Looking for healthy eaters to follow

Sharbysyd Posts: 39 Member
I'm really trying to improve my eating and I was hoping to find some others who are focusing on eating healthy whole foods while doing keto.

My goals are to eat little or no milk products and little to no artificial sweeteners. I'm hoping to get more ideas on what to eat within these guidelines.

If anyone eats similar to this and wouldn't mind an extra friend looking at your food diary, please add me.

Also if anyone knows a good source for recipes like this, please let me know. I'm guessing some Paleo sites might have some. But I'd be happy to find some recipes that others have tried and liked especially soups and casseroles.


  • Thurley160
    Thurley160 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm new to actually doing LCHF although I've been trying to get the courage to try it for quite awhile. The science is really interesting but what got me finally going was testing my blood sugar and knowing that if I went to the dr. I would get put on medication most likely. I finally had my first normal blood sugar today! So this way of eating must be helping plus I feel SO much better... my dogs love it because they're getting walked all the time now and my house is getting cleaned even more because I have so much energy I can't sit on the couch anymore. LOL
  • Sharbysyd
    Sharbysyd Posts: 39 Member
    That is great about your blood sugar and having a lot of energy. I've been starting to feel better over the last couple of weeks as I've been transitioning to high fat and cutting back on carbs and protein.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hi there. I have been doing keto for about 5 months now, used to be primal/gluten free. I was a bit hesitant to try keto initially since lots of recipes and advice online use ingredients I wouldn't ever want in my house. I try not to have any processed foods in the house, get all my meat from organic farmers and use natural products whenever I can. We stopped drinking milk years ago, but I still do have cheese and heavy whipping cream in the fridge.

    You are welcome to friend me, however I have strayed away from recipes and mostly just cook very simple food now. So my diary is pretty boring right now, especially since I verge on zero carb, with periods of fasting, lol.

    There are loads of great paleo sites, like Mark's Daily Apple and Nom Nom Paleo, two of my favorites. It also depends on how many people you are cooking for. Many dishes can be made for all to enjoy, and you may consider preparing a starch to go along with it for others in your family. I am lucky in that my kids are primal/paleo, with one daughter still eating gluten free while the other is keto too. So we always have lots of meat, varying amounts of vegetables, and I can always cook rice on the side etc.
  • Sharbysyd
    Sharbysyd Posts: 39 Member
    Kitnthecat, I will send you a friend request. I'd love to see your "boring" food diary :) I'm familiar with Mark's Daily Apple but I'll have to check out Nom Nom Paleo.

    Lucky for me, my husband mostly eats what I cook so I don't have to have a starch on the side for him. He usually keeps Ezekial bread in the house for himself but if I make him low carb breads, he will use those too.
  • ambergem1969
    ambergem1969 Posts: 224 Member
    Please feel free to friend me also - I've only been at it for 30 days but I am aiming to eat very clean and keep dairy minimal - with the exception of my savoury fat bomb which has butter and cream cheese in it. Without it I'd have a lot of trouble meeting my macros. I would describe my diet as kind of boring also! I would note that I do use commercial salad dressings - but the kind found in the refrigerator in the produce section which I think are generally less chemical than the ones in the condiment aisle.

    I definitely second Nom Nom Paleo - there is also KetoDiet - I really like the KetoDiet App I have on my iPad - she may have it for other platforms also. You do need to pay to unlock recipe groups which didn't bother me but ymmv.