Stage One Results

Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
Finished stage one and took my week off.

I finished with Deadlifts at 100lb
Squats at 70 (But I need to work back up and work on my form. I get above 70 and my knees start getting weird)
Lat Pulldowns at 70
Seated Row at 130
Step ups at 40
Lunges at 40
Shoulder press at 40.
Ball Crunch with a 20lb plate.
And Prone Jack knife is still the devil. Yay.

I've got some pictures but I'm not sure how much difference there is. But, either way, I feel great and I figure that's what counts! I'm taking time off to go home and stay with my mom after her upcoming surgery, so I plan to re-start stage one in August and hopefully get even stronger this time around, since I'll be more confident in my abilities.


And After


  • starmickey03
    starmickey03 Posts: 89 Member
    I see results!!
    Good job. Its definitely noticeable in the back area. Getting rid of that "back fat".
    Get it girl!
  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    Lots of fat gone off the back and rear areas and overall smoother and more toned. Good work!!!!

  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    WOWZER! Definitely seeing big changes. You look like you own it in one of your after pictures :)
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    WOW! Way to go! I can definitely see the difference.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Thank you ladies. This program has really given me a new love of working out and fitness (it's all install about anymore. Drives my family bonkers) and I can't wait to hit it hard and keep getting stronger.

    And I agree, the difference in my back is staggering. I didn't even realize I had rolls back there until those before pictures, lol.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    You look amazing! Can't wait for the next three weeks of my stage one to go by so I can see if anything has changed :)
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thank you ladies. This program has really given me a new love of working out and fitness (it's all install about anymore. Drives my family bonkers) and I can't wait to hit it hard and keep getting stronger.

    And I agree, the difference in my back is staggering. I didn't even realize I had rolls back there until those before pictures, lol.
    I know it's amazing what pictures will show us! Whenever I feel like giving up, or like I am not making progress I look at my before pictures and think anything forward from this is progress & I AM NOT GOING BACKWARDS ANYMORE! :wink: