Struggling at Week 4 of Low Carb. Advice, Please :-)

boohooboo Posts: 51 Member
Hi there,

A little over a month ago, my cardiologist told me to go on a low carb diet. (I have a lot of weight to lose.) I know I have to lose weight for my heart, but still -- this was not going to be easy: I don't eat pork, I don't like fish (beyond tuna salad), I'm not crazy about steak. This leaves me with chicken, turkey, and eggs. (With the occasional hamburger.) I don't actually enjoy eating any of these things, but I will. As you can imagine, this doesn't bode well.

I have been modifying Atkins Induction for the past four weeks. I track my carbs and keep them hovering around 20-22 on a 1500 calorie diet plan. The first week, I lost 6.5 pounds, probably all water. The second week, I lost .5 pound. The third, nothing.

How am I modifying Atkins? I eat a little more than 4 ounces of cheese each day. I sometimes use Atkins bars to replace meals, though I don't care for them. I usually drink a zero carb protein drink for one meal. But no fruit, no bread, no pasta (beyond shirataki noodles.) But I keep it at the correct carb level most days. (One or two times, I went up to around 26 carbs.) I take a multivitamin and probiotics and blood pressure meds.

I really, truly, do not enjoy any meals and am actually finding myself getting angry around mealtimes, especially since my family gets to eat as usual but I sit there with my piece of chicken and broccoli. It is rather depressing, actually -- I used to get so much enjoyment from food. I am beginning to wonder whether this is worth it. I am not seeing anything happening on the scale. I have dizzy spells from time to time. And I have gone from a person who worked out 3-4 times/week with loads of energy before this diet to a person who gets winded going up the stairs. Is this normal? Because if it is, I will continue to stick this out. But oh, how I miss fruit. And pad thai ;-)

Any advice is gratefully appreciated. I have done loads of diets in my life, but I have never felt this crappy, and that includes liquid diets. But here, I am trying to retrain myself for the long term and it feels like that long term is going to be a very awful experience. Thanks.


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Addiction is a [redacted]. This sounds pretty normal to me. The post-induction stall is also completely normal. It happens to just about everyone, the weight will start moving again.

    If it doesn't, you may have to cut the cheese and the Atkins bars out. Both of those will stop my weight loss dead. Others seem to have no problems with them.

    You'll get to like the food over time. You might even enjoy steak and other foods eventually. Your body is relearning what "food" is and it's currently throwing a tantrum because you won't give it what it wants. If you give a child whatever they want when they throw a tantrum, you're going to have a really miserable time. Same with this. Be strong. You'll find it gets a lot easier soon.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Sodium intake will help with the dizzy spells and feeling like crap. Did your doc advise you to increase sodium intake?

    Exercise adaptations take about 4 weeks, so you should be there about now.

    You must find low-carb foods you like, or you won't be compliant. Pad Thai without the noodles is basically chicken and egg. Make some omelettes -- eggs are very flexible for just about any meal. You'll also find lots of creative recipes on the net. Google "fat head pizza," for example. :)
  • abi111
    abi111 Posts: 50 Member
    are you eating enough fat? how much of it are you eating?
  • monicapavlick
    monicapavlick Posts: 18 Member
    Did your cardiologist specify Adkins? South Beach is a bit more relaxed.

    Also, try googling low carb recipes, no way would I have a piece of chicken & some broccoli for dinner, lol.
    My husband & son aren't low carb & it really doesn't bother me. Eventually, with some good recipes, you'll feel the same.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    abi111 wrote: »
    are you eating enough fat? how much of it are you eating?

    This x 1000. Add some butter to those veggies. Or cook them in bacon fat. Yummy.
    Look up some Atkins recipes. Low-carb can be very delicious.
  • simbartes
    simbartes Posts: 64 Member
    Honestly. If you hate the food you're eating then maybe this type of eating is not for you.

    I was prediabetic and hypertensive when I started this. I've been doing it for three months. Im nowhere near as strict as you but I keep my net carbs around 50g, and my sugars under 30g (from fruits, vegetables, and added sugars) I don't eat bread, pasta, rice, high carb fruits, potatoes, or beans at all.

    My blood pressure is normal, my blood glucose is stable and normal and my lipids have improved. I'm almost never hungry and I love the food I eat.

    Keep going with what your doing. Try it for three months or so. If you really can't enjoy it and don't loose weight, then do something else.

