


  • jjacks1986
    jjacks1986 Posts: 19 Member
    Having my step kids here and we went to a country fair yesterday...While I was very good whilst there (brought my own lung woth me etc) the kids were really annoying all day and when we got home on was too tired and grumpy (kids and husband were sharing the mood) and I really couldn't be asked to cook!! so we ended up with a bucket of kfc on the table :/
  • SpicyBaconCake
    SpicyBaconCake Posts: 96 Member
    I totally just 'binged' on rice krispie treats. Was like a total munchies attack. Calories are still at maintenance for the day, but they are all gone now, or I may have kept going!
  • danielaica
    danielaica Posts: 28 Member
    After about one month I managed to lose 1 kg and I celebrated it with food :#:D Am I the only one that does this?
    I had a cheese empanada (small) and a dish called chupe de jaiba which is a crab dish but with loads of cheese. I was very surprised about how little I managed to eat tho. I actually only ate 1/4 of the chupe. I also had icecream and I don't feel bad about it hehehehehe I figured that I can eat whatever I want as long as it's once a month.
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    Extremely frustrating wknd for me. I didn't track my food at all. I caved to the pizza that was ordered at lunch, and ate wings and rings on Sat night, and Sunday was just the worst...let's just say that it was a junk food free for all!! So depressed and mad at myself. But today is a new day and I am trying to get back on track.

    @mommyknits those junior mints are gone now! They were part of Sundays disaster!!
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    I binged on sushi yesterday. I had 4 rolls with total cal of 560. Sushi is my weakness and I hate eating more than 2 at once
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,372 Member
    These last couple of weeks has been horrible I've gained 10 pounds! Late night snacking plus NOT logging this weekend!!!!! I need to get back on track!!!!!
  • mandync5497
    mandync5497 Posts: 56 Member
    I overload my coffee with creamer. 3 to 4 tbsp per cup! Find it so hard to quit. Also I never log my weekends. Wastes all my effort to stay under during the week just to throw it down the drain on the weekends.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    mommyknits wrote: »
    I confess that although I've been faithful to my new fitness of cycling..I've opted for chips vs fruit...multiple times

    @FitNFabulousByFifty I like your screen name. My mission is to tame my weight by 50 as well and go into that decade leading an active and healthy lifestyle. I've got not quite 2 1/2 years to go. :-)

    I'm 60, and managed my weight, with lots of effort and exercise, pretty well (I'm one of those, "oh you don't have to worry about your weight, you're so lucky" people). Then it started to get really hard around 58. I watched a friend of mine gain 50 pounds when she retired at 70. So, there are very few "little thin old ladies" who don't work to stay there.

    My advice, start now, and don't look back. It sucks to be overweight and older. I'm "only" 15 pounds overweight now, but was up to 25 pounds over and put the breaks on. Hang in there. It doesn't get easier, but it sure is better to maintain than to lose. If you have lots to lose and are younger, now's the time. Your metabolism never, ever speeds just gets slower and slower.

  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    I found myself absolutely starved after a couple of hours of roller derby training last night. Despite a decent protein shake this morning, I was craving meat and ended up overdoing it on fried chicken tenders at lunchtime today. On the plus side, even if these were lightly breaded, I didn't have any fries or other side. Just the meat! Probably not the worst thing I could have done but its my first serious slip since embarking on the new habit just over a month ago. Lesson learned- more protein needed in my Nutribullet the morning after a heavy workout!
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    edited August 2015
    @mommyknits those junior mints are gone now! They were part of Sundays disaster!!

    @shangates92 the mini KitKat is gone now, too..... but all I saw of it was the empty wrapper left on the coffee table. I think the hubby devoured it which is fine with me. I've had to circle huge cupcakes that showed up in our office kitchen all day today. So far, I've won!! 45 minutes left to the end of the day.

