Chatr and Accountability (rest of July)



  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Hi all, sorry I have been awol. I know I was going over to the other community but that petered out too. It has been a rough six months and I'm up 48 lbs since then. I am back on track but struggling some. I hope to have that 48 off by the 1st of Jan. Carol I listened and enjoyed your last pod cast. It sounds like everyone is struggling. Anyway if you all don't mind me joining back in I'm going to hang with you guys for awhile as I did not really build any relationships over at the other site.

    In answer to your question Carol, I don't think it's ever that someone is doing good on their own and does not need the support. I would be willing to bet if we are not on here we are not doing what we should.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    John, I can smell the Jasmine after reading your post. its tough day for you sigh! Hugs!! I will most definitely give Arturo a big hug.
    Carol, thank you for the compliment, yes we so critical of ourselves that's why when I have one of those thoughts recently, I try to push it out or think of it in a different way. Why do we have such a preconceived notion that a certain look is the "best" Who says that bigger thigh, rounder stomach, smaller breast etc, etc is not a desirable look? I have to keep reminding myself that I want to lose body fat so that I can be healthier not try to fit into a box. Yeah!!
    oh check out this kettlebell workout, its only 10min but its a good one. You can do 10min. Its only 10min :p Her 30min is killer! I had to swap to a dumbell for a couple of them, my kettlebell is just too heavy. Its actually at the top range of what I can handle so I'm doing less reps than what she says on the video. I'm getting back to doing weights/kettlebell, I'm telling myself if anything I can at least do a 10min workout. Thanks for the push ;)

    Jen, just keep moving, you'll start to feel better. Or just look for a 5- 10min workout video on youtube. I have an idea, but I don't know if you like dogs.. Rescues and shelters are always looking for volunteers to walk dogs, that could help motivate you. :)

    Howie, welcome back. you can do it! It might be harder but just keep at it.

    Quick update about my journey, I've "gained weight" after my trip. I'm not freaking out because I know I'm holding water and I ate something a few days ago that's giving me massive bloat. Last time that happened, it took a month before everything went back to normal. Darn food sensitivities!!
    My coaching.. nothing new, same stuff. I'm picking up Sara Gottfried's book from the library this weekend so hopefully I can gain more knowledge. I Love her podcast!! you learn a lot.
    I'm still holding to my holiday weigh gain and its not for a lack of trying... I'm hoping that by working out, it'll help, now that my knee can handle it, plus it just feels so good after a good sweat! I'm not working out to burn calories although that's a great benefit! I'm working out to build muscle and release serotonin to help balance my hormones. When I think of working out in this new mindset and knowledge, I think I will be motivated. Before its all about how many calories I can burn in a day which is so not good for your body! So I'm really hoping that I will be consistent in my workouts.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Will post later (if not tonite then tomorrow) Have a great Saturday Folks, No time between working today and trying to fix my Mapmyfitness app.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Hey Howie! Welcome back! You are always welcome here. I am so happy to have you to help motivate us. I know you've had a rough time and you feel like you've lost ground. Like you said, a lot of us feel that way right now. I'm encouraged that we can call come back here and vent and find some motivating friends to help us through. I have really needed it lately.

    I fell off much further after that last podcast with JT. Apparently, he is keeping up with his resolutions but I got so down. BUT! I have some great news. I made myself go to a Crosstraining workout with Caroline (DID NOT want to go.. .looked for many excuses not to go) and things have been looking up since then. I dusted off Tim Ferris' 4 Hour Body and I'm going back through basic principals of that. So just dialing back down the carbs until Saturday. Kind of Carb-niteish. The most important thing here is not what I'm eating it is that I care. And I'm feeling a bit more in control.

    Heron, I'm glad you sound so healthy about your journey. Kudos to you! You keep up the greatness. You're such an important voice here. I love your idea about dog walking! Jen, let us know if you do something like that. Or WHAT YOU DO. :)

    John- I can imagine you getting ready for work and snapping your fingers. Big hugs John.
  • Hey Howie! Welcome back! You are always welcome here. I am so happy to have you to help motivate us. I know you've had a rough time and you feel like you've lost ground. Like you said, a lot of us feel that way right now. I'm encouraged that we can call come back here and vent and find some motivating friends to help us through. I have really needed it lately.

