Jenny's Progress :)



  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    Week 4: 24th - 30th Oct

    Average calories consumed: 1,751
    Average calories burned: 2,354

    Weight: (no change) 182lbs

    Grrrr... weight is still not budging... don't panic, don't panic... Had lost a lb but put it back on on weigh-in day.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    edited November 2015
    Week 5: 31st - 5th Nov

    Average calories consumed: 1,681
    Average calories burned: 2,220

    Weight: 183lbs

    So I did my weigh in this morning as I'm going out tonight and I'll be having some drinks.

    Weight was 183lbs. I was fit to f**king kill someone. I felt great all week, felt much leaner and then this *kitten* happens. Rabble rabble rabble. I started at 184 5 weeks ago. What the feck is going on?!

    Then, I decided to take some measurements and compare to how I was last week.

    I am down 1.5 inches on my hips, 1in on my belly and 1in on my waist. I didn't measure anywhere else as I had to go to work but I'm feckin' delighted. I knew I was smaller!

    The weighing scales can f**k off for the rest of the month now, honestly! :smiley:

  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    That's great with loss of inches! I'm following your thread as I feel I'm reading about myself when I read your posts! Love the updates!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Congrats - must be having some great workouts.
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
    LOL. Funny update. Ditched the scale here too. It totally messes with you. Like, you know you're changing. And you feel different. Look different. Clothes are fitting better and then the scale says up so you think you must be kidding yourself and you're eating too much and you must eat less ...blah blah blah. Not weighing totally skips that part and you end up doing what you need to do every single day anyway. And it'll take as long as it takes.

    Hope you had a fun night out!!!
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    :# thanks all! It's so strange how the body works. Really feel much better this week, so I couldn't believe the scales but happy to see some sort of results!
    And yes, I had a great night and I'm being a little bold today with food but not too bad o:)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    Jen, good progress! I packed away my 14's today and I feel so great about that! Was wearing a pair of those this week and they slipped off my hips, so time to pack'em away.

    The scale is not the only point of reference in our journeys.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    I did a small bit of analysis over my last few weeks (maybe I've too much time on my hands?!)


    My % deficit is a little too high for my liking. I should be aiming for 15%, not 25%. So, gonna just raise the daily cals limit a little. I had been mostly going by FitBit, but seem to have 100 or so cals left at the end of the day. Or, alternatively, I could "let loose" a little at the weekend e.g. eat lots of good food one day.

    I've also cut out coffee - didn't do it consciously, just happened over my holidays as I don't drink it at home, but I found my anxiety reduced without it.

    Also going to try sorting out my macros a little better. I've had a fairly high-carb diet over the last few weeks.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Glad you noticed, I mentioned that back on Oct 8th as probably not being good, have to see how the body responds to it.

    I'd suggest if you aren't losing - don't do the makeup of 1 big meal weekly.

    You are still likely suppressed in that case - and those extra cal's won't speed your system up - they'll just be added as fat.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    Thanks @heybales! I had lost inches last week, so I'll see how I fair tomorrow when I complete week 6. Had a much better week this week, but a feeling I've not been eating as much as I should be. Around #1,700 instead of more. One scoop of peanut butter a day should help that along :)
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    edited November 2015
    Week 6: 7th - 13th Nov

    Average calories consumed: 1,779
    Average calories burned: 2,163

    Weight: 180lbs

    Much better this week. Moved less, ate more (deficit was 17%), results on the scales. Go figure!
  • kmac1196
    kmac1196 Posts: 188 Member
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    There ya go.

    And peanut butter and chocolate can never go wrong. Oh wait, who added chocolate to my peanut butter tree.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    Chocolate and PB FTW!

    I injured myself over the weekend (possibly a torn ligament in my sternum) - can't do any upper body stuff so it's gonna be some fun figuring out if I should train or not. Will have to keep my diet in check this week!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Oh no - playing rough flag football again with the boys, huh.

    I'd read up on the workouts that will appear to not use those supporting muscles, and confirm and then gently test them.
    Seems like a lot of back stuff could be done unless you have to lock the whole body in.

    That is a bummer, sorry to hear about it. You are in a better state to heal faster though. Think if you were eating 400-600 cal less as normal levels and body under stress from that.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    :D Always up to divilment!

    Heading back to do leg day this evening anyway - made my trainer aware of my injury already, so he'll be on the ball when it comes to suggestions. 1/2 hour leg and then 1/2 circuit class - should be able to replace the upper body stuff with crunches/lunges/squats etc. but I'll have a read up over the next few hours too!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    Appears at minimum - none of these.

    Sadly it's not until you look in a lift details that it tells you the supporting muscles that could include it.
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    That link is brilliant, thanks!

    So, most stuff I could without issue last night. My trainer wouldn't allow me do barbell squats :disappointed: (have to do what I'm told though :tongue: ) ), so lowered the weight and did front squats holding a DB into my chest without issue. Only time I felt any slight pain at all was lying back on the floor for glute raises and tricep dips. Didn't do burpees or pushups either but trainer amended to doing planks and switchkicks so delighted I got to get a proper workout in! I was on the verge of taking the rest of the week "off" (aka binging) so the exercise kept me motivated to stay on track :relaxed:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It is for sure it's own challenge figuring out a workout while injured, which if you like challenges - there ya go.

    Surprised the chest engagement from front squats worked - hopefully that means not that bad.