Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread - Aug. 3 to 9

ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
edited August 2015 in Social Groups
Normally this thread is focused on what your goals are for accountability. So post a short list of the goals you are going to focus on this week (can be a part of a larger goal, or just an area you want to focus on a bit more).

I'm going to get back to my run/walk sessions.
I'm going to schedule my annual physical.
I'm going to go to bed earlier so I can get more sleep.

In addition, I wonder what is motivating you this week? What is the reason(s) this week/month/in general that you are working on your health? How do you remind yourself of these? What is the benefit, your interpretation, of continuing your journey?

When I started I had clothes that I hadn't worn in years that I really wanted to fit into. These were nice clothes that I enjoyed wearing, and the thought of wearing them again appealed to me and helped set a physical goal in mind.

As I've progressed, and grown into some of these clothes, I've changed my target point to be able to finish certain fitness goals (finish a bike century and run a 5K in under 30 min). These goals are now a reason to keep on the path, because without losing more weight I won't be able to reach the point that I can continue with the exercise that I enjoy.

I still want to look good. I still want to be able to walk around without a shirt (feeling comfortable and not awkward). I still want to be able to sit down without wondering how horrible I look with my belly squished against my legs... BUT... I've come this far and don't have to worry about my thighs rubbing together (as much), can wear pants bought at Target or JCP, can feel better about having my picture taken, and can perform outdoor work tasks (hiking up and down 100' tall impoundment) without huffing and puffing.

Where I've been, and how far I've come is helping to motivate me to go further. What's motivating you, and how will you use it to excel with your goals?


Write down either here, or somewhere you'll see everyday (preferably both) what your goals are, and why you want to get there. Include non-scale goals as well: fitness goals, mental (food relationship, stress, etc.) goals, finance goals, and whatever else you wish to achieve.

Try to figure out which goals help you get to other goals, and set small progress goals, that build into larger goals. Nothing is more frustrating than working your butt off for months and not being able to check the box; smaller goals help give you the joy of completion, and that in turn helps motivate you to work on the next step.

Sorry this is so long winded; I'll post my answer to the mini goal later this week once I've had a chance to think it through.


  • keyo11
    keyo11 Posts: 23 Member
    Normally this thread is focused on what your goals are for accountability. So post a short list of the goals you are going to focus on this week (can be a part of a larger goal, or just an area you want to focus on a bit more).

    I'm going to be more exact with my logging. I've been estimating measurements and that's gotta stop.
    I'm doubling my workout time. Started at 15 minutes and moved up to 30. Was going with 45 but I like the music for 60 minutes, so that's what I'm going with. I do what I call wheelchair aerobics, but the only thing close I've found listed in the database is dancing, general. So that's what we'll call it.

    In addition, I wonder what is motivating you this week? What is the reason(s) this week/month/in general that you are working on your health? How do you remind yourself of these? What is the benefit, your interpretation, of continuing your journey?

    Long term goal is - I wanna go home. I have a cabin in the woods and was living totally off grid. I love my house. But then I was rear-ended by a hit and run driver. Messed up my back. I'm now mostly in a wheel chair and my doc has decreed no lifting, of anything. No pushing. No pulling. So. I need back surgery. And I need to lose weight to get it. So I can go home.


    I'm happy with 10 lbs a month. I'll enjoy fitting into smaller clothes and looking better and moving more easily as I lose weight.
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    My Goals for this week
    1. Say no to desserts on the week days, even though my wife plans on making cheese cake and pumpkin muffins this week.
    2. Get my base line for 5 km walk
    3. Even though it is raining most of this week, try and get my lunchtime walks in somehow.
    4. Say no to Craft service. The first have of the show they came in under budget and now they are spending it on treats every other day, hard to resist. Repeat. Just say NO.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    This week i am off work, yesterday i was laid up with a bee sting too my toe, i got severe joint pain and i ended up in bed, today i am feeling better but still have lots of pain in my toe!

