Not eating enough is killing my liver!?

I got the results back from my 6 month check up. Usually everything is good no changes needed. This time, however, everything was abnormal. My liver enzymes were elevated and now I'm Type 2 diabetic. The dietician calls to do my phone consult.....I had no idea that I was eating so little that when I do eat (usually once a day) I'm putting too much stress on my liver. I'm 50 pounds overweight. She said my metabolism needed a boost.


  • bethjohnson683
    bethjohnson683 Posts: 12 Member
    HELP!!! I need suggestions on recipes and exercises that are friendly to a very, very bad back!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    For recipes try this message board:

    If your back is that bad, I suggest you get your dr. to refer you to a physical therapist to design workouts that won't hurt it further.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    The eating has to become a routine. Recipes alone are not going to help you to spread your eating throughout the day. For example, I would never eat breakfast and never felt hungry in the morning. So it was a process just getting something in me at first. Then a little more and soon I was hungry first thing in the morning. Now that's not as important overall but you get the point. Side note, when I started eating breakfast, it made it easier to resist splurges later in the day.

    As far as activity, listen to @retirehappy and have your doctor refer you to someone who can assist you in training around your back and slowly strengthening it as well. Since you didn't give any details here, I'm assuming you've seen a doctor about your back.
  • Liftin4food
    Liftin4food Posts: 175 Member
    Did your dietician give you a number of calories to aim for? How about a number of meals to shoot for each day? Or a diet plan to follow?

    If not I would be going back and asking them for more information about what to do.