    I never experienced any cravings for high carbs so I was lucky. I never got keto flu either. Everyone's body is unique. My body responded to this way of eating and did from the moment I started. It makes me feel great. Maybe yours doesn't? If you can learn to like the great food you'll be fine.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I would be pretty miserable eating Atkins bars and protein shakes for meals too.
    Make omelettes for sure. That's good advice. Use real butter for added fat. Put in cheese, peppers, mushrooms.... Whatever you like and I bet you will like that much more than a bar.
    How about bacon and sausage? Yesterday I made a BLT salad. I put in 4 pieces of bacon and it was delicious with full fat ranch dressing.
    Try steak with some different seasonings on it. Have you ever tried it with ranch dressing on it? I love dipping steak in ranch!
    Did the doctor advise that in low carb, you would benefit from higher fat? And the salt is very important too.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Addiction is a [redacted]. This sounds pretty normal to me. The post-induction stall is also completely normal. It happens to just about everyone, the weight will start moving again.

    If it doesn't, you may have to cut the cheese and the Atkins bars out. Both of those will stop my weight loss dead. Others seem to have no problems with them.

    You'll get to like the food over time. You might even enjoy steak and other foods eventually. Your body is relearning what "food" is and it's currently throwing a tantrum because you won't give it what it wants. If you give a child whatever they want when they throw a tantrum, you're going to have a really miserable time. Same with this. Be strong. You'll find it gets a lot easier soon.

    I thought the comparison to a child throwing a tantrum was perfect!
    Don't let the "carb withdrawal" win! You can do this! Once you get over this bump in the road, you won't be missing those old foods so much.
    It really seems like you need to learn to cook some new things.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    I hated beef and pork (except bacon) prior to this WOE as well. I disliked chicken and I only ate turkey on Thanksgiving. I hated ham. When people would suggest low carb I would explain that I would be much better off on a vegetarian diet because meat sucks. I enjoyed seafood but not regularly and not without garlic butter. Every night that I spent eating chicken and broccoli was followed by crying because it was not satisfying.

    To be successful at this diet long term you will need to shake your current understanding of dieting. When you eat chicken, it better be a thigh or leg... bonus if you eat the skin too. Don't bother with white meat unless it's wrapped in bacon. Once you cut out the fake food (replacement bars and protein shakes) you will allow your body to adapt. Once you completely quit consuming these things you will find (I will put money on it) that foods you may have not liked in the past are actually tasty. I have hated steak my whole life, now I crave it. I have hated tomatoes, now they taste sweet to me.

    You can do this. I recently looked at a comment I had made on Facebook to a recipe in March 2014. The recipe called for a cup of heavy cream and would be 700+ calories per serving. I commented how I would try the recipe but it would be hard for me to get past using that much heavy cream without being disgusted. I cook like that all of the time now! Find some recipes online - look at the recommended links list in this group. Tell yourself "I don't know what the thinner, healthier me likes for food. I should try everything."

    Here are a few of my favorites:

    Don't waste your money on the Atkins bars.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    m_puppy wrote: »
    I hated beef and pork (except bacon) prior to this WOE as well. I disliked chicken and I only ate turkey on Thanksgiving. I hated ham. When people would suggest low carb I would explain that I would be much better off on a vegetarian diet because meat sucks. I enjoyed seafood but not regularly and not without garlic butter. Every night that I spent eating chicken and broccoli was followed by crying because it was not satisfying.

    To be successful at this diet long term you will need to shake your current understanding of dieting. When you eat chicken, it better be a thigh or leg... bonus if you eat the skin too. Don't bother with white meat unless it's wrapped in bacon. Once you cut out the fake food (replacement bars and protein shakes) you will allow your body to adapt. Once you completely quit consuming these things you will find (I will put money on it) that foods you may have not liked in the past are actually tasty. I have hated steak my whole life, now I crave it. I have hated tomatoes, now they taste sweet to me.

    You can do this. I recently looked at a comment I had made on Facebook to a recipe in March 2014. The recipe called for a cup of heavy cream and would be 700+ calories per serving. I commented how I would try the recipe but it would be hard for me to get past using that much heavy cream without being disgusted. I cook like that all of the time now! Find some recipes online - look at the recommended links list in this group. Tell yourself "I don't know what the thinner, healthier me likes for food. I should try everything."

    Here are a few of my favorites:

    Don't waste your money on the Atkins bars.

