Ready to reset does this look right??



  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    OK, I was not using that spreadsheet. Thank you for the info! I'm not going to lie, this is so overwhelming. I feel like I have information overload. If I go according to the spreadsheet and if I put my numbers right, it gives me a TDEE of 1943. See below:


    If I do not go over my cals too much over the weekend, I should be averaging 2045 this week. Weight is stable at 124 with minor fluctuations.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Well, that's the first spreadsheet actually - it's the 2nd one that say "Just TDEE Please".

    But, you might like the Progress tab and BodyFat Calc in the one you got though. And it uses the BF% to get better BMR estimate. So that can make a difference too.

    Most the info was your own stats though, right?
    That's always good to have, measurements. Only thing extra was daily activity calc, and your workouts not too bad it appears to estimate with 5 per week.

    You do have a 45 hr week standing job or minor movement type job, or at least referring to on your feet most the day with kids and house work?
    If kids and then Sat & Sun count too - that's good estimate.

    Then that is indeed good TDEE estimate, and notice that your activity factor is indeed 1.56, compared to the TDEE charts Moderate which is 1.55.
    Sometimes a person does hit the average the TDEE level is based on. But your activity level may indeed change if you change workouts enough.
    And if weight drops while LBM stays the same, TDEE won't drop that much actually.

    And indeed then - TDEE almost 2000 right now - I'd call it that.

    Keep track on the Progress tab of measurements and weight. Always good to see movement there. Monthly perhaps, or biweekly at most.
    Use the far right on Progress tab after reset to track TDEE based on actual monthly results. Just need accurate food logging.
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks Heybales, I will look at the other tab. I took measurements and I am waiting a bit to retake them. I do not have a standing job. I sit at a desk from 9-5:30, I do have kids but they are older and don't require me to run after them. We do some activities on the weekend but we're pretty laid back, so no crazy sport schedules to keep up with.

    I will continue to eat 2000. I have to say yesterday was a tough day. My weight was up to 126.4 (now 126) and I had to keep reminding myself to look at the big picture. I kinda expected to see an increase in weight but I thought part of increasing cal an eating at maintenance was not to continuously be bouncing the same 2lbs.

    Anyway, I did have a really fun weekend. I went to a craft beer festival with unlimited tasting. Needless to say I ate and drank a lot but I don't regret it. I estimated that I ate around 2900 but I had saved some calories from Friday in anticipation and also made up the workout I missed during the week on Saturday. I ran 5 miles which gave me an extra 700 cals. I averaged 2050ish for the week. I'm up 4lbs since starting. Maybe beer and crab cake sandwiches and pizza have something to do with that :/

    I'll continue updating. If I see my weight go to 128 Monday, I think I'm going down to 1900 cals. What do you think?

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, so my comments about the 45 hrs is because I notice you filled in 45 hrs weekly of service trade type job in the activity calc.

    But that doesn't apply then, so you need to remove that, and you'll have a better TDEE estimate.
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    edited August 2015
    Ok! Back to plugging numbers! So I deleted the 45 from that first spreadsheet and according to my 3x week of bootcamp (about 45-50 mins) and 2x weight lifting (60 mins ) I get a TDEE of 1793.
    If I go to the just TDEE please spread sheet I get 1915. Why are the numbers so different?

    So weight is back down to 124.3. Sticking with 2000 cals for now.

    Thank you again Heybales, you are a saint!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Did you remove the check mark in the options for daily activity so that it was set to sedentary?
    The top checkmark is basically Lightly Active, so the same as a standing/slow moving job, around the same as 45 hrs you had in the first spreadsheet. Since sedentary, you want no checkmarks.

    Then the difference is because the big spreadsheet uses BF% to get a more accurate BMR, but Just TDEE please uses Mifflin like MFP and Fitbit do.
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    New week, new numbers. So this is what I have so far:

    Week 1 1350cals 122.00 lbs
    Week 2 1734cals 122.3
    Week 3 2030cals 124.3
    Week 4 2044cals 124.5

    I estimated a lot over the weekend so the numbers might be a little off. Also, I'm recording my Friday weight which I think it's the most accurate because water weight has gone down by then. I'm always up 2lbs on Mondays .I'm 126.8 today but I know some of that is water.
    I'm trying to eat 2000cals but it is hard on the weekends. Thinking I should save a few cals during the week to balance it out. My body is already used to eating all this food and it is not hard for me to go over. I haven't taken my measurements again but I feel a little fluffier. I do enjoy the extra energy during workouts, eating more makes a difference.
    The trend seems to be going up slowly. Should I continue to eat 2000-2050? Is it too early to know if this is maintenance or not?
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Very much too early. You need to consistently eat at a range for at least a month. As you have stepped up and the numbers went up quickly versus slowly, it's water weight not weight gain.
  • LastingChanges
    LastingChanges Posts: 390 Member
    I started gaining weight while trying to eat more and got scared and cut back my calories. I also felt that surge of energy like you did that helped my work outs a lot, I am considering trying it again but scared to gain any more weight. Anyway, I would like to follow your progress. Please keep us updated :)
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thank you mymodernbabylon that is what I thought, that there's not enough time to know yet. I'm in no rush to cut but I do have a big event in late October which is the only thing making me freakout a bit about putting on weight. I can hear that little voice telling me to eat less but I've been trying to shut it down.

