looking for friends to help me lose stay otivated

Hi everyone. My name is Maree. Im now at home full time...a domestic engineer. Im married with two grown boys. Im looking for friends that can keep me motivated. I have a health issue that affects my myscles and underactive thyroid. I know i can lose weight as i did it lastyear with a friend at weight watchers. I had a op in january and put on 8 kilos. I cant really afford to do weight watchers again. I really need yo get tjis weihht off. I eat glutenfree.


  • cowdrayslimmer
    cowdrayslimmer Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also gluten free and feeling desperate to get off extra weight too as hard as I try I keep putting weight on so having a buddy might help me. I have three grown up boys and still work full time in a fairly demanding job and mealtimes often get erratic which probably doesn't help and I love cooking and usually cook everything fresh
    I hop that we might motivate each other and see what tips we can share ?
    Lesley h73kai2lg4q1.jpg