    I have found it very true that I have began to like foods that I hated before.
    I never liked tomatoes either and you're right, they do taste sweet now! I like the little cherry tomatoes with salt on them. So yummy!
    I also started liking bell peppers as they actually taste quite sweet too. I use them in all kinds of things and as a way to eat my guacamole and other dips.
    I still eat white meat chicken, but I will cook it in coconut oil or butter or add cheese or a fatty sauce to it. But I have also made drumsticks like buffalo wings... Super yum! Don't forget the blue cheese!
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    I have found it very true that I have began to like foods that I hated before.
    I never liked tomatoes either and you're right, they do taste sweet now! I like the little cherry tomatoes with salt on them. So yummy!
    I also started liking bell peppers as they actually taste quite sweet too. I use them in all kinds of things and as a way to eat my guacamole and other dips.
    I still eat white meat chicken, but I will cook it in coconut oil or butter or add cheese or a fatty sauce to it. But I have also made drumsticks like buffalo wings... Super yum! Don't forget the blue cheese!

    Definitely add fat to a low fat meat. That's the way to go in my opinion.

    Someone told me yesterday that the price of thighs and legs is expected to rise and breast is expected to decline due to a higher demand of thighs. Don't know how much truth there is in this but I was disappointed.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I can relate to resenting "diet food". Been there- done that. As long as I had that resentment, I was unable to stick to my food plan- I was just too angry. Maybe a slower approach would work for you? By that I mean trying out an occasional low carb recipe-- maybe a few per week-- and eat the way you prefer the rest of the time. Over time, perhaps you will build up a "repertoire" of eats you enjoy well enough to go low carb full time. Forcing yourself to eat food you hate is no way to live. For me, I had to get to a point where I was able to see food as a way to be good to myself and to my body- and over time I naturally started craving low carb foods-- but it was a process.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I tend to eat what my family eats but I just cut out the high carb parts. Yesterday I had steak, and celery with cheese in it; the rest of the family also had potatoes. Day before was roast beef, salad and green beans; again I skipped a potato. It just seems easier to eat what everyone is eating. If I make tacos I just skip the shell and have a tiny amount of refried beans with plate piled up with meat, cheese, sour cream and some veggies. On a spaghetti night, I eat the meat sauce and skip the noodles.

    It works for me.

    You are excluding a lot of animal products beef (as a roast burger, meatballs, ground up in sauces or eggs or stuffed veggies), bison, elk, duck, deer, lamb, or even rabbit - wild game tastes best with some fats added to it IMO. Don't forget nuts, avocado, veggies with dips like tzatziki, artichoke and asiago, or just ranch dressing. And bacon - turkey bacon is tasty. I love kolbasa (a turkey one)and pepperoni sticks too, Pate on veggies is nice.

    I agree with the others that you need to find some tastier foods. Chicken and broccoli isn't much fun. :(
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Have you checked your blood pressure? I'm assuming you're on some heart or blood pressure meds, given that you have a cardiologist. Your electrolytes (the salts in your blood, like sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc) might be off from the low-carb diet, too.

    I'm on a very restricted diet, too, and I find it helps to focus on the foods I *can* have, rather than focusing on the restrictions. Try listing out all the foods you can have, and build your meal plan from there. Is your family supportive enough to follow your meal plan along with you? A bit of support goes a long way!
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    My husband's doctor put him on a low carb diet a month ago too, and from past experience I knew I had to find variety or there would be no end to the b*tching. I second and third and quadruple googling low carb recipes. Last time we did Atkins all I ate was chicken and broccoli too, and while miserable, I was determined to see it through. As you can imagine, I didn't stay with it. Hubby hates veggies aside from potatoes, and of course he can't eat those now, so we've had to improvise.

    Cauliflower, while not as delicious as real potatoes, can be pureed to make great faux taters. It can also be used in a variety of things, even fake pizza crust that actually tastes pretty dang good. I make my own taco seasoning now, since the store bought packets are loaded with filers, and we have shelless/chipless taco salad at least once a week. I even started making chicken tenders "breaded" with parmesan cheese and herbs. You just dip them in butter, coat them in the seasoned cheese and bake them. Delicious!

    I personally love broccoli and have taken recently to making homemade broccoli and cheese to jazz it up some. I get the steamer bags of broccoli, cook for 5 min, then poor about 3 tablespoons melted butter over it and measure out my allotted carb limit on cheddar cheese and cook for another minute until cheese is melted.... Sooooo good!

    Also look up fat bomb recipes! It'll take a small investment to buy things like coconut oil, almond and coconut flour, and artificial sweeteners that won't derail you, but I'm finding they last a while and are worth it! I made some sugar free peanut butter fudge the other week that was so good my coworkers ate it up and they hate diet anything. I've found the longer I stick with this the more my cravings evaporate so I"m not even wanting that anymore.

