Cauliflower rice recipes?



  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I haven't tried the cheese sticks or pizza crust yet, but I definitely want to now. I haven't found a pizza crust I like yet on this plan, so I'm curious how that one will taste versus the other ones I've had. I just fixed two heads of cauliflower last night, so I should get my chance this week!
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    Also my sister gave me some veggies from her co-op yesterday, so now I'm dying to try a thai stir-fry! As soon as I can eat up the leftovers from the Mexican burrito bowls, that is. Man, that made a lot!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    I haven't tried the cheese sticks or pizza crust yet, but I definitely want to now. I haven't found a pizza crust I like yet on this plan, so I'm curious how that one will taste versus the other ones I've had. I just fixed two heads of cauliflower last night, so I should get my chance this week!

    I dont know how low-carb you are, but if you have enough carbs in your allowance youve GOT to try the Zenbelly cookbook Yeast Dough Pizza Crust. It proves & rises like real dough & is the closest in taste & texture ive ever got to a real pizza crust. And you can make breadsticks out of the yeast dough - garlic ones are lush!.

  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    Just made this cauliflower mash recipe from Nom Nom Paleo, and topped it with Shrimp Alfredo. OMG, crazy delicious. My husband was really impressed, and he rarely likes Paleo alternatives. The consistency of the mashed cauliflower came out a lot like grits, which we both love, and the salty/creamy/sour flavor of the Alfredo sauce completely hid the cauliflower taste.

    Here's the Alfredo recipe. Omit the fettuccine, of course.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I made Thai style cauliflower rice, and I'm hooked too. I don't have a food processor, so I used a cheese grater to make the faux rice. I sautéed onion, green pepper and mince garlic in sesame oil. I added shrimp, and cooked until pink. Hen I added the faux rice, yellow curry, ginger, nutmeg,and Thai fish sauce, and started fluffing the "rice", making a well in the middle I added an egg, then mixed it all together. Mmmmm Mmmmm good;)

    @Jbarnes1210 - this is my lunch right now. I had squash and zucchini on hand, and threw that in with some shrimp, red curry paste & Thai fish sauce. This is definitely a new staple! Thanks for the idea!
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    @annalisbeth74.....your welcome!!! I'm glad you liked it! I haven't tried Zucchini in it yet, but that sounds good. I have added Brocolli and mushrooms. I want to try bean sprouts, haven't checked their carb count yet though.