Day 3 of August 2-8 challenge

catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
Lesi and I are starting day 3, which is August 4 now.

I am sorry, but so far this challenge has been a big bust for me. Not sure what is going on in my brain right now....I have called in sick today....headache, nausea, etc. I am wondering if I am starting to stress out about my move back to the US in November. I have 99 more days left before I end my job. The temperature got up to 50 C on Thursday....translated that is 122 F !! And this week the humidity has kicked in so it is depressing weather!! I feel a mess. Sorry to vent, I am not usually this way.

The rest of you keep up the great work. I have to sort some stuff out in my head to see what the heck is bothering me. Maybe I need to sit myself down and find some 'clarity' in my plans for moving back home.

Ok, well this is a depressing post! Thanks for letting me sound off!



  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Nancy, please don't feel you need to apologize for ranting or venting. We all do it. That's what we are here for. To help each other. Hope you feel better soon. I definitely understand the headache, nausea... I was that way Sunday. Thank goodness I was home when I felt like that. Maybe instead of sorting out the stuff in your head... write it down. Get it out, purge it. I find that helps me so much. Might help with the clarity to have some stuff written out.

    Monday worked out well for me. So far today, although early morning, going good. Also spoke with a PT about paying for a program to help get me started.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I slept much better than last night, and watching that Mindfulness video actually helped me a lot, despite the lack of new content from what I was expecting. I've never been able to meditate before. Either my brain was on overdrive and wouldn't slow down for me to clear it or I'd flat out fall asleep. I did the super short meditation for the program yesterday twice. It was nice.

    I'm still not sure exactly what I'm doing. I think I need to reread my goals from yesterday, because I'm sleepy enough that I can't remember them all... I'm actually doing okay.

    I'm playing with intentionally not eating after dinner - no dessert most of the time - and only if it's in the same time window as dinner. Working to combat my insulin resistance responses, and have stumbled upon some new research lately about meal timing and different things, so just playing around with it all.

    And HA! I hadn't even realized, but with dropping the Splenda, I haven't had a single episode of full on post-food sleepies. I've gotten sluggish or tired, but not narced out... So readjusting...again.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Great job Carly. I never got the email on mildfulness. Do you happen to have the link again?? I can't find it. UGH! I had some almonds after dinner last night, I wanted some chocolate and have the Great Value cocoa roasted almonds. Kills the urge for chocolate for me. But, am working to not eat after 7pm... just trying. Not setting as a goal, just something I'm being mindful of.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Thanks Nancy. I can't remember which email I used to sign up. UGH. I know. I'm losing it.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    The email went to a weird folder in my gmail, so I had to look for it. I just sent you details on it, and my email address. If you can't find it, shoot me your email address and I'll forward the email to you. The first video is short (10 minutes), and I'm struggling with follow up on my own because the plan isn't set out well, and I've downloaded three meditation apps it recommended, but I've not been able to play with then much, due life and all...