Introducing Myself

atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
Hi, everyone! My name is Angela and I have been eating clean for about 6 months. I started seeing a Maximized Living Chiropractor and following the nutrition plan in February. I lost 18 lbs in 3 months, but have since then slacked off and have gained back 5 of that. Before I started eating clean I had lost 75 lbs in 2 years by counting calories and exercising. I actually lost most of that weight in the first year and struggled to maintain the loss in the second year. I still would like to lose another 50 lbs. I think eating clean is the way to go, but I struggle because I am not a veggie eater.

In addition to eating clean, the Advanced Plan for Maximized Living requires that you go sugar free and grain free for at least 6 weeks. It recommends avoiding high carb veggies and fruits as well. So no potatoes, corn, or tropical fruit. I did great for about 10 weeks and then slowly slipped backwards. My family is eating clean (at least at home) but they are on the Core plan, which allows whole grains, all veggies and fruits and natural sugars like honey and pure maple syrup. As a family we have lost 65 lbs since February. It just makes it hard for me to stick to no grains and no sugar when they are eating them... I just need to work on my will power!

I am hoping this group will help me stick to the plan! I have very little support and I really need it. I can't wait to get to know all of you!
