Anyone else doing low carb for their wedding?


I'm getting married 10/30/15 and had about 25lbs to lose. I started out doing moderate dieting and doing workout videos for 30 minutes every weekday morning for the past 3 months but I wasn't seeing much results. I just started low carb/Atkins/Keto/whatever you want to call it this week and it is absolutely amazing! It's Wednesday now and I've already lost almost 3lbs. I feel like this is the best diet I have ever done and it's not hard! I just wanted to see if there were any other ladies or gentlemen prepping for their wedding!


  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    Hehe as my name would suggest - me!! I'm getting married in 11 months and decided to start dieting early as I want to buy my dress in a couple of months - plus I was fed up of being fat! Lost about 29lbs and 13 to go. Good luck to you and stick with it!
  • CoinOperatedKitten
    CoinOperatedKitten Posts: 32 Member
    That's awesome good job!!!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I did low-carb (coincidentally) for my weeding. I started low-carb in October, proposed in November, and got married the next November.

    Here's a picture from the day I proposed. And, a picture from the honeymoon. The astute will notice that both these photos are from Disney. My wife is a bit of a Disney fanatic.492t40ykjiiq.jpg
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    Wow Goat, that's awesome. How much did you lose in that year? Was that pre ZC?
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I lost 22-23 kg (about 50 pounds). I switched to zero carb in July of that year. But, I was flirting with it for months, short periods trying before going back to plants. Most of the weight was lost before June. I have pretty much maintained that weight (minus a couple kg) since then.
  • CoinOperatedKitten
    CoinOperatedKitten Posts: 32 Member
    Wow that is amazing!

    I love Disney too, I live about 20 minutes from the back gate!
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    My husband and I both did LC for our wedding 5 years ago. I lost around 30 lbs and he dropped around 50 in about 3 months. Surprisingly, I kept those 30 lbs off over the years, give or take 10 lbs. Dropped some more on CICO last year. My husband, who'd gain all back and then some, recently was told by his doctor to go low carb, so here we are again! He's already dropped 22 lbs in two weeks.
  • CoinOperatedKitten
    CoinOperatedKitten Posts: 32 Member
    Good job! Men always lose faster sometimes it makes me mad at how fast my fiancé will lose.
  • dtobio
    dtobio Posts: 55 Member
    I WISH I had gone low carb before our wedding. We were both working on "eating better" and being more active before the wedding and we shed a few pounds. I was frustrated that the scale didn't move and I was constantly starving or "sweating for the wedding." I was so tired on our honeymoon (we also had a Disney honeymoon- a cruise on the Fantasy) and now that I've reduced my carbs I have so much more energy and I feel so much better.

    My husband has lost 42 lbs in 8 months while I've lost 12. My clothes fit so much better and I can see improvement in places besides the scale so I'm not complaining but it is frustrating to be 30 lbs behind him. It's not nearly as frustrating as being tired, cranky, and exhausted all the time eating 1200 calories a day and still being hungry all the time while the scale doesn't move at all so I'll take it.
  • CoinOperatedKitten
    CoinOperatedKitten Posts: 32 Member
    dtobio wrote: »
    I WISH I had gone low carb before our wedding. We were both working on "eating better" and being more active before the wedding and we shed a few pounds. I was frustrated that the scale didn't move and I was constantly starving or "sweating for the wedding." I was so tired on our honeymoon (we also had a Disney honeymoon- a cruise on the Fantasy) and now that I've reduced my carbs I have so much more energy and I feel so much better.

    My husband has lost 42 lbs in 8 months while I've lost 12. My clothes fit so much better and I can see improvement in places besides the scale so I'm not complaining but it is frustrating to be 30 lbs behind him. It's not nearly as frustrating as being tired, cranky, and exhausted all the time eating 1200 calories a day and still being hungry all the time while the scale doesn't move at all so I'll take it.

    I hear that! Why do we have to work so much harder than them? lol.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    I kind of am. That's not how it started though. I decided that I was sick of being obese and planned on doing something about it. As I started to lose weight it motivated me to say "yeah, ok, my ring finally fits again, let's move forward with the wedding!" That was in February. We're getting married September 19. I'm down about 30 pounds... have held pretty steady here for 2 months. I had my dress fitting in May and thought I would lose another 10 by the end of July. I haven't lost anything. Oh wait, pride. Hahaha kidding. I started doing this for reasons other than the wedding and I won't be anywhere near goal for the wedding but that's ok. Would it be nice if I was? Heck yeah! But my plan is to continue after the wedding and figure out how to maintain!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    m_puppy wrote: »
    I kind of am. That's not how it started though. I decided that I was sick of being obese and planned on doing something about it. As I started to lose weight it motivated me to say "yeah, ok, my ring finally fits again, let's move forward with the wedding!" That was in February. We're getting married September 19. I'm down about 30 pounds... have held pretty steady here for 2 months. I had my dress fitting in May and thought I would lose another 10 by the end of July. I haven't lost anything. Oh wait, pride. Hahaha kidding. I started doing this for reasons other than the wedding and I won't be anywhere near goal for the wedding but that's ok. Would it be nice if I was? Heck yeah! But my plan is to continue after the wedding and figure out how to maintain!

