Any seniors doing Keto?

Just wondering if anyone is a senior citizen doing the Keto diet? If so, what kind of results are you having? And how strict a keto dieter are you, I mean do you do less than 20 carbs a day, count calories too, etc. Thanks for any help from one and all.


  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    You might consider joining the low carb forum. There's a popular over-50's thread there:
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Are you eating a ketogenic diet now or exploring options? You'll find lots of support and answers here.

    I am not quite a senior citizen yet - the government keeps raising the age! Although, I have been contacted by AARP since I was 37. I am now 53 and try to be a strict keto dieter < 20 g total carbs per day 5% or less, moderate protein around 60 g per day 20 % or less and the rest is fat - yum! I do not really count calories. I see that they are usually less than recommended but I do not do that on purpose. I also cannot exercise for health reasons.

    I consider my results excellent both on and off the scale. I lost about 10 lbs the first month since I started back in June and about another 5 this month. More significantly, I have less inflammation, more energy, less pain, and better sleep. And I am happier eating this way!
  • Redztime2shine
    Redztime2shine Posts: 12 Member
    I just turned 50 and I'm doing keto, but I have only been doing it since the 12th of this month.

    So far I really enjoy the freedom from hunger and feeling better healthwise!!!!! And my skin issues (menopausal acne) has vastly improved :)

  • fortunebc
    fortunebc Posts: 24 Member
    Im 75 and have been doing keto, keeping carbs under 20 (5%), protein 20% and fat 75%. I seem to have stuck at my present weight for a month, after losing 20 pound the first 3 months.

    I dont get out to exercise, I'm the caregiver for my 87 yr old husband with Alzheimer's. He cant be left alone in the house. (He falls a lot). I follow both low carb and keto groups discussions for the good advice there. The over 50 ladies -with -our-special -needs group on the LCD is a fun older group, very helpful and informative.

    Its such a healthy WOE, and since I'm pre-diabetic I'm hoping to improve my A1c eating keto.
  • Cherokeemaiden7
    Cherokeemaiden7 Posts: 6 Member
    Toad, Yes I am on the Keto diet, and was doing the LC for awhile, but seem to do better with the Keto. I am diabetic, but took myself off Metformin as I heard too many bad things about it. So far my numbers are within range and have actually gone down some since starting Keto. So am happy with that, and the fact that I rarely, if ever, get hungry. A great way to eat and I love the food !
  • Cherokeemaiden7
    Cherokeemaiden7 Posts: 6 Member
    Red, good luck on your Keto diet. I really like it. Have lost some weight, and inches, but most of all I'm able to control my blood sugar with this diet. Actually since starting Keto my numbers have gone down. So glad to hear that you have improvements in your health also. Keep up the good work.
  • Cherokeemaiden7
    Cherokeemaiden7 Posts: 6 Member
    Fortune, So sorry to hear about your husband. I used to work at a nursing home before I retired so I know what you are going through. Don't fret about not losing weight for awhile, you are most likely losing inches somewhere. I have gone through several days where I didn't lose any weight, but have lost last check I have lost a total of 9 inches, so I am pleased with that. Especially, like you I haven't done very much exercising. We did just recently purchase a treadmill and hope to be able to start walking on it on a daily basis. Good luck with your weight loss and don't give up. You can do it!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Just wondering if anyone is a senior citizen doing the Keto diet? If so, what kind of results are you having? And how strict a keto dieter are you, I mean do you do less than 20 carbs a day, count calories too, etc. Thanks for any help from one and all.

    What is your definition of a Senior?

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    95 pounds down, 29 to go.
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric Surgery! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Previous Discussions on the LCD & Keto Groups
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups Updated
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet Updated
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto Updated
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites
    Low Carb Discussion Group on MFP (LCD)
  • ImaNonnie
    ImaNonnie Posts: 1 Member
    I turned the senior corner in March - 60 yrs! Both of my parents died of cancer in their early 60s, so I've done extensive research into the Keto Diet and cancer. I'm impressed with the data and decided to do it! (I didn't say "try a new diet" as I've done so many times before.) Friday, July 31st was the first day of the rest of my life ... I'm doing it!
    A displaced Michigander waves at Dan the Man from Michigan ... HI!
  • trenaj1971
    trenaj1971 Posts: 3 Member
    Just wondering if anyone is a senior citizen doing the Keto diet? If so, what kind of results are you having? And how strict a keto dieter are you, I mean do you do less than 20 carbs a day, count calories too, etc. Thanks for any help from one and all.
    ImaNonnie wrote: »
    I turned the senior corner in March - 60 yrs! Both of my parents died of cancer in their early 60s, so I've done extensive research into the Keto Diet and cancer. I'm impressed with the data and decided to do it! (I didn't say "try a new diet" as I've done so many times before.) Friday, July 31st was the first day of the rest of my life ... I'm doing it!
    A displaced Michigander waves at Dan the Man from Michigan ... HI!

  • trenaj1971
    trenaj1971 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 61. I am 5 months into Keto. Love it! I have lost 40 pounds. I limited my carbs to 34 g. Which is higher than many. However, I have not experienced Keto flu or any of the adverse effects of dropping to 20 g all of a sudden. I have been gradually reducing carbs and calories as I lose. I am down to 25 g now.
  • vickiljames
    vickiljames Posts: 7 Member
    I have just turned 65. I am only one month into Keto. My husband thinks it's another one of my fads but I think it is here to stay. I feel much less bloated and usually not hungry at all. I don't count grams strictly but basically have given up sugar, fruit, potatoes and anything containing grains. According to the scales I haven't lost anything at all but my clothes are looser and I 'feel' lighter. I'm also trying to fend of diabetes after a diagnosis of insulin resistance.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    I have just turned 65. I am only one month into Keto. My husband thinks it's another one of my fads but I think it is here to stay. I feel much less bloated and usually not hungry at all. I don't count grams strictly but basically have given up sugar, fruit, potatoes and anything containing grains. According to the scales I haven't lost anything at all but my clothes are looser and I 'feel' lighter. I'm also trying to fend of diabetes after a diagnosis of insulin resistance.

    You will fend it off, my sons went from type 2 to not with weight loss and Keto :)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I'm 63. I don't strive for ketosis any longer but do keep carbs very low at ~50 per day. I once labeled keto as my "Retro Diet". Think about it. I don't know about you but it is very similar to how I ate back in the 50s and 60s.

    We got our milk at the neighbor's farm-at least 1/3 cream. To this day, I still shake "milk" containers. LOL.

    Our vegetables came out of our garden. Mom canned a bunch for the winter.

    A standard chicken was ~4 pounds not 8+. Grandma had to roast 2 for Sunday dinner for a crowd. The carcass always went in a big pot afterwards to make (bone) broth for another meal. Usually soup.

    We didn't snack because it would "ruin our dinner". And we probably weren't hungry anyway because we ate real food. I could go on and on. Draw your own parallels if they exist for you and share your thoughts with your husband. There are a few "faddish" things about today's keto as a WOE but the basis of it is not faddish.