    heretoorwin I'll continue to update every week. It took me a long time to come to this decision. I've been a member for a while but never had the guts to do it. Now I feel like I wasted so much time eating low cals and busting my butt at the gym and still seeing very little progress. Even if I gain a few pounds ( which I can lose) the fact that I get to eat more than 1300 cals is so worth it.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    The way I see it is that a small gain (and by that I mean under 20 lbs) is worth it in the long run so that I can eat more food. I lost 20 lb in less than a year with a very small cut. I was eating more than I ever have while losing weight. And now I can maintain on more than I ever thought I could. Nothing you do here is irreversible and will only lead to good things. Weight gain is not the end of our worlds - it sucks, I know, but doesn't mean that you aren't an amazing person or won't be able to lose it eventually, but in a much healthier and happier manner!
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement mymodernbabylon. It is just a mental struggle. I have good and bad days, but I'm still haven't throwing in the towel.

    Week 1 1350cals 122.00 lbs
    Week 2 1734cals 122.3
    Week 3 2030cals 124.3
    Week 4 2044cals 124.5
    Week 5 2000cals 126.0

    I'm currently fluctuating between 125.5-126.8. Non workout days burning 1600-1750 (with the exceptions of a few days when I burned around 1450) then on workout days anywhere from 2000-2250. Should I stay put at 2000? Any input is appreciated!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    wannabf1t wrote: »
    Thank you for the encouragement mymodernbabylon. It is just a mental struggle. I have good and bad days, but I'm still haven't throwing in the towel.

    Week 1 1350cals 122.00 lbs
    Week 2 1734cals 122.3
    Week 3 2030cals 124.3
    Week 4 2044cals 124.5
    Week 5 2000cals 126.0

    I'm currently fluctuating between 125.5-126.8. Non workout days burning 1600-1750 (with the exceptions of a few days when I burned around 1450) then on workout days anywhere from 2000-2250. Should I stay put at 2000? Any input is appreciated!

    What's the average week added together divided by 7?

    That number.
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thank Heybales!

    Week 1 1350cals 122.00 lbs/1930 av. cals burned
    Week 2 1734cals 122.3 / 1977
    Week 3 2030cals 124.3 /1959
    Week 4 2044cals 124.5 /1862
    Week 5 2000cals 126.0 / 2046

    These are the numbers I came up with but it was my understanding that HRM understimate/overstimate for weight lifting. Weeks 3-4 I didn't wear my it for that reason (twice each of those weeks). If I go by these numbers it looks like my TDEE is somewhere in the 1900's, which is close to what the Just my TDEE spreadsheet gave me.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    HRM would inflate for good lifting workout.

    But that doesn't mean the activity isn't worth estimating, because one tool is not best to be used.

    Rest of the daily activity is estimated by....?

    As long as on high side clearly for a bit of time, before taking deficit.

    Sounds about right then if that's valid weeklyburn, which for weeks missing any extra calories for lifting - isn't.
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    I'm using an sports watch that also estimates my daily activity and gives me cals burned. For weight lifting the HRM gives me about 350-400 but I'm confused as to how it incorporates that in my total amount burned. I need to research on that. I'm thinking my real TDEE is somewhere between 1850- 2000 (the later probably being over TDEE). I'm still eating 2000cals weight is holding steady for the last couple of days.
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member

    Week 6: 2000cals /1872 cals burned/weight 125. I have gained 3lbs since starting the reset. I believe maintenance is less than 2000. I also redid my TDEE sheets because I have changed my workout plan. I'm dropping cardio completely and replacing it with strength training (4xweek). With this new info my TDEE has changed to 1645-1785. I think I'm closer to 1800's maybe 1900. My plan has shifted a little and I plan to continue eating 2000 and slowly bulk, ideally until April and then cut my cals. Any feedback is appreciated it.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    That's an appropriate bulk surplus. Are you down at healthy weight first though?
    Sounds like almost 1 lb gained every 2 weeks, hopefully small part of that is fat.

    Because with extra fat, the positive effects of insulin sending protein to the muscles doesn't happen that well.

    So just confirming the bulk is at reasonable weight and BF%. Otherwise a recomp would be more recommended so no extra fat is gained.
  • wannabf1t
    wannabf1t Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you for responding Heybales, you are always so helpful.
    I'm not 100% sure of my bf % but someone in a different forum estimated it to be around 25%. It was also said that it was ok to bulk but reading here today I came across someone who said 25% is not a good place to start bulking so I'm now second guessing my decision. What do you think?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I think most tables I've seen put 25% BF at top of athletic level, so there may be room for recomp before you begin a bulk - besides letting you nail the maintenance level even more - and see what lifting is like at that point, and get down to 21-22% BF.

    It's just nice that if you do the bulk, it doesn't send your BF% much above top of level you want to be in.
    Like at that point might view 5 lbs as 5-7 weeks of diet to lose it again. Not bad at all.

    But if powerlifting is goal, then BF% above athletic level (which is usually below powerlifting level) doesn't matter, because you got room for growth.