    I fell off much further after that last podcast with JT. Apparently, he is keeping up with his resolutions but I got so down. BUT! I have some great news. I made myself go to a Crosstraining workout with Caroline (DID NOT want to go.. .looked for many excuses not to go) and things have been looking up since then. I dusted off Tim Ferris' 4 Hour Body and I'm going back through basic principals of that. So just dialing back down the carbs until Saturday. Kind of Carb-niteish. The most important thing here is not what I'm eating it is that I care. And I'm feeling a bit more in control.

    Heron, I'm glad you sound so healthy about your journey. Kudos to you! You keep up the greatness. You're such an important voice here. I love your idea about dog walking! Jen, let us know if you do something like that. Or WHAT YOU DO. :)

    John- I can imagine you getting ready for work and snapping your fingers. Big hugs John.

    Well Carol (and everybody else), I did a spur of the moment hike yesterday and I'm paying for it today. Fell and hurt my right hand/wrist. Doesn't appear to be broken but it's a bit swollen so I've been icing it some and got a brace. I'll see how it's doing tomorrow and if necessary, go get it checked. Also, I'm a complete bug bite mess! I am bit up all over, even on my face!!!!! So I have that going for me. John, I didn't have my phone with me so no 'proof'. But basically today, I've just sat around the house and tried to not scratch!

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Jen, you must never come to Houston. The mosquitos are INSANE during warm months. We only have about 1.5 months that are not warm.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Jen... It is only FOUR DAYS until the great Mosquito Festival in Clute, Texas. That is just South of here on our way to the coast.
    Maybe next year??
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited July 2015
    LOL Carol! I don't have issues with the mosquitos normally. I just didn't prepare and didn't take a bath in Deet. :smile:
    Mosquito Festival? Somebody in that town just made up a reason to cook up some barbeque. :smile:
    Oh btw, I love the picture of you above.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Ouch Jen! Bug bite sucks!
    Went to a craft festival yesterday in SF then a BBQ, I was so tired. I am still extremely sore from that one kettle bell workout from last week. I was having trouble trouble sitting down and bending down to pick up stuff last few days. Going to do Yoga today and back to kettlebell tomorrow.
    I'm still doing decent on ULC but some days are not perfect and I'm not going to sweat it. I tend to stress on the small stuff and that's not good for the cortisol so I'm learning not to sweat the small stuff. I go over on carbs ehh. It's not as if I'm scarfing down cookies and bread.
    My friend and I had a long chat about body image issues and that was really carthartic for me and hopefully for her. She is one of those naturally rail thin type that loves food and eats but don't put on weight. In fact, she has been trying to gain weight in a healthy way per doctor's advice to help with fertility but it has been slow going for her. She was frustrated that she has been eating a lot more for a couple of months to the point where she feels stuff on most meals and she's only gained a pound. I've always thought gaining weight was easy and after seeing her trying to eat more it's like me trying to eat less and both of us not seeing results sure cement how inaccurate the "calories in, calories out" thinking.
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Sorry for my absence - I've done a lot of traveling and then prep for my daughter's upcoming wedding. Tried to make sugar-free blueberry jam and learned it doesn't "set" so I have lots of blueberry sauce. I think I can pop that in my vitamix with ice and get sorbet!

    I'm leaving Friday for 15 days in Spain. I decided to do part of the Camino to Santiago de Compostela. It is an 800 km pilgrimage, traditionally beginning in Lourdes, France. I don't have time for the whole thing, so the first week is trekking in the Pyrenees mountains with 4 hours of language lessons each day, and the second week I'll walk about 120 km from Sarria to Santiago. Lots of time alone with God and nature, and some time with books and podcasts in my ear.

    I indicated that I am celiac just to try to keep from getting lots of bread and pasta for meals. Don't know if that will work, but I'm taking almonds and beef jerky along as back-ups until I work things out.

