New here and I need an accountability buddy

rygell17 Posts: 1 Member
Hi! I'm 47 and I've been on the yo-yo ride of dieting for a long time now. I've tried all kinds of diets and read all kinds of diet books, but I'm so sick of losing weight only to gain it back a few years later. I currently weight 157 and I've set a goal of 140. I started tracking what I eat, joined the Y and bought a bitfit. What I need now is someone just starting this adventure looking for a buddy. Someone who will encourage, motivate and help to hold me accountable for bad choices. I'm willing to provide the same!


  • Graymanstole
    Graymanstole Posts: 257 Member
    You've pretty much come to the right place. Nothing dieters love doing more than telling other dieters to stick with it :smiley: Seriously though there are a lot of good people on here who will gladly help you along the way. Be honest with yourself first, log everything you eat (even the embarrassing stuff), stick to it and don't get discouraged by setbacks. Progress, not perfection.
  • scpeo
    scpeo Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same boat! I'll be 48 in six weeks and weighed in at 155 pounds this morning. My goal is also 140 pounds. Let's do this!
  • InfoSara
    InfoSara Posts: 2 Member
    So glad to find you guys here! I will be 49 in November and currently weight 132 pounds and would like to loose 10 pounds. Let's do this together!
  • wissywig
    wissywig Posts: 11 Member
    Ditto here. Just shy of 44, lost 36 lbs over a year with a whole lotta motivation, now the sweets are calling my name again and I've found myself in a bit of a holding pattern. Only got about 10 lbs more to go myself!
    I need to stay accountable!
  • snroberts0615
    snroberts0615 Posts: 4 Member
    Yay! I too am in my 40s and need a buddy/buddies. In the past 8 years, I've gone from weighing 115lbs to 204lbs due to various emotional events; death of a parent, married with a blended family and divorce poisoning, a bipolar child, awful jobs, etc. While I have waay more weight to lose than y'all, I could still use the support. Please comes idler my friend request.
  • roxiebp
    roxiebp Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Yall! I Am so Glad To Find You All! Add Me And Help Me And I Will Help You ! Not Sure What's Up WithThe Capital Letters. : )
  • mrsmulti
    mrsmulti Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. New too. Just started new fitness plan and eating plan so here goes nothing!!!!! Good luck everyone x
  • Elsamahy
    Elsamahy Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Ruth I weigh 206 now and I lost 24 lbs doing MFP. I need to lose 7 lbs just to break the 200 mark but my goal is 180. I know it sounds like a lot but I once weighed 175 and I thought I looked AWFUL!! So hopefully we can help each other to reach our goals. You can add me and I will do the same!!
  • fitfunnybug
    fitfunnybug Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! I am starting MFP again after trying it for a little bit a year ago. I am 6 pounds heavier than a year ago (sigh) and am at 154 pounds currently. Not great for a 5 foot tall girl. I want to join you folks to help keep me motivated! I had no accountability in the past and would love to buddy up with some people!! I am 44 years old, mother of 3, a night shift nurse and am starting grad school this fall. Please help! Any night shift advice is welcome also! Thank you.
  • wonlife
    wonlife Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I'm 47 and starting MFP again after not using it for almost a year. Just before I turned 40, I lost 70 lbs. but over the last 7 years the weight has crept back to over 200. I'm ready to do this and am looking for accountability friends as well! I'm perimenopausal with osteopenia and a liver disease so I really want to get healthy. Plus - getting married next year! :)
    Please feel free to add me and I will do my best to be supportive as we climb this hill!
  • Janlinae
    Janlinae Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, I'm 46 and have been on MFP for several months. I started at 176pounds in November of 2014. Hubby and I go to the gym 3 times per week. I am currently at 163 so have about 20 pounds to go. I know I need to get up and move even on non-gym days. It is very difficult. Any one willing to give me a kick in the pants every day? Send me a friend request and I will offer the same in return. Having a sedentary job makes it harder to motivate after work. Can we help each other out?
  • LoveIshie
    LoveIshie Posts: 94 Member
    I am new also and just joined recently. I weighed 275 and since I started using MyFitnesspal I have been able to track my food intake and exercise. I currently weigh 265 and counting. Janlinae add me and you will definitely get a kick in the pants LOL...kidding. Anyone who needs the push and encouragement feel free to add me.

    Janlinae, on your off day from gym, set your phone alarm to go off every hour for you to walk around for 2-5mins. If you can even walk more than that is a plus.
  • kraftmarshmallow
    kraftmarshmallow Posts: 2 Member
    You've pretty much come to the right place. Nothing dieters love doing more than telling other dieters to stick with it :smiley: Seriously though there are a lot of good people on here who will gladly help you along the way. Be honest with yourself first, log everything you eat (even the embarrassing stuff), stick to it and don't get discouraged by setbacks. Progress, not perfection.

  • kraftmarshmallow
    kraftmarshmallow Posts: 2 Member
    I new here and have been struggling with a diet n exercise plan, I can't stay with it I'm always falling off the wagon. I need help getting motivated.
  • breckrose
    breckrose Posts: 10 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi, new again today! In my 40s and just over 200...can't believe's a new day again...and this group seems to understand. Nice to see the post... My goal is 180 for now...maybe if I don't set them too high I will have better results.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Hello All,
    I'm 3 weeks away from being 47 and am looking to lose the last 18lbs (I lost 2lb this morning). I'm 178 and want to get down to 160 but for me it's about losing fat more than anything else. I can be someone's buddy, if they want. I lift 3 times a week and practice Taekwondo twice a week too (recently became a black belt). I have reset my metabolism by eating more on workout days and am shaping up very nicely. I have cut down, drastically, on my sodium (which I love) and am drinking more water.
  • LoveIshie
    LoveIshie Posts: 94 Member
    Graceious, keep doing what you are doing dietwise and result will come in due time. There are times it feel like you are doing all you can to loose that few pounds that left but for some reason it wont come off fast enough. Keep in mind you didn't gain all that weight overnight. Hang in there and dont feel discourage. Focus on the adventure and the experience like its a lifestyle and the rest will take care of itself in due time. We are all here to encourage you if you need the push. Feel free to add me if you want. Wish you the best in your wellness journey.
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    45 in week. goal is also 140. feel free to add me.
  • dollbabymom
    dollbabymom Posts: 2 Member
    I'm almost 44 - weigh 238 (after losing 10 pounds recently) - I'm using mfp again - been using it off and on for about 5 or 6 years now! It always helps me stay on track! I'm also going to a holistic doctor and using natural herbs - I'm starting a liver detox tomorrow and won't be logging food as I'll be "eating" shakes
  • skinnygirl042
    skinnygirl042 Posts: 4 Member
    rygell17 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 47 and I've been on the yo-yo ride of dieting for a long time now. I've tried all kinds of diets and read all kinds of diet books, but I'm so sick of losing weight only to gain it back a few years later. I currently weight 157 and I've set a goal of 140. I started tracking what I eat, joined the Y and bought a bitfit. What I need now is someone just starting this adventure looking for a buddy. Someone who will encourage, motivate and help to hold me accountable for bad choices. I'm willing to provide the same!
    rygell17 wrote: »
    Hi! I'm 47 and I've been on the yo-yo ride of dieting for a long time now. I've tried all kinds of diets and read all kinds of diet books, but I'm so sick of losing weight only to gain it back a few years later. I currently weight 157 and I've set a goal of 140. I started tracking what I eat, joined the Y and bought a bitfit. What I need now is someone just starting this adventure looking for a buddy. Someone who will encourage, motivate and help to hold me accountable for bad choices. I'm willing to provide the same!