Scale Not Budging...



  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited August 2015
    heidimmto wrote: »
    I'm having the same problem. I really don't know what to do to start losing again. I've already lost 72 pounds doing Keto, but the scale hasn't budged for a while now. The only main difference now that I got back to my country is that I don't consume as much fat as I did when I was in the US and began this WOE. I keep doing up/down the same 2 pounds for months now. Losing hair like crazy, too. I am making a more conscious effort to make sure i get my proteins in. As Dr Phinney said, we need to allow our body the opportunity to burn its own fat stores, and than cannot be achieved with excess dietary fat. That's one of the reasons I diminish my fat intake, sometimes not even reaching my supposed 100 grms a day. Am I wrong? Am I sabotaging myself?. I still want to lose like 30 more pounds. My SW was 242 and I am 170 now, 5'0, lighty active (teacher, little exercise). Help me understand please.

    Did the hair loss start with the fat cutting? Will adding it stop the hair loss? I think I'd experiment with that if I were you. Everytime I stop losing I up my fats or fat fast! It always jumpstarts me (tho I hate fat fasts!) that's if I'm being consistent with cutting carbs. I recently came off an illness I was hopitalized for and tho I ate carbs I didn't gain but I had a loooong stall. It's only been about three weeks back in hardcore (10c/25p/65f). I never worry about eating too much fat. I just eat till I'm satisfied and fat is very satiating to me.