New guy here

axelsmack Posts: 2 Member
So I just started, made the decision to not worry about calories at first. I have configured MFP to a 75%, 20%, 5% ratio of macros. And it's been great. Just ate a grilled chicken breast with a hot sauce made of Frank's and olive oil . I am being strict only in the ratio. Can't wait to see what happens


  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    You are doing it right and you will see results very soon. I never meet calorie goals. I think it is more important to eat when hungry and stop when the sensation subsides and meet macros than to worry about calories.

  • elli41
    elli41 Posts: 4 Member
    I started using percentages but I have heard that figuring actual grams for each macronutrient was more effective.
  • UMDavies
    UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
    Hey there, I just started too so good luck to both of us! My macros are 10%, 25% and 65% but I've got the net carbs thing set up, so although my total carbs is 35g I'm aiming for 15-25g of net per day. Let me know how it goes!
  • scronen
    scronen Posts: 98 Member
    I'm just starting too! I'm very excited...feel free to add me!
  • axelsmack
    axelsmack Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks so much for the welcome. I have recently discovered Keto and it makes so much sense to me now. It answers a lot of questions. I really do find it effortless (although I have only been doing it for a week) but I can tell just by how I feel as compared to how I used to feel when I was always hungry when I was doing everything else. White knuckle dieting doesn't work for me. I am looking at this as a life style. I don't feel as tho
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    Welcome! I agree that numbers are better vs percentages. Just remember what they are and stay within those numbers, MFP screws everything up, especially if you workout. You can be my friend as well
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    axelsmack wrote: »
    Thanks so much for the welcome. I have recently discovered Keto and it makes so much sense to me now. It answers a lot of questions. I really do find it effortless (although I have only been doing it for a week) but I can tell just by how I feel as compared to how I used to feel when I was always hungry when I was doing everything else. White knuckle dieting doesn't work for me. I am looking at this as a life style. I don't feel as tho

    I love that description - WHITE KNUCKLE DIETING! LOL I'll have to remember that one.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! New as well! Feel free to add me!
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    Welcome, and good luck! Its a great way to many benefits!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Welcome. I've been doing keto with this group for about 9 weeks and I've lost 15 lbs - easily, which is a real break through for me. I'm learning something new everyday. I suggest reading Dan's links and other information always provided in this group. Suggestions about adjusting sodium, magnesium, potassium has helped me. Also, using fat to satisfy hunger was an eye opener for me since I had never eaten this way before. Looking forward to reading your progress. There is no magic to this, you still need to watch your total calorie intake if you want to lose weight, but it is much, much easier to keep within your marcos and reduce your total intake when you start making better food choices. I find I am maximizing satiety with the same caloric intake I was doing white knuckling it. I haven't had any jitters and I'm not even biting my finger nails! LOL. Good luck.