


  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome auntneen! This is a great group. Everyone is very supportive! You can do this <3
  • Gerr9224
    Gerr9224 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! Been looking for some support with Keto. I started may 26 of this year, down 30#. Kind of seem stuck right now. Scales not moving. But no plans of giving up this WOE bc I do feel way better! 35 yr old mom and night shift nurse! ;-)
  • Schmeggly80
    Schmeggly80 Posts: 81 Member
    @Gerr9224 - Feel free to add me! I am a 34 yr old (35 in Nov) keto mom as well. Not a nurse, but, as Meatloaf says, two out of three ain't bad!

    Mmmmmmmm... meatloaf... sorry, got distracted there for a sec. :D
  • auntneen
    auntneen Posts: 31 Member
    I also am a 35 y/o mom. Not a nurse but in the health field as an occupational therapy student. Finish with clinicals in December and graduate! I blame Grad school for the 30 gained lbs.
    Everyone please feel free to add me as I've no clue how to do it yet...
  • CinaGettingFit
    CinaGettingFit Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello Keto Friends! I'm Cina. I've been on a get fit and healthy lifestyle since the start of 2015, but started ketogenic a 4 weeks ago. I'm so happy when I find groups that support and motivate a healthy lifestyle. I've released 65 pounds so far this year and have a long road ahead, but I'm so determined to be healthy and fit. I started a Youtube Weight Lose Journey to document my progress and I found this amazing weight loss community that has been so much inspiration and motivation this whole time, I just love those folks. Please feel free to join us, here is my link to my channel please subscribe and join us!
    I'm still learning so much about keto, and we have some Keto pros on Youtube! Have a great keto day everyone!
  • Helewisa
    Helewisa Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm Helewisa and I started keto or LCHF on July 11, 2015. I had started some plan that a close friend encouraged me to try (SHAPE), but I almost immediately decided this was NOT what I wanted.

    Anyway, somehow or other I began researching and found a website called the Diet Dr. and that was my first intro to keto. I was fascinated by the medical information being explained and quickly went on to research much more in depth (I am a nurse). The details and meta data, long term and large studies that have been published explaining nutritional ketosis were and are completely mind-blowing. Here I found just about everything contrary to what I have been taught to encourage my patients to eat.

    This way of eating may well save many lives, repair nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and metabolic and heal the inflammation that so many of us have been plagued with for years and years!

    I am so excited, but know of no one else in my circle of friends or acquaintances who knows anything about this ketogenic eating or who has any desire to go on the adventure with me.

    OK, long winded...but here I am and I am so glad to have some others to compare notes with and encourage/be encouraged. My plan is to take it easy, watch my macros, keep the calories low but not starvation low (metabolic resistance!) and work out thoroughly, but without rushing. I truly believe that I need to heal my bodies metabolic response after the years of yo-yo on again off again dieting that I have inflicted on this poor body.

    So, I'm getting to bed at a reasonable hour, lifting weights twice/week, doing some walking, yoga and maybe some dancing too. No more stressing and I really want to simplify my life and make a healthier life/body and spirit.

    That's it...oh sheesh, I wrote an essay! ;-P

    Keto friend,
  • Helewisa
    Helewisa Posts: 13 Member
    Gerr9224 wrote: »
    Hello everyone! Been looking for some support with Keto. I started may 26 of this year, down 30#. Kind of seem stuck right now. Scales not moving. But no plans of giving up this WOE bc I do feel way better! 35 yr old mom and night shift nurse! ;-)

    Hey there Gerr9244, I too am a night shift RN, and it is so hard on our bodies...I'm hoping to get some real benefits from the keto WOE. Anyway, if you'd like to connect/share with me as well, please add me or whatever. I'm 49 yo, but like to forget that part of my identity ;-P

  • DheanaRamsay
    DheanaRamsay Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Dheana. This is my first attempt at keto but I've been LCHF for about 3 months and have lost 15lbs. I don't have a lot more to lose but really interested in the steady energy and promise of increased focus and productivity. I'm 45 and an event planner heading into a very busy season.
  • Helewisa
    Helewisa Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome aboard the keto wagon Dheana (you've been riding for longer than I have!) but it's nice to have a community here where we can share some successes, concerns etc.