Starting Today...Have some questions!!

Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
Hi, I have been himming and hawing over starting NROLFW for a while now, but I am so so excited to start today. I have a couple of questions tho:
1. I have been lifting with another program for a while but it has been higher reps and lower weight, how will I know if something is too light? I am worried about not lifting enough!
2. I am going to be at the gym, it ok to ask for someone working there to help or will I have to pay for an hour of fees if I ask? Not too concerned with form, but want there are 2 moves I have never done.
3. If they gym does not have a swiss ball would it be bad if I finished my ball work at home 10-15min after the rest of the workout, or would this just diminish what I did....

Thanks for the help!


  • DesignerToast
    I'm no expert but I'll do my best here!

    1. The thing is, you won't really. Your first couple works have fairly high reps though, so I would try and pick something comparable and give it a shot. After your first workout, you should have a pretty good idea about what was too hard or too easy. You'll have your log sheet, so jot some notes down to help you remember.

    2. This probably varies by gym. At mine I asked someone to help me set up the squat rack because I had never done it and the attendant gladly helped. He asked what I was doing (deadlifts) and proceeded to give me a few tips. I also watched a ton of youtube videos, which helped me get the form right. I'm sure most attendants wouldn't mind giving a few pointers on form so you don't hurt yourself.

    3. I can't see why this would be a problem, though I don't know any science about why or why not. I would just make sure you still feel warmed up from the gym so you're ready to crank out some crunches and prone jacknife!

    Good luck! I was very nervous before my first couple workouts but those were all it took to get comfortable. Hope you enjoy it!
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Hi, I have been himming and hawing over starting NROLFW for a while now, but I am so so excited to start today. I have a couple of questions tho:
    1. I have been lifting with another program for a while but it has been higher reps and lower weight, how will I know if something is too light? I am worried about not lifting enough!

    Its hit and miss to start with. My first times in (and I am only just starting) I started with what I thought for the first set and then adjusted on the second. Some things I under estimated and only one I over estimated (the lat pull downs) if you are already lifting then you will have a good idea of what you can handle.
    2. I am going to be at the gym, it ok to ask for someone working there to help or will I have to pay for an hour of fees if I ask? Not too concerned with form, but want there are 2 moves I have never done.

    I think it would depend on the gym, in mine I get a free gym program set up and I use that time to get them to show me what to do. I would say if its just one or two moves they would rather just help you out that risk you hurting yourself or anyone else, if you say that you need their help to do it safely then they will likely be more than willing (at least they are in my gym)
    3. If they gym does not have a swiss ball would it be bad if I finished my ball work at home 10-15min after the rest of the workout, or would this just diminish what I did....

    Thanks for the help!

    I would do some planks in the place of the swiss ball stuff. Have a look up of different types of planks you can do. You can still do the Prone Jackknifes at home but please make sure you are warm as they will hurt you other wise.

    (I hope the multiple quotes work or this is going to look weird lol)
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    Thank you so much everyone. The attendants and trainers at my gym are awesome. One spotted me on my deadlifts today and she said my form was perfect. I did look everything up on youtube before. I am feeling more comfortable, but it is weird because I am used to much more intense and longer workouts. I do know it is working because how sore I am =)