    My goals this week,
    Drink lots of water
    get out and moving everyday
    No more unplanned eating out (i have two lunch and 2 dinners planned in august which i will attend)!

    And i thought this posted yesterday lol
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    This week I am focusing on:
    1. 10,000 steps a day
    2. Journaling daily
    3. Continuing to eat whole grains, fruits & veggies and protein--no candy, baked goods, or coffee.

    I have been getting ready to return to school in less than 3 weeks and I have noticed it is easy for me to overlook journaling which is both motivating and enlightening for me. I guess I need to actually write it into my daily schedule.

    In addition, I wonder what is motivating you this week? What is the reason(s) this week/month/in general that you are working on your health? How do you remind yourself of these? What is the benefit, your interpretation, of continuing your journey?

    As I wrote above, I have to get myself ready to handle a very active day teaching while still having the energy and motivation to work at achieving my health goals. Last school year was a challenging one physically and emotionally and undid most of the healthy changes I made the previous 3 years. Being able to manage my job and personal life is the biggest reason I am working on my health. It is even more important now after the injuries I sustained at work this last year, especially my knee. The extra weight I carry is putting so much stress on my knee that it won't heal properly.

    How do I remind myself? Well, the knee pain reminds me frequently! But I also have been journaling about the efforts I have made in changing my mindset, my eating and my physical activity (with pictures) for close to 4 years now and created a vision board that I update regularly. I also meet briefly with my former Curves Complete coach on a monthly basis and get weighed, measured and review successes and challenges I had. And having this group to provide support and encouragement helps immensely.
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    What is motivating me: to get in better shape so everything stops hurting, i am tired of my back hurting everytime i even walk to the car, i can't bend over to pick up stuff!!!! i need to at least get below 300 lbs right now!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    This week has been very quiet here! I hope everyone is managing the week!!!

    I have been on holidays this week, and made a promise to myself to clean out or declutter one room in my house each week,plus to get outside each day! So far the housework is going but on Monday i got stung by a bee on my foot, so that laid me up a bit and then it rained a lot. Not the nice walking in a sunshower rain the gross heavy clouds careful you will get soaked rain! So i have just been trying to stay active inside the house

    Now off for my day
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Short Term Goals (non-negotiable targets):
    • Be as close to 100 lbs. down by Labor day as possible (aggressive target for August).
    • Begin weight lifting by September.
    • Complete a 5K (run/jog only) in October (thinking of this one).
    • Complete a 100K bike ride in October (thinking of this one).
    • Be overweight (not Obese) by Christmas.

    Longer Term Goals (less fixed, to be changed later):
    • Complete a 10K this winter & Half Marathon next spring.
    • Complete a Spartan Race
    • Be normal weight BMI by March.
    • Complete a Triathlon next fall (thinking of this one).
    • Complete a full Iron Man, then another, then another ... until I qualify for Kona.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    One of the members of my team is being transferred to another department today, so we all chipped in and bought pizza, wings, and soda for an appreciation lunch. I planned what I wanted to eat, and knew ahead of time what calories I had to play with if I wanted to. I ate my planned slice and 4 wings, then wanted a few Funyuns and a breadstick (ended up eating two).

    I pulled out my phone, and had the thought that I didn't need to log the extras; why bother, it will only lower my dinner.

    I did end up logging it, and it slightly lowered my dinner calorie allotment. This makes me question if I've really progressed as far as I would like to believe (mentally). Obviously, I'm not far off the path (or I wouldn't have logged it, or be talking about it here), but the impulse to ignore the extra calories is something that I will have to watch for and be ready to resist.

    So far I've lost what I planned to lose by tracking everything religiously, not allowing any slack (okay, maybe if I eat something less than 20 calories like pickles or something), and in doing so sticking with my planned intake (unless thought is put in ahead of time). I want to continue losing at my planned rate, so I need to keep myself on track.