It makes you just a little "ragey" when you hear...

- People say that I'm going to have a heart attack eating like this (even though I'm dropping lbs and inches)
- People say that they're working towards a healthy lifestyle and then they bring out the low-fat high-carb options
- the resident diabetic in the office go on and on and about how she's been struggling with her weight despite eating healthy (even though I have casually counted 2 bags of chips, 3 chocolate bars and 3 meals of "oh I know I shouldn't because this will sky-rocket my blood sugar but oh well..." this week)
- that too much fat will make me gain weight and that the body needs to eat grains.... (despite the fact I've have shown them that the nutritional label on livestock feed for bulking has almost the same content as their beloved bread/muesli... not that the grain/carb stuff is fattening or anything right?)

What about you?


  • CSO50364
    CSO50364 Posts: 21 Member
    I know, people just run off at the mouth and all they are doing is repeating stuff that has been handed to them. It's all fear based. Have they ever considered that that might not be the truth of who they are? Wow, I need to stop here 'cause this could turn into a big philosophical discussion. Yup, sometimes I want to react and give the bs right back to them. This food revolution is similar to having a political or religious discussion on who or what is best. Geez!

    On another note, I had my first keto day yesterday and this morning I feel really good!
  • flatlandrunner
    flatlandrunner Posts: 54 Member
    Ha!! Yes! I find that people cannot or more likely do not want to hear that your overeat bc your body/hormones are fattening you up rather than your overeating making you fat.

    That's awesome though; congrats and many more good days to come!
  • tracy0919
    tracy0919 Posts: 46 Member
    - Aren't you going to eat that?
    - She doesn't want to go out to eat there because she is on a "special diet". <eye roll>
    - If that is all your going to have, why did we bother to go out to eat??
    - You know, most people who lose a lot of weight gain it back like, a year later.
    - You eat that and you are trying to eat healthy?

    Love this though:
    - Wow! You can have that and still lose weight?
    - How are you doing it??
    - Do you want to go on a bike ride? I see how much you are walking these days. (work friend :smile: )
  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    "All that fat can't be good for you. Don't you know it leads to heart attacks?"
    "Your brain NEEDS carbs to function!"

    To the first one, no, no fat does NOT lead to heart attacks. I always refer people to the book "Keto Clarity." It's full of good info if they take the time to read it. And it's short, so no excuses!

    To the second one, no, the brain needs GLUCOSE, not carbs. The brain can get all the glucose it needs from fats and proteins that get broken down in the process of gluconeogenesis. Even some health professionals spout out "Your brain needs 130g of carbs a day to function," when the data they're citing clearly states that it's grams of glucose, and that carbs are not technically a requirement for the body. Like other people have said, some folks just spout out what they've been told without doing the research.
  • CSO50364
    CSO50364 Posts: 21 Member
    I want to give everyone a "thumbs up", but I don't see an option for that.
    We must continue to have compassion for the unenlightened ones, Ha! Ha!.... Do I really have to?
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    LOLOL CSO thats funny but yes i continue to "preach" this woe to my co workers- but only when i hear them complaining on how they cant loss weight- always feel bloated etc.... cut out the carbs!!!
  • flatlandrunner
    flatlandrunner Posts: 54 Member
    oh my yes!! Your brain needs carbs the same way my liver needs a job so I still enjoy a drink every now and again. *eyeroll* The part that makes me uber exasperated is when you give a list of resources to read and suddenly the person who had all the time in the world to be "Captain Carb" is too busy or illiterate to look at some data...
  • RedDragonSpirit
    RedDragonSpirit Posts: 3 Member
    I just made a post on another question asked in a general forum to a smug "know it all" carb preacher about how they got their numbers under control by getting rid of carbs and now they can start adding them back in again. It really confuses me when people say things like that. I mean - your body responded positively when you lowered your carb intake but now you want to add them back in? Why? Just confuses me!
  • CSO50364
    CSO50364 Posts: 21 Member
    I think, I've gotten good at dropping a subject when I know the info that I just shared fell on deaf ears. All we can do is plant a seed and then give them time to chew on it for awhile. Sometimes people are holding on to too much junk to hear an "alternate" way. On old way of thinking may be a whole lot safer than a new scary idea that requires them to drop the beliefs that they know so dear. After all, what they know to be true has been handed down for generations, it must be true. Be patient, the way of being is changing and people are starting to wake-up.
    I know for me, It took several months to work-out the idea of going keto and now I'm ok with it.
    I know how it is to be excited about something. I want to share it with everyone, because I want everyone to be as happy as I am.
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    I get really irritated when friends say "you lost so much weight, you deserve a piece of whatever they are eating". It's usually cake, cookies, burgers or pasta and they know I watch my carbs.

    I've given up on trying to convert since I was once one of those people who never ate salads and couldn't live without carbs in my diet. I see now, if they want to loose the weight bad enough they will would try a low carb diet for one day. I just tune them out when they complain about their diet.