Weekly Post 02.08. - 08.08.15

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
edited August 2015 in Social Groups
Hi everbody....

I'm off work and tingling around....Thursday I was in Basel, Friday in Winterthur and tomorrow in Bern. Today I hiked along the Rhein for 2.5h and then hiked home for another 2h... about 20k in total.

I'm taking the week off of fasting as I'm out and about all week. Visiting friends and family, receiving visitors to. Will be SUPing on the lake on two days with my sister, so there will be some activity too.

I'll be back to logging and fasting on the 10th. For now I'm just enjoying the time off.

Have a great week!


  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Enjoying occasional breaks from the routine is one of the great benefits of this way of eating. We just get back to it when the break is over and I often find it is without too much damage done despite any indulgences. Same for the exercise routine. I'm in the middle of a few such breaks myself but that all ends when school starts back up mid-August. All the best to you on your adventures!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Hello all!

    and welcome all newcomers or restarters too :) Everyone is welcome to post. Don't feel shy, hehe.

    I haven't been posting in this group for a while because I have not been a poster child for semi-fasting. Mostly due to being able to maintain easily with the daily eating window 16:8 style. My main goal is to keep exercise volume to the current 1-2 hrs/day. And somehow fitting fasts in mentally on my "rest" days has been hard.

    I do however try doing a zigzag, calorie cycling. Due to what I've read lately about fasting and health benefits: increased autophagy, increased mitochondrial function, increased HGH etc... I'll try do a semi fast 2-3 days 1x/month or on occasion. Purely for health reasons.

    On the positive note, I've been able to up calories substantially. Many weeks this spring I'm at net 2000 kcal/day, PLUS exercise cals! This is very good results, since before I couldn't lose any weight at net 1200 kcal/day. Scale weight is within range, clothes are slowly getting looser. I interpret this as an indication I have been able to either "repair damaged metabolism" or simply feed the body the nutrients it needs to work better.

    Btw, lovely new banner picture!