    As mentioned, salads can be good too! Full fat dressing and bacon? YUM!

    As for weight loss, I was up and down all month, seemingly losing and gaining the same five lbs. Well, a month later I'm finally seeing the scale move. I've only lost 8 lbs, but I'm down a pants size and a bra size. Don't let the scale lie to you! Plus my husband has lost 35 lbs now. :)

    Also keep in mind, you don't have to do induction past the two weeks. If you are truly miserable, look into OWL (ongoing weight loss)! Some people even lose faster upping the carbs just a bit.
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    What type of food do you like? Make a list of those and figure out plan for action. You will not succeed without a plan.
    The staple of LCHF is to eat more fat to keep hunger at bay.
    Avocado, Coconut oil, Olive Oil, Butter, Heavy cream, Eggs, Nuts, dark meat chicken with skin, steak, pork, cream cheese, bacon, low carb green veggies, berries... Bullet proof coffee or tea. Lots of water and electrolytes. Those are foods that are most common. Do you like any of these?
    You will need to become more creative because every carby meal have a low carb variation. Cauliflower is magical for rice or crust for pizza and mashed potatoes. Zucchini or Spaghetti squash for pasta. If you google you will find. I hated cooking prior to going low carb but it became fun to experiment because I had a goal and I wanted for it to work and it did. No need to cry, you just need to prioritize your Heath and stick with a plan.
    You can always come back and ask questions, we are all more than happy to help.
    Best of luck!
  • boohooboo
    boohooboo Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you all! I am overwhelmed by the support! :) Just to be clear (and hopefully, not off-sounding, as sometimes typed things can sound):

    1) I do not eat pork. (Religious reasons. I also don't eat milk with meat, so no beefy cheesy things for me.) Things may taste awesome with bacon, but I cannot eat it. (Same with sausage, etc.) Also, have tried Turkey Bacon and it made me want to hurl. The only "bacon" product I like is the Morningstar fake bacon, which isn't too bad carb wise (about 2 grams carb per 2 slices), but cannot eat it with abandon.

    2) I was a vegetarian for several years, but I wasn't getting enough protein. Beans and nuts ended up being my saving grace, but clearly, they can, in Atkins land, be a downfall. (If left to my own devices, I would probably inhale several TBSP of natural peanut, almond, or cashew butter.) Protein is a challenge for me, here. I eat eggs -- but I have become pretty sick of them over the past 4 weeks. I eat tuna salad, but lord help me, I just don't like fish otherwise. (I still try, but it isn't really something I like.) I eat hamburgers. I eat steak and brisket, but I don't enjoy these things. There is simply something about meat that really doesn't trigger anything happy in me. I eat it for sustenance, but blech. So the suggestions about bison, elk, rabbit-- I appreciate them, but they are not for me, unfortunately. Hence, I end up in chicken and turkey land. (Thanks to all for the recipe links!) I'm trying to figure out ways of using tofu, but I'm not sure I want to increase my soy intake too much, either -- breast cancer runs in my family, so I'm not too keen on raising my odds there.

    So -- I guess what is left to me: zero carb protein powder. And cheese. Sigh.

    3) But -- I hear what several of you are saying. Maybe tomorrow I will get crazy and add 1 half cup of blueberries into my life. (I have eaten literally no fruit in four weeks. and it makes me sad.) Maybe it is time to re-evaluate and see whether Atkins is working for me or whether I should look at South Beach. I did not get this way because of fruit ;-) But damn, I miss fruit. Especially in the summer.

    4) My sugars have been less than 10 grams per day. My fat goal is 100 gram/day. My protein goal is 113 gram/day. If I am doing this wrong, let me know :-) (And, as I mentioned earlier, carb goal is 20 gram/day, which I usually make.)

    Totally checking out some of the recipes you've all shared. Thank you so much, and let me know if you have any other suggestions. Very much appreciated everyone's .02 :-)

  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Grab some chicken breast or thigh, cut it up in chunks, coat it in whole egg mayo like hellmans or s&w, then parmesan, cook it in the oven. It's so good and has heaps of flavor.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Ebony, the OP can't do dairy with meat.

    What about lamb and mutton? That's my favorite meat. If it was cheaper, I would eat that way more often than beef.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Grab some chicken breast or thigh, cut it up in chunks, coat it in whole egg mayo like hellmans or s&w, then parmesan, cook it in the oven. It's so good and has heaps of flavor.

    That does sound good!