Dealing with cravings - tips

ashes2ashes83 Posts: 17 Member
So I am a huge emotional eater... I eat when I'm sad, mad, happy... lol All of my pity-parties and celebrations revolve around food. I am trying to change that! I just joined MFP again after a too-long hiatus, and I saw a good tip in a magazine today to deal with junk cravings and thought I'd share.

If you are having cravings (and you are not legitimately "hungry" - in which case, go eat something healthy and filling!), you should place your finger on your temple and gently tap all the way across your forehead to your other temple, following with your eyes as you go. Do this for about 30 seconds back and forth and cravings should subside. It is a distraction for the part of your brain that cravings originate from apparently (?). Seemed worth a shot. 30 seconds to not want to chew my arm off for a Wunderbar? Count me in! ;)

What do YOU do to help with cravings? I am trying to drink water when I crave something... or eat a fruit and see if I still crave it... but the chocolate keeps calling me (I am only on day two but so far am resisting lol).


  • nikky650
    nikky650 Posts: 5 Member
    I have heard off tapping to help all kinds of different thought patterns. I might give it a try. Try not to "ban" yourself completely from chocolate or that will be all you be able to think about. Try just buying a small square of dark chocolate once or twice a week. Have it with a cuppa and enjoy. Because you have only brought a small amount you cant go crazy.