July 2015 Challenge ~~ Jul 27th - Aug 2nd



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Well still at work. The Judge says he is calling it a night at 2200 if the jury has not reached a verdict by then. Late dinner.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,439 Member
    Kathy, have fun. Monday is a new day.

    Shelley I think I like #1 the best. Love the kitty's watering hole! Chubby is good for starfish...but not for us!! Hope you get home soon.

    Paula...yummm coffee!!! I'll see your cashews and raise you a bunch of peanuts...have to leave them in the jar, though.

    Walked w/Bean early for 30 mins then dropped him off w/DH so I could finish. No bike today.

    Today I ended up with 6.60 miles for 12,655 steps.

    Took DH to the doc today to have his staples removed. He's doing great! Then we all took a nap! Weird dreams in the middle of the afternoon...egad!

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Chris I got home at 9:30 pm. So glad to be done! I like the first one best also! I must admit, it is mine. B) Timmy has a number of stitches. They found a fatty tumor and removed it also. He has been licking. I hope we do not have to use the cone of shame. But if we do......... My kitty loves his watering dish also. He is so silly. o:) Wish him luck. He gets his blood done tomorrow.

    Nice steps Chris. I thought you were going to remove those staples? I love weird dreams. Keeps you young. So no chubby for us. Got it. Glad you set me straight. :grin:


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Shelley, Your kitties watering dish looks an awful lot like a bathtub, does he know? :laugh:

    Chris, Peanuts! :drinker:

    Shelley, Starfish in tidepools? Do you get out to our neck of the woods sometimes? Or are there geyser tidepools and starfish?

    Didn't walk today after all. LE forgot her tennies and was too overwhelmed to take off anyway. Tough week for her. I'm really enjoying work - definitely the coffee talking. Makes me wonder if I'm a happy person or is it just chemicals? (ending philosophical musings now...)

    I asked DH if my arms looked better now that I've gained some weight back (i.e. cute chubby starfish arms). He grimaced before he caught himself. hmmm...

    Do something once in a blue moon tonight!

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Paula, what does LE stand for?
    I'm at work but will be gearing up to run after work. I'm back to my Couch2K program which I didn't get to finish before. Got up to week 7 or 8 and then got sick, went to Europe, etc. Starting over at week 1.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,439 Member
    Paula - the blue moon looked fab from our patio last night! The clouds were a wispy across it. Cool!

    Didn't do anything today. Woke up to a crap load of tiny ants in the front bathroom :D ...couldn't see where they were coming from...creepy. They were up the walls and in the sinks. I sprayed all the crevices. Then I cleaned the house and started a new book. I like it for today.

    Hope everyone has a fun Saturday and a great Sunday.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    Clara, LE are my coworkers initials, sorry 'bout that.

    Chris, We think our house is atop one of those Argentine anthills, they're always coming in. Derek puts baby powder down - they don't seem to like to cross it. I find spiders around the house and move them to the ants. Mwahahahah!

    Went for first long walk in the hills with the new knee. Derek & I hiked 45 minutes through the bay trees and horse ranches. Didn't feel it then, but got a good glow going. Beautiful day!

    Hope you are all doing well. Shelley, don't hurt yourself lifting those bags!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,898 Member
    Lol Paula, love the blue moon joke. I saw it. B) I am an army brat. Lived in New Jersey, California, Florida, Washington to mention a few with tide pools. I still go to WA and Tillamook to visit old friends and comb the beaches. There is a place in Tillamook that allowed our dogs! :smiley: Now turn those chubby starfish arms into muscles! :wink: Hey do not tell Crash it is a bathtub. He naps in it also! :smiley: Glad you were able to take such a beautiful walk.

    Clara I remember you doing that program. I was awfully proud of you. There is an old lady who jogs down at the dog park. Her husband drops her off and waits for her to finish her run. She makes me feel hopeful whenever I watch her, while standing in her dust! You go Clara!

    Chris you have ants, how perfect. Solution, New pet. A mini anteater! :laugh:

    Way busy today. Walked the boys. Took Crash for his blood draw. Took the boys to the groomer, accept Timmy, he has stitches. Then breakfast with a friend. Mowed the lawn in 90 degree weather. Then took the grandson shopping for a hoodie. Went to every shop in the mall. It is hard to find one with a zipper, and in a bright color for a 13 year old. But we did it! By then it was dinner time. Worked on painting my stepping stone. And did the parameters on the tanks. Watching under the dome.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,702 Member
    edited August 2015
    Didn't mean to imply I had cute little starfish arms (which are amaaazing muscles that pry open anything!) DH grimaced at my old lady bat wings, doncha' know. 'Twas just dreaming of cute chubby superpower arms... sigh...

    Aren't hedgehogs ant eaters? They're cute. :smiley: Or little armadillos. :laugh:

    My legs don't hurt from yesterday's hike. Good sign. Doing tomorrow's workout today. Looks fun.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,439 Member
    Shelley how did Crash's tests turn out? ...I promise not to tell him it's a bathtub. :D

    Paula you know that I have that same arm dream. :'(

    Our entire housing project was built on one giant sandy ant hill! When we first moved in. I'd find huge black lines of ants in the weirdest places. Now, I would hire a giant anteater for the job, and then I would take him for a walk. Their top speed is 31 mph, so my 15 minute mile would be a walk in the park for him! bwahahaha! :p

    Hedgehogs have prickly personalities, and I just heard that ya can't shoot an armadillo because the bullet will ricochet off his shell and hit you in the head!!! (there was an article about a guy who shot at one in his backyard and ended up with the bullet in his body...dope!!) :#

    Yesterday I did nothing. Today I managed 6.78 miles for 13,362 steps and 13.15 miles on the recumbent. Then I went grocery shopping! I'm down 3.8 pounds from last Sunday. I know most of it was water, but I'm gonna take it anyway. Let's just see how I do this week.

    The kids got home from D'land this evening and picked up Bean. I'm just glad they are home. I'll probably help DDD in her classroom this week as her first graders will pile in on the 19th.

    I hope you all have a grand Monday!
