Put weekly discussions here!!

Kelly_Girl Posts: 22 Member
Welcome to the Bod Squad!
Feel free to share what you are checking in about, details about it if you like but not required. The goal is just to track yourself and try to be accountable to your goals and the group.

If you have the time and want to include how the week went and what you feel about it please do. It would be great to know how many weeks you have checked in too.

Cheers to many checkins ahead!


  • yornma
    yornma Posts: 58 Member
    10lbs down so far, starting working out on June 15th. Thank goodness for the gym at work. Change in diet started on June 22. Cut out the bread, pasta, rice and sugar. It's slow steady process. Each day is a new day and after nearly 3 weeks of working out it's more of a habit than a chore.
  • mhoyt717
    mhoyt717 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello I'm just getting started, I'm happy to be a part of this group. I would like to start working on core exercises this week. I have about 100 pounds I would like to loose.
  • yornma
    yornma Posts: 58 Member
    Well... I missed my weigh in this morning. I will find batteries for my scale so I can do it this weekend. How is everyone else doing?
  • mhoyt717
    mhoyt717 Posts: 18 Member
    Well this is great I'm tracking my food & getting some exercise! :) I want to tell you all thanks for all the support. I couldn't do it without you all! This week I'm going to continue on my core exercises & I started the 24 wk challenge & make some better food choices. Good luck to you all! ☺.We can & will do this!