Tempted to eat. SO tempted.

So, me and my friends went out yesterday. We had gone to dinner and then were going to a club. So we were dressed up. And looked good. So I thought. I mean yes, I am overweight. Yes I need to loose weight. And all the other good stuff. But as we were walking, a guy from within a cab yelled out, "You think you are semi hot, but you're not!" Ugh. That proceeded to ruin my night very well. Things just went downhill after that. Including this morning, where I got in a fight with my family.

I am so tempted to eat away. I have to be at work in an hour or so. They have a lot of food there. It's not like I can go take a walk while I'm at work...

How do I get my mind off food today? Help.


  • iona_ellen
    iona_ellen Posts: 138 Member
    Im sure you did look good lovely!! Some guys are just ignorant *beeps* (probably was hot...not himself)!! Im not sure what job you do whether its office etc?
    Can you read magazines/do apps in the breaks or take chewing gum?
  • iona_ellen
    iona_ellen Posts: 138 Member
    iona_ellen wrote: »
    Im sure you did look good lovely!! Some guys are just ignorant *beeps* (probably was hot...not himself)!! Im not sure what job you do whether its office etc?
    Can you read magazines/do apps in the breaks or take chewing gum?

    Sorry thats not the most helpful lol x
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    Try your very best to put hurtful remarks into perspective. ANYONE who has the need to insult someone based on looks alone has a serious problem. How pathetic do you have to be to get your "thrills" by insulting someone. Seriously, think about it...... Forgive them and forget them. Don't let their insecurity bring you down!!! Their life is probably completely unfulfilling in every way. Personally, I pray for them and pity them. When this happens to me ( mostly from family), I just remember they really don't know me, or don't want to know me and their opinion means nothing to me. Sure, it will cause me to cry (in private) but I would never let it defeat me. Remember how important your goals are, write them down , put inspirational quotes and pic up at work if possible. Hang in there!!!!
  • eshanimongia5
    eshanimongia5 Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you! I did keep iced water with me...and had mints at all times. I did slip and have some cookies..but not as bad as I was expecting I guess. I do work at an office. So kind of hard to walk away.

    Thank you both! <3. I appreciate it. And that's a great idea..I should write my goals down and put up pictures!
  • walrusd
    walrusd Posts: 40 Member
    Such a good way to handle it! Congrats!
  • starbean
    starbean Posts: 30 Member
    That's so awful. It's a power thing for *kitten* guys (who have issues themselves) to make themselves feel mighty by belittling women.
  • FinntheVeggie
    FinntheVeggie Posts: 74 Member
    Good for you, rising above those rude idiots and doing what's best for you :)
  • RoadtotheRAN
    RoadtotheRAN Posts: 55 Member
    I also do office work and it can be hard to slip away for a few minutes. My boss has always said if you need a few minutes go take a walk and come back to your desk and I do this a few times a day. My theory is if people can have a smoke break we can take a walk break :)

    As for the guy, just ignore him, most of us are works in progress and you are working on yourself and that's the main thing. Don't let one persons opinion drive you into a spiral, they are not worth, especially not some stranger!
  • Sherryfood95
    Sherryfood95 Posts: 58 Member
    Similar situation many years ago while in college. Then I went on to be a triathlete so have aged well, and many others have not. I'm sure you looked great, you are just not his type. Know that things can change in a minute. I am certain everyone has their time, aren't you glad your's isn't in the past.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Put idiots down, don't carry them around. It takes practice, of course. But he's obviously such a pitiful creature (and nobody significant to your life), that pity might be your best avenue to just let it go. What an empty, angry life he must lead!
  • sucra777
    sucra777 Posts: 1 Member
    When we truly understand ourselves, we get a better understanding of others.
    A boy’s night out is simply that...
    Learn to take them with a pinch of salt and not take them to heart. Doing so supplies you with reasons to take it out on your body and blame food...
    I myself worked as a chef for years giving me so many excuses and opportunity to binge. 300lbs later I asked myself why!
    The answer was simple.
    Food should be used for nutritional purposes only. Not for emotional or any other incentive (comfort food).
    Yes you can get pleasure out of food, but we should base this on nourishment to our being. Eating the best things we can for this gift called our bodies.
    My Fitness Pal gives you the entire tools you need to get this done.
  • lorisahler
    lorisahler Posts: 1 Member
  • Melgibbs
    Melgibbs Posts: 26 Member
    Keep reminded yourself why you want this. Sure it's so easy to eat but once we eat, then we are met with guilt, shame, sadness, and we lose motivation. Maybe instead of eating because you need that comfort do some exercises. Even if you're at work, do some calf raises, or walk around. I'm a therapist and sometimes after a session if it was hard or frustrating I will do a lap around the inside of our building because my first thought is I have $.75 for that snickers in the vending machine. That snickers is not going to make me feel better only worse. It's hard to fight the temptations. Food has power over us when we should have power over food. Maybe do a mini detox and rid the body of the crap left over from this crappy foods we eat. Maybe keep some nuts around so if you are wanting that snickers you eat an almond or two. Hang in there. Feel free to add me, I'm always looking for more people for motivation and accountability.