  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    @mommyknits did you get up at the butt crack of dawn and workout just to ruin all that hard work with a stupid cupcake?! I think NOT!! Stay strong days almost over
  • mommyknits
    mommyknits Posts: 166 Member
    @shangates92.... I managed to ignore them...... :-)
  • ShansGotGoals
    ShansGotGoals Posts: 928 Member
    Whoo hoo!! Beautiful job
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    This is the first time this year that I didn't log anything for 2 days straight. Today when I weighed I about died. I am back up to 204.2. So yesterday I had already decided to do that 3 day juice cleanse that was posted on here. I got up and started making it. I don't have a juicer, so I decided to put everything in a stock pot and cook it into a soup, which I was then able to puree. That worked well, it's tasty and has a good texture to it and is thin enough to drink if I want to. I am hurting all over and have a vice like headache. The cleanse seems to have already begun to work. We had a teacher's appreciation luncheon today at our church for our local school district so I decided to make my protein and vegetable meal at noon. I avoided the potato casserole and the deserts but ate a good portion of roast beef and a side salad. I also went back home and ate a bowl of vegetable puree before the crowd arrived. Now I am resting, hoping the pain goes away soon.
  • nashelsky
    nashelsky Posts: 28 Member
    nannersp61 wrote: »
    This is the first time this year that I didn't log anything for 2 days straight. Today when I weighed I about died. I am back up to 204.2. So yesterday I had already decided to do that 3 day juice cleanse that was posted on here. I got up and started making it. I don't have a juicer, so I decided to put everything in a stock pot and cook it into a soup, which I was then able to puree. That worked well, it's tasty and has a good texture to it and is thin enough to drink if I want to. I am hurting all over and have a vice like headache. The cleanse seems to have already begun to work. We had a teacher's appreciation luncheon today at our church for our local school district so I decided to make my protein and vegetable meal at noon. I avoided the potato casserole and the deserts but ate a good portion of roast beef and a side salad. I also went back home and ate a bowl of vegetable puree before the crowd arrived. Now I am resting, hoping the pain goes away soon.

    I hope you aren't hurting from the juice! Make sure to be drinking lots of water :) and if you think it is hurting you, know that it's okay to stop and try something else. Good luck!!
  • ryanndavignon
    ryanndavignon Posts: 86 Member
    I had a piece of cake today.....and it made my stomach hurt. Wont be doing that again.
  • WicklowWanderer
    WicklowWanderer Posts: 247 Member
    I had a piece of cake today.....and it made my stomach hurt. Wont be doing that again.

    Have to say, anything too sweet makes me feel gross now. Salt and savoury flavours were/are my biggest weakness but sometimes I would have had a sweet tooth- seems to be gone now! I make a tonic of Apple Cider Vinegar in water and drink a glass every night- I'm convinced that its helped me to cut out sugar.
  • leanlicorice
    leanlicorice Posts: 84 Member
    I am confessing to emotional eating this week, namely chocolate, and not logging my food accurately. My husband has been away for the last week and the last few days have been a struggle. So I have been reaching for the comfort food and watching excessive tv for distraction. The excess sugar makes me feel disgusting and I know the best distraction is exercise and fresh air.

    However I am grateful to myself for the following:
    - Doing at least some exercise
    - Overcoming binging urges (I could have eaten much more and much worse)
    - Logging all food despite contentious accuracy.
  • ewoksrule3
    ewoksrule3 Posts: 230 Member
    I went wayyy off yesterday. It's that time of the month, and I ended up eating 1300 calories more than I burned. Ugh. I felt SO miserable for the whole evening, like I couldn't move or get comfortable, and like I was going to throw up. Wish I could remember that feeling when I'm starting a binge! I still didn't eat the greatest today, but I was much more active, so I should end up with a 400-500 calorie deficit. Not my goal, but way better than yesterday!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am confessing to emotional eating this week, namely chocolate, and not logging my food accurately. My husband has been away for the last week and the last few days have been a struggle. So I have been reaching for the comfort food and watching excessive tv for distraction. The excess sugar makes me feel disgusting and I know the best distraction is exercise and fresh air.

    However I am grateful to myself for the following:
    - Doing at least some exercise
    - Overcoming binging urges (I could have eaten much more and much worse)
    - Logging all food despite contentious accuracy.

    It's tough for me too when my husband is out of town. I sit in front of Netflix and watch till bed so I don't binge. He's gone again in a week. Sigh.