    Just think about how much happier you'll be with the photos at this weight than you would have been 30 lbs ago. Maybe it's not your dream wedding weight, but it's better than where you started. Plus, you've given yourself an excellent head-start on getting down to your goal weight after your honeymoon (don't even pretend that you'll behave during the honeymoon :wink: ).
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Thank you @FIT_Goat. I only blame myself for the lack of weight loss since the dress fitting. When I put the dress on, one of the seamstresses said, "I wouldn't say this if I didn't think you looked good but (just be aware before you start a sentence this way that anything that follows will immediately negate this) this dress is really meant for someone taller and slimmer with a different body than yours." That statement right there was all it took to send me into an absolute tailspin. I started down a path of feeling like I don't deserve to wear a white dress because of how chunky I am. I started feeling like I was going to humiliate my fiancé by attempting to wear something I had no business wearing. I worried that the guests would all be snickering behind my back about how I should be wearing something else. I honestly considered canceling the photographer because I didn't want to see pictures of myself in this sure to be humiliating dress.

    I've managed to come back from those self-defeating thoughts. I don't have a clue how I allowed a stranger's words to have such a large impact. No matter how many times I told myself that she didn't know what she was talking about or that she just has a different style or that she's old or fill in the blank. It just didn't help. I had to tell as many people as I could and speak about it and rehash it and eventually it just started to fade. I'll see her again in 2 weeks, not any thinner but definitely in a much better place mentally. I now know that I can be completely derailed but it doesn't matter because I know how to get back on track and best of all, I knew how to maintain! Now I just need to work on not letting the comments of others have that large of an impact.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    I pride myself in my ability to kill a thread :D
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    Mr. Whimsy and I are not exactly 'doing it for the wedding' as it is more of a for better quality of life, but it will make the wedding nicer to look and feel so much better.

    And seriously, @m_puppy that lady needs to be fired. No one in a service position should ever say that to a customer. Heck, no one should say that period.
  • CoinOperatedKitten
    CoinOperatedKitten Posts: 32 Member
    @m_puppy That is horrible! If that lady said that to me I would have gone off on her! Yes, I agree she should be fired! You can wear whatever dress that YOU like and that YOU feel comfortable in. That's it! Wow that really made me mad, lol.

    You are going so good though and I know it gets hard when something like that brings you down but you just need to keep on keepin' on. :)
  • KRPolo
    KRPolo Posts: 56 Member
    @CoinOperatedKitten- congrats on your upcoming wedding! I am just restarting LC myself in preparation for a wedding sometime next year, although we haven't even set a date yet. This is both of our second (and last) wedding, so I want it to be perfect, and that includes me being at a healthier weight. I have about 60 lbs to lose, which have grown more and more stubborn over the last few years ( I just turned 40 this year). I have tried a lot of different "diets" over the years, but the most effective by far was when I did LC after having my first child 16 years ago, and lost 40 lbs. I feel like I finally understand that it is not about dieting, but instead committing to a life-long lifestyle change, so now I am ready to do this for real this time. MFP has been wonderful so far- I am confident that we can support each other and be successful together.
  • itsbakertime
    itsbakertime Posts: 85 Member
    Hello group! I am also doing low carb to get into shape for my wedding (we are aiming for December 2015). I have to make sure I can fit into the dress I have. I currently cannot. Luckily for me, it is a corset back, so I have some flexibility there. I think I'm at least 30lbs away from fitting into it and looking good.

    Congrats to all of the brides/grooms out there!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    Coinoperated said That is horrible! If that lady said that to me I would have gone off on her! Yes, I agree she should be fired!

    FIRED? Fired from her job for offending tender feelings..a little over reactive, yes? Tell her off maybe, or *kitten* to friends, but did ANYONE consider she may have been trying to help the bride look best on her big day??

    That woman does this for a living…she can see past the fantasy we tell ourselves, and maybe she was actually giving tuff love?? what reason did she have to piss off a bride, and possibly lose a customer?

    Just a thought..not everything people say is ill intentioned.. How often have you seen someone looking goofy and you think " the dress is wearing them?"…. and look, even thought PAINFUL…and possibly she was wrong wrong, or could have been better said….the result is it motivated to lose weight, look better…. life isn't going to respect our tender feelings… it's happened to me plenty of times, and usually I get mad, and later, shape improvement is the result.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    You're right. Without her I would never have set my new goal of growing 10 inches by September. With this goal I will be able to meet her ideal BMI and height requirement and the dress should fit me the way it fit the model on the runway. I'm excited to develop a love of cocaine and all things Leonardo Dicaprio. The world is looking up!

    I say you're right about it not being ill-intended. It wasn't but it sure as heck didn't come from a good place. She owns the business, she won't be fired. I'm ok with that as I didn't even say it was wrong of her to say that. Honestly, she reminds me of a very negative aunt I have who is terribly socially inept. No matter how many times I told myself growing up that this aunt was a darn idiot, it would still cut like a knife. Her experience in the bridal industry gives her some credibility though. Her sweatshirt with a cardinal sewn on the front however did not.