Keto Egg Fast

Has anyone done the Egg Fast, and if so, what kind of success, or lack of, did you have? I have never looked into it to see what all it involves, but heard it mentioned on YouTube and was wondering if anyone had tried it.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    There is a decent one listed on the ibreatheimhungry website. I have not ever done it, and most folks I know who have done it haven't made it through all five days. Some like the recipes as is...
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Looks very interesting. I'd love to try it once I see how my body reacts to eggs in general. The write-ups say this works because of the casein in egg whites. I am supposedly to be sensitive to that but I am testing eggs this month.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    There is a brief discussion on the Low Carb group sometime back in June on this topic. Thanks Knit for recalling the website, I was looking for it in my links. :) I recall the general takeaway was that the egg fast had too much dairy and most folks prefer variety in their diets. It might help for a few days to give you a kickstart if you are in a keto slump, but consider reducing the dairy.

    I do a dozen eggs a week and that is plenty for me. I think the one-trick-pony diet gets old fairly quickly and most folks wouldn't want to see another what ever it was..fill in the blank food item... I did like some of the recipes and it gave me some new ideas to incorporate. The one kind of food fast reminds me of the funny scene with Bubba Gump Shrimp co. You got your scrambled eggs, your over light eggs, your sunny side up eggs, your poached eggs, your hard boiled eggs, your quiche, your omelette, your eggs benedict...LOL By the end of the week, you start dreading your next meal instead of having a meal that is something to look forward to..
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    It does seem fairly gimmicky. I'd be more likely to try Gironda's steak & eggs plan.
  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    It does seem fairly gimmicky. I'd be more likely to try Gironda's steak & eggs plan.
    This, plain and simple...easy to be compliant with

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    @Cherokeemaiden7 I didn't think to ask, "Why?' What purpose are you trying to use the egg fast for? As a source of recipes, great! As an ongoing plan, not so much. As a boost to get you jump started? Maybe. Depends on how long you've been doing this. Making a semi-restrictive way of eating even further restricted before you get your footing planted solid in this WOE can just make you go crazy, get frustrated, and want to quit... Let us know why you are looking at this program, and we can make further suggestions for you. Personally, I prefer to follow my hunger, which allows for the occasional water-only fast (for hours, not days), but ignoring our hunger signals to force-follow an eating plan is what got most of us here in first place, is it not? I'd rather not repeat that!