Eat Any Calories Back

Hi All,

Happy Sunday!

So I am about 2 weeks in to eating keto and am wondering for those who exercise while on keto, do you eat any of your calories back? Or are you going by the keto calculators where you input your average daily activity so you don't have to fuss about calculating what to eat back?

For those who are eating calories back from a calculation, what's the formula you're using?

(I'm training for a half marathon and this will be my first time training keto and don't want to be too far under for my needs to be able to run and enjoy it)

Thanks and have a good one!



  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    edited August 2015
    When I used the keto calculator, I accounted for my activity level, so I don't enter any of my exercise into MFP anymore. It just got too confusing. The calculators add more calories to your total, so if you keep to those values, and are true to the activity level you indicated, you should be good!
  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    Besides, I've noticed that the caloric burn that MFP usually estimates is generally off. It seems to overestimate how many calories burned. I compared the results a few times, looking at what the elliptical or treadmill at the gym told me vs MFP. Since the gym's machines take into account heart rate, weight, age, etc, I'm thinking they're more accurate.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Depends. Sometimes I eat a little extra if I'm hungry, but usually do not.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    If you're at a drastic deficit, I would eat back calories, at least part, depending on how you calculate them. HRM would be the best for a legit calculation. But, since you're training for a half-marathon, I would probably drop a deficit, eat at maintenance, and follow your hunger, making sure you're hitting your protein macro solidly... Depending on how soon your half-marathon is, you may have to carb cycle if you don't have time to fully keto adapt before your event, because it will affect your performance. But you will get the optimum performance ONCE you are keto adapted, because you won't have the carb-related fatigue many runners get....