Day 6 of Aug 2-8 7 day challenge

carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
Morning everyone!!! Evening Lise and Nancy!!!

I slept a whole 5 hours last night straight. Yeah for me. I feel like someone shot me and missed...with a sleeping dart. I wish they'd hit me soon.. This slept deprivation is hurting at this point. I'm manic, I know I need the sleep, I know sooner or later I'm going to crash, but I can limit the crash some by giving my body what it needs to function. I layed down last night and feel asleep till about 330 this morning. UGH. Tossed and turned the remaining time. I did go to my friend's house last night and burn off some energy helping her clean.

So my goals for this week went bust yesterday. I ate 1/2 a pound of M&Ms. Dear God. I owned it, tracked it and am moving on from it. I vow today will be a MUCH BETTER day. What's bad, I don't even like M&Ms like that. ARGH......


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Cari, I love how far you've come in forgiving yourself, accepting/owning it, and moving on.... I remember not so long ago that it was much harder for you to do that. Progress/NSV!!!

    For me, I downloaded an audio book from my library yesterday (I think anything using the app/site OverDrive should be able to access it somewhere). I think the title is "Change Anything." It talked about the Willpower Trap and how we blame it all (obesity, inability to make diets work, personal failures, etc.) on not having the willpower, when that can be something some are born with, but being taught coping strategies and workarounds can actually increase a non-strong-"willed" person to have incredible "willpower."

    I printed some worksheets to work through this weekend, because there are some definite areas I want to change and improve in my personal and professional life! I will try to check back in on this on Monday...

    Also, realizing how far I've come by doing some calculations for someone else as comparative on cholesterol makes me realizes how much progress I've made to 2009. My worst heart disease risk factor numbers were in the WAY TOO HIGH range, and have been reduced by 260% to just above ideal range now. Pretty cool when I think about it.

    I slept like absolute crap last night or something. OH wanted to go to bed early 8:30 pm (and I needed it), but then we both woke up around 11 pm (him dunno why, me to pee), and ended up in some seriously deep relationship and interpersonal conversations that wrapped up just before 3 am, and I get up 5:30 am - 6:00 am each day (5 am meds, 6 am out of bed usually. at 5 am I was coherent, at 6 am I was groggy and all kinds of hot mess!).... So definitely sleeping in at some point this weekend.

    Looking forward to my weekend. I have some plans to deep clean (plan comes often, execution is lacking) and some other stuff, so send good thoughts my way, and Cari - I'll send mental sleeping pills your way! (hugs)
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'll send my manic self your way. I clean everything when I'm like this. I plan on doing my room, my storage unit, my car all this weekend. All need some definite TLC. Hopefully after being in the heat whichever day I do the storage unit, I'll sleep like a newborn with a full belly. Thanks sweetie.