Ok - i'm stressing

siany01 Posts: 319 Member
I really want to do this program and I have done workouts A&B once each and really enjoy it.

The thing that I keep panicking over is that I still have about 30lbs to lose and I want it gone, like yesterday. At least I want to look likes its gone if you know what I mean.

Is this program really going to help me do that? Has anyone else lost that amount of weight doing it? Everyone who's already done it seem small to start with. How long (on average) is it going to take for me to achieve a decent weight loss / inch loss?

Sorry, I know this has been probably covered to death but I have lost 12lb, 10 inches and 10% body fat in the last 7 weeks doing weight based circuits (so weighted cardio I suppose you would say) and I want to continue to progress with that loss.


ETA My Ticker is to my first goal which is to be in the healthy BMI range, incase you were wondering.


  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Yes it will work. I suggest you read the book first though, so you have full understanding of how it's going to work. Also, check out the groups Facebook page.
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    id suggest you to rather focus on body fat loss, than scale weight. (with that said, many of us, including me can relate and want to lose scale weight too) 10% bf loss (minus weight as well) in just 7weeks is tremendous! to be perfectly honest, i would keep up with whatever you are doing now until you achieve a comfortable bf% (and are closer to your desired weight)
    im on stage4 and so far ive 'only' lost around 1-2% of my body fat and 2-3lbs scale weight (thanks to eating in a massive deficit) not sure about the inches either.
    im not saying its not working (i am indeed fitter and stronger), im saying whatever you are doing is awesome plus we all are different so i would keep up with your program for a further 7 or 14weeks, read the book carefully _then_ start nrol4w.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Yes it will work. I suggest you read the book first though, so you have full understanding of how it's going to work. Also, check out the groups Facebook page.

    I have read the book, and hundreds of articles and posts on here about it. I understand the science and I know that eventually it will work but my progress has been good so far. If doing this is going to then mean its going to take the full 6 mths program to lose the rest of the weight then I am not 100% behind that as I could probably do it in less than that with what I was doing before.

    I guess what I am trying to find out is how long, on average, is it going to take to see some decent results from doing this program.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    id suggest you to rather focus on body fat loss, than scale weight. (with that said, many of us, including me can relate and want to lose scale weight too) 10% bf loss (minus weight as well) in just 7weeks is tremendous! to be perfectly honest, i would keep up with whatever you are doing now until you achieve a comfortable bf% (and are closer to your desired weight)
    im on stage4 and so far ive 'only' lost around 1-2% of my body fat and 2-3lbs scale weight (thanks to eating in a massive deficit) not sure about the inches either.
    im not saying its not working (i am indeed fitter and stronger), im saying whatever you are doing is awesome plus we all are different so i would keep up with your program for a further 7 or 14weeks, read the book carefully _then_ start nrol4w.

    Thank you.

    I have worked my *kitten* off to do it and I am happy to continue to work my butt off. Looking at your pic you are already quite slim starting so I would imagine that would be why, as you word it 'only' lost 1-2% body fat. I started at 186 and am now 174 with a body fat of 44% down to 34%. This is where my concern comes from . I want to know that I can get this weight off asap
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I was on the FB group and looked t the FAQs and there is one there that asks I have 50lbs to lose is this the right program for me? And the advice from Alwyn is to do stages 1,2,7 & 4 (the other stages are strength building) then do Rachel cosgroves drop two sizes book. I am going to follow the advice in the new rules one and then take it from there. I feel a lot more confident with it now.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    Yes it will work. I suggest you read the book first though, so you have full understanding of how it's going to work. Also, check out the groups Facebook page.

    I have read the book, and hundreds of articles and posts on here about it. I understand the science and I know that eventually it will work but my progress has been good so far. If doing this is going to then mean its going to take the full 6 mths program to lose the rest of the weight then I am not 100% behind that as I could probably do it in less than that with what I was doing before.

    I guess what I am trying to find out is how long, on average, is it going to take to see some decent results from doing this program.
    Again, I will reiterate what others have said about the scale. It is the devil, and there really is no get skinny quick scheme, which I am sure you already know, or we all wouldn't be here to begin with.... I too have a pretty massive amount of "weight" to lose as well! I am 5'10" down to 205 from 236 and that was mostly just from diet & cardio. I am also still in the unhealthy body fat % low 30's, so obviously I want out of that category as quickly as I can! I used to lift a long time ago, but when I started really hitting the heavy weights I freaked out about the weight gain I was seeing and quit even though my body looked great, I couldn't deal with the weight gain. I could literally kick my self now for quitting back then b/c I can imagine how awesome I'd look if I would have kept at it all these years! Just stick with it, push hard & heavy as you can, and you will see results! I am midway through week 3 of stage 1 and I am seeing results. I hadn't weighed myself since starting the program over 2 weeks ago and just did this past weekend out of curiosity, I had lost 7 lbs. I know that won't happen every time I decide to step on the scale which is why I will focus more on NSV's. and I had several of those this past weekend too. including a couple this morning! So hang in there, your body will start changing not to mention your strength which is one of my favorite parts!
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    It's just that leap of faith isn't it. I know logically it will work but that small part of my brain just keeps nagging. I know there is no quick fix. I have lost 4 stone (56lb) since this time last year and I know I'll get there I am just well chuffed with my progress since I got going again properly at the beginning of May and don't want to eat disheartened iykwim
  • mmoister79
    mmoister79 Posts: 20
    I am going to be honest and say if you are only looking to see the number on the scale go down, then this isn't the program for you. If you are looking to lose inches and look awesome naked, then I would go for it! I am not small to begin with (208, 5'10") and I have dropped 2 dress sizes after finishing the first stage. My scale weight only went down 2 pounds. Am I disappointed in these results? Heck no! I am starting to look awesome and feel even better, so that is what matters to me. I am getting leaner and stronger even though I am not dropping scale weight, and that is what this program will do for you.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I am going to be honest and say if you are only looking to see the number on the scale go down, then this isn't the program for you. If you are looking to lose inches and look awesome naked, then I would go for it! I am not small to begin with (208, 5'10") and I have dropped 2 dress sizes after finishing the first stage. My scale weight only went down 2 pounds. Am I disappointed in these results? Heck no! I am starting to look awesome and feel even better, so that is what matters to me. I am getting leaner and stronger even though I am not dropping scale weight, and that is what this program will do for you.

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, of course I care about the number on the scale, I'm only human after all lol. But ultimately it's about the way I look. I want to drop inches more than pounds (though I won't turn my nose up at both). I have decided to stick with it. If I was to lose 2 dress sizes I'd be elated heck, I'd be over the moon with one.

    Think I'm pretty certain that I'm over my wobbles now and will stick at it.
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I think the further you get into it, the more you will love it! I know I have, but then I loved lifting back in the day so I kinda knew I would. Keep us posted on your progress! :wink: