Looking for a Diet Buddy

ggbun Posts: 90 Member
I'm beginning the Complete Beck Diet for Life after having great success last year losing weight with the Beck Diet Solution (but not so successful that I actually kept the weight off). I'm looking for a reliable buddy also following the program that is willing to exchange emails with me daily. I know that is a daunting commitment, so I propose that we would commit to doing this until August 31 and then recommit or go our separate ways then. I hate the idea that someone's diet might be sabotaged by a partner who vanishes. Side note, am also looking for a good app for completing the daily success skills set sheet instead of doing it on paper. I have the ebook, so writing the full list down every day seems daunting. I think I've used the word daunting here twice. Really I am excited about getting this off the ground and changing my life. I am open to anyone, but am a 45 year old career woman in Toronto and am looking to lose 30-40lbs overall but of course, 5 lbs at a time. Cheers!


  • christabelle66
    christabelle66 Posts: 83 Member
    I think I could commit until August 31st. I am recovering from an insane week preparing for a conference for 230 people that we held yesterday. Now that my 10 and 12 hour work days are over for a while, I would like to shift my focus back to self-care. I am a big fan of creating Excel spreadsheets and storing them on Google docs.
  • maggiewithfins
    maggiewithfins Posts: 75 Member
    Yay! Glad you two have found each other. I can't commit to anything at the moment but will join I'm when things make it onto the forum here <3
  • thelittleengine
    thelittleengine Posts: 9 Member
    I can commit. Let me know :)