and you won't be emotionally or mentally blocking it.

It's a process.. a journey.