Cross training?

What are all of you doing in addition to c25k, if anything? I'd really like to work out 6 days per week for a full 60 minutes, but I don't want to overdo it and injury myself either. Thoughts?


  • Jamerz888
    Jamerz888 Posts: 92 Member
    I do 6 days a week but I don't go crazy!! I do cardio all 6 days, then each day I do a different target zone! Like arms and chest one day... Legs the next... And abs the next etc! I have a schedule I follow. 30 min cardio and 30 min whatever else:
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    edited August 2015
    I am currently just doing C25K, as I didn't want to overdo it just starting out. I think after finishing the 1st week and now onto the 2nd week, and seeing that I am feeling good, I think I may be able to add something on the off days.

    @Jamerz888. What are you using to exercise your target zones? DVD's, youtube videos? If you are using something, could you share your favorite(s), if you have any?

  • Jamerz888
    Jamerz888 Posts: 92 Member
    cycletrak1 wrote: »
    I am currently just doing C25K, as I didn't want to overdo it just starting out. I think after finishing the 1st week and now onto the 2nd week, and seeing that I am feeling good, I think I may be able to add something on the off days.

    @Jamerz888. What are you using to exercise your target zones? DVD's, youtube videos? If you are using something, could you share your favorite(s), if you have any?


    Well @cycletrak1 I am doing it at home with videos. I also have a couple apps I use such as pumpup, 30 day challenges, full body workout. You can click on what you want to work out and it has a workout for you to do. I use a resistance band and 2lbs weights for now. I do variations of crunches, planks, push-ups, Pilates is wonderful' for the videos I use YouTube mostly.