    Heron, I'd like to buy a kettlebell and don't know how heavy to go. None of the gyms I can get into have ones for me to try. I was thinking primarily of swings. Maybe 35 lbs? How heavy is yours?
  • leopardprintaholic
    leopardprintaholic Posts: 76 Member
    I'm baaaaccckkkl! :) Sending love & encouragement to all my "Tribe".
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited July 2015
    Cynthia, what an amazing trip you have planned. Have a wonderful time and hopefully you'll share a little with us when you get back.

    DebSue is back!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

    Ok, doc visit yesterday and nothing is broken, which is good. Got a call a couple hours later (after the x-ray was read by the radiologist) and I've got old bones! Oh goodie!!!! Looks like a visit to my primary doc is in my immediate future now as well. I don't want to be a grownup anymore!!!!!!

    Oh the other thing I found out at the doc yesterday - I weigh about 220! To say I'm horrified and ashamed of myself is an understatement. It's obvious that I've let myself go worse than I thought (although I should have known considering my belt barely fits now). Yes, I'm down on myself right now and I know I shouldn't be. I'm just telling it like it is. Too many 'wake up calls' now!
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks all for the welcome back. Doing great this week and feel great. The force is strong within me again. LOL
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Thanks for the kind words about my lazy park picture Jen. I was fairly down on myself too for a while. A few wake up calls have me eating better.
    The return of Howie & DebSue may be the magic! Dunno but I am eating better and like Howie, I feel better. Hang in there Jen. We are all horrified from time to time. You shouldn't be but that's how we feel. Best news is that you know how to turn it a around.

    Heron, you and your friend are in my head. Great that you have someone in your real life that you can talk to. Sounds like very healthy talk to me.

    Cynthia- jealous jealous jealous!!

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Wednesday Folks! Hope all is well with all of you.

    Welcome Home Howie and Deb Sue.

    Cynthia Spain is so koo-EL.

    Carol, Jen, and Heron - Here is a contemplative thought for today, How would you FEEL if Clorophil were Red?

    Feel the Love, Be the Love.

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    You are funny Hammer.

    HEY!! We have a new member of the GunRunners!! Craig is a listener from Las Vegas and he is signing up today. Wish more folks were coming out with us!

    I am looking at my street and wondering if these sprints are going to run themselves. I have decided I need to do SOMETHING every other day if possible. Kids are sleeping. No excuses. hmmmmm I guess I'll get out there. Update to follow.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone.

  • Why does it have to be red John? How about purple? :tongue:
    Carol, that's great to hear someone else is joining the team. One more person to drag my bloated carcass (remember, no leaving anybody behind - hehehe).
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Cynthia, sounds like an amazing trip! But don't let carbs prevent you from enjoying the culture!
    I use a 25lb. There are kettlebell that had adjustable weights and some like it some don't. Can I do a couple of swings with a 35lb? Sure! Can I do 10? Nope. Probably by the 3rd swing my form will suffer. That's the thing with the swing, good form is crucial.

    Welcome back DebSue!

    Jen, what do you mean "old bones" osteoporosis? Sometimes we need buckets of cold water to wake up. It's great that you are aware of it. Now it's time to change things up :) I know it's hard to people and especially women. But we need to learn to love ourselves at any weight, and not be so down on ourselves. Because if we don't love ourselves now as we are, there is no guarantee that we will when we lose.

  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Yay for new member.
    John, I'm not sure that I understand the objective of the question. But I'd feel indifferent to a biomolecule as long as its function is still the same.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    heronh wrote: »
    Cynthia, sounds like an amazing trip! But don't let carbs prevent you from enjoying the culture!
    I use a 25lb. There are kettlebell that had adjustable weights and some like it some don't. Can I do a couple of swings with a 35lb? Sure! Can I do 10? Nope. Probably by the 3rd swing my form will suffer. That's the thing with the swing, good form is crucial.

    Welcome back DebSue!

    Jen, what do you mean "old bones" osteoporosis? Sometimes we need buckets of cold water to wake up. It's great that you are aware of it. Now it's time to change things up :) I know it's hard to people and especially women. But we need to learn to love ourselves at any weight, and not be so down on ourselves. Because if we don't love ourselves now as we are, there is no guarantee that we will when we lose.

    Here Here Heron! Loving ourselves at any weight. Novel concept. I'm working on it. Thanks for always writing things I need to hear