New to 5x5 (Show me your results!)

soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
I just started the SL 5x5 program. I would love to see everyone's results from this program, how long did it take for you to see changes? It seems hard to believe that doing 3 exercises 3 days a week could result in such a drastic change?


  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    One place to look if you want to see the results of others would be in the Stronglifts Women group here on Myfitnesspal. In this group here, women strength training, the programs are varied. But the SL specific group has a forum post just for progress photos.

    It is a strength based program, geared more towards increasing how much you can lift. Physical aspects will vary in part depending on nutrition (trying to lose, maintain, gain) and starting point. For example, I did 12 weeks on the program while on a deficit calorie wise and was obese. Because of the deficit, I went from 188 lbs down to 174 and lost a couple inches in waist, chest, hips, etc. I also increased all of my weights from struggling with the bar on bench and overhead press while having never done deadlift before to: 150 squat, 85 bench, 60 OHP, 105 pendlay row and 200 deadlift.

    I liked the progression on SL and since I just finished new rules of lifting for women, I'm going to